How much time is too much time talking to friends?

Join in with the fun! Why sit back and watch?!


I would be on it with himā€¦lol

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Sounds like a teenager boy and not a man


Thatā€™s a boyā€¦not a Man!


I mean, have you tried talking to him about it?? Are you comfortable and ohkay with this ā€œbehaviourā€? Do you want to continue going through this??
Itā€™s been how long since yall have been together? Is this how itā€™s always been?
So many questions, so few details

NO, heā€™s your roommate, not your boyfriend!


At least heā€™s doing other things then just playing video games :rofl: mine is always only on his computer talking to the guys.

I hate to be that person, but it could be worse? :woman_shrugging:t2: at least heā€™s home and safe, imo! Maybe talk to him about how it makes you feel and ask him if he can devote a full day/night dedicated to just you every week. It may not seem like much but itā€™d be something to look forward to every week!

Maybe through the other days, find a hobby for yourself?? Donā€™t put so much effort and energy into stressing about what heā€™s doing and spend time doing what YOU enjoy! Animal crossing is a great time consumer :sweat_smile: crochet/knitting is also way easier than it seems.

It sucks, but always remember at least heā€™s home and not out with those friends every single night! (This is just my own opinion and i know others may not agree, and thatā€™s okayā˜ŗļø)

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Its anoying wen ur man put most of his time into a game but it be more anoying if he be gone w his friend all time , but try get him to at last put off 1 day to u guys to bond

Very inconsiderate person!!

Obviously amhe is addicted you can confront him about it or get good at that game and kick his butt

At least heā€™s coming home to you. Could be worse. Lots of people play video games

It could alderman be partly Covid if itā€™s worse than in the past? Maybe heā€™s lonely and misses his guy time. But on the other hand seems like a lot? And would be annoying , have you tried talking about it to him?

Welcome to my life! Now I play games with him!! I learned quickly when you marry a gamer you either join them or deal with it!! Thereā€™s some days he plays and I just sit next to him and watch :woman_shrugging: its become my TV! Lol Iā€™m so used to going to bed listening to either gunfire or zombies (my husband plays COD all the time lol)

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That is a bit excessive

Sounds like a dream come true.


I can guarantee if you try ultimatums heā€™s going to pick his friends and that console doll :joy::joy: accept him for the nerd he is or respectfully end things and just look for someone who wants to do the same things. Itā€™s that simple really

For a teenage boy yesā€¦ Not a grown manā€¦ Time to either accept or walk away, he wonā€™t changeā€¦