How much should a ten year old weigh?

My 10 year old is 110 but hes a big boy

My 11 year old is 5’6 and 120

My 10 year old son is 4’8 and 105 pounds :relaxed:

Not at all mine is 93 pounds he is 8 Dr doesn’t seem worried about his weight

That sounds fine to me. All mine were about the same at 10

My 9 yo boy weighs 65 and he is skin and bones. My 7 to boy weighs 58. So I think 70s at 10 is pretty normal.

Mine weighs 70 pounds. And he’s little like his momma!

Don’t go by bmi for kids those charts don’t take into consideration their natural build. I’ve been told my eldest was classed as over weight since he was 5 and there was nothing on him but he was taller than other kids so weighed more. Now he’s 9 he’s a bit chunked but so was I as a kid and now I’m not. You know if your kid needs to cut down on stuff nobody else. If you don’t think so then don’t worry about the weight and don’t make an issue about it in front of them or you create other problems and insecurities

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Depends on height and build

My almost 8 year old is 67 lbs and my 10 year old nephew is 115

My 11 year old son is 130 at 5’1. His doctor has me monitoring his food intake and we walk in the evenings when it cools down. His doctor isn’t too concerned and I’m not making a big deal about it. Lots of growth spurts this age.

My 10 year old is 90lbs. Short for his age and not an ounce of spare fat on him!

Misty she is 5’9 and now about 105

my 7 half yr old is 30 kg