How much weight did you gain while pregnant?

How much weight did you gain at 22 weeks? I’ve only gained 2 pounds so far and my dr was saying I’m suppose to have gained 7 pounds by now. Not sure if to be worried or what? Baby is fine, I eat good not so much but I am eating?


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Weight gain for you shouldn’t matter as long as baby/stomach is growing on rate at each appointment. My last 2 pregnancies I only gained 10 pounds but my dr was never worried because my belly was growing on the correct scale/size.

I lost 15 pounds my last pregnancy. I started eating healthy and walking lots. I had lots to give baby so it was ok for both of us. I asked my doctor. I was 180 and ended up 163. And I ate like a horse, just the proper food. Had the most amazing and healthy baby, right on time and weighing just over 7 pounds.

I lost weight as baby grew with my last pregnancy so my weight stayed almost the same right the way through. I was 1kg lighter when I went into labour than I was when I found out I was pregnant (and bub was a healthy 7lb2oz)

I was plus size when. I was pregnant but doctor told me had to gain atleast 25 lbs

I’m currently 22 weeks and so far I’ve gained 15 lbs

I lost 15lbs when pregnant with my first. Dr was never concerned and I have a healthy and happy 6yo

Never really paid attention to it.

By 22 weeks not a whole lot. It wasn’t until I was 32w that I feel like started to even show. And I only gained 15lbs and lost a few pounds once I was 38w and I had him at 41w. My first pregnancy. Now I’ve had 6 living and 2 angels by this point and the only pregnancy I gained with was my 4th so when my 5th came and I lost over 35lbs with her besides feeling awful because i was super sick all pregnancy with stuff like strep throat and bronchitis it felt nice to loss that weight.

My first pregnancy I had actually lost weight and just barely got to my original weight by then. This second pregnancy I think I gained close to 30 lbs by that time :sweat_smile:

With my 2nd daughter I gained 8 pounds she was a healthy 6lb 11oz baby at 39 weeks. My 1st I gained 24lbs she was 9lbs 2oz and healthy

I never gained anything with my daughter till 35 weeks only gain 5 pounds she was born at 36 weeks
She was almost 7 pounds
With my son I gain 30 pounds he was born 35 weeks 5 pounds 9oz… All pregnancies are going to be different

25 with both pregnancies. One was 8.6 and the other was 7.9… don’t worry too much

I was pregnant with twins and only gained 9# babies weighed 3lb 13oz and 4lb 9oz so that’s 8lb 6oz.

22lbs throughout the entire pregnancy