How much weight should baby gain it's first month?

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All pregnancy are different. You should ask you doctor with your height how much you should gain thru out the pregnancy. Most gain most of the weight at the end.
Don’t starve yourself so you won’t gain weight. Good luck and congrats

How much should the baby weigh after it’s born? Mine gained two pounds the first month. The pound he lost after birth plus one! Both doctors he saw said that he was growing good!

As long as baby isn’t losing weight it really isn’t a big deal if you’re really curious just ask your pediatrician

What kinda question is this? No baby weighs the same amount at birth or at a month old. My first kid was double the weight then my second kid.

Depends. Each baby is different… my boys first lost some weight then gained some… they started life around 7lbs and by the time they were one… they were 20lbs… my daughter… was 7lbs when she was born ans she’s one this month and is 14.5 lbs. None of this was unusual…

Double by 6 months…triple by a year.