How much would you pay a 14 year old to babysit?

How much is fair to pay a 14 year old per hour to babysit for a few hours on a Saturday night?


We pay our 13yr old cousin $10/hr.

When i babysat that age - I got $10 an hour.

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Depends on how many kids and duties…


How many kids? Ages of the kids?


Until 16… about 10 a hour. But 16 or older with a drivers license should be compensated much more.

Minimum wage. More of they does extra housework or anything. Maybe an extra couple dollars an hour depending on how many kids.

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How many kiddos and what ages? Not enough info given. Maybe $10ish an hour but I guess that depends on the above plus where you live.

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my niece babysits for $10 an hour. it goes up $5 more per kid after 2. so if you have 3 kids $15, 4 kids $20… she’s 14 and she’s been babysitting at this rate for a year now.


Start at minimum wage and go up from there.


The same I would pay an adult. How much her rate is that she decides.

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Here in the UK no 14 year old would be baby sitting any of my kids, period


When I was 14 I babysat a 4 year old during the summer & sometimes at night when his mom went out. Back then I charged $20 a day and thought I was rolling in bank :rofl: it depends how many hours. If it’s just every so often I’d say $50 for the night


Babysitting is not an easy job she should be getting paid the same as anybody else would be paid just because she’s 14 don’t make it easier just my opinion

I never got an hourly wage for babysitting :rofl::rofl:
Was $40 a night for two under 4.
I babysat my sister’s kids for free.

Why does her age matter?? If you trust her enough to leave her alone with your kids and she is responsible for your child’s well being, then she should be paid the going rate for child care in your area!


My daughter is 14 and helps me with my preschool class! She’ll be on the schedule during Christmas break…she’s very responsible… there’s not an age in my opinion!! I would pay by the day not necessarily By the hour, but just remember you are Trusting them with your prize, possessions and even mcdonald’s pays $14 an hour here at least so be Courteous regardless of the age!!!

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Depends on how many children and their ages.

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The same you would pay an adult.

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It’s not like a regular gig like childcare but a once every now and then for a couple hours? I’d say (depending on how many kids) like 30 bucks and of course food, drinks and then snacks too.

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My daughter always tell the parents whatever they think is fair. So far all her families have 1 kid each and pay $20/hour

I’d say $40-50 for the night if it’s no more than 4-5 hours

If it’s night time and they are asleep, not very much I’d say $20-30 for the night depending on how many kids!

I have babysat since I was 11 & taken care of babies since I was big enough to walk. I have got $20 a night before. But I would say $40 - $50 per night (or more) - for weekends, because anything else in this economy wouldn’t be enough for her to buy anything that she wants so it would be pointless for her. Teens typically think in terms of instant gratification, so it needs to benefit her as soon as she gets it & she needs to be able to visualize her benefit for it to be worth it & for her to be happy about it & do a very good job. She does not need to get paid as much as an adult doing a full time job. She is a child in training. It should be an extra cash job.


It’s very hard in our state for a 14 year old to get a real job because of labor laws so i don’t think minimum wage really applies. My son is 15 and helps out on farms and stuff. He typically looks at how much he’s making in a day instead of per hour. If he got offered $15 a hour for a 2 hr task, $30. Or If he got offered $50 for a 5 hour task, he’s most likely always going to take the lower hourly rate to make the most. I think for babysitting anything 4 hours or less should be at least $30. I do not think number of kids matters, but younger aged children, the job should pay a little more. Also if the kids are sleeping, it could pay a little less.

I remember getting 25 cents an hour when I was a teen Times sure have changed. I think though 20 an hour is a lot you don’t even get that at a store or fast food place. I am thinking maybe 10-12 an hour


My daughter took a babysitting class and they said $13/hr and $3 more for each kid

I paid $10 an hour 27 years ago for 3 kids . Plus a big tip
And McDonald’s


$8 an hour. More experience gets more $

My daughter who is 15 charges 20 per hour. 3 kids. She does over nights as well. And charges 13-15 per hour in that case.
Minimum wage is what they deserve they are providing a service and It’s OUR KIDS.
You want someone you trust, reliable, great with your kids…


I guess it would depend. Is she driving to your house? How many kids? Are they asleep or awake? It kinda factors into things. Also depends on your area, and your definition of a few hours.

In England you can’t leave a child under 16 alone at home, so why are 14 year olds allowed toʻ do baby sitting for other people’s children???

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In 2016 I got $20 a day for watching 3 kids from 5am-4pm. Aged 2-8. They were my niece and nephews though & my sister was absolutely horrible to me lol we haven’t talked in a few years. I would say about $10-$12 an hr would be good starting pay at 14.

Children should be left with a responsible adult .Too much responsibility for teenager.

Depends on how many kids and ages.

I wouldn’t leave kids with a 14yr old on a Saturday night. If you can afford to go out get someone that’s not a child themselves