How often do you bathe your children?

Every night after tea, he was more settled with bath,supper , story then bed :sleeping_bed: :sleeping::blush:

Daily , cause they play outside foe hrs during the summer.

My 5 month old about twice.
My 4yo gets a bath almost every night - if I’m in pain or super exhausted I might do it the next morning or my guy will. If she leaves the house or go to school, it’s every night.
(Until she was 3, it was about every other day as I was a sahm/student and covid happened and so we never went anywhere)

My 3.5 year old every 2 days or so depending on how dirty he’s gotten

Daily. Sometimes more than once depending on what they get into lol.

5 year old- everyday, twice a day.
Baby- everyday, once a day in the evening.

Every night before bed, again during the day if messy food or messy play

Every other day unless we get too dirty. 15 months

Every other day unless need it in between

Bath is part of daily night time routine. Don’t always use soap, but definitely always a rinse off before bed

Every other day unless they do something were they need a shower again the next day

Every night because he plays outside everyday barefoot and sweats alot because its so hot here. If its a rainy day and we didn’t do anything we might skip it. It also depends on how many times he poops that day because he can have a stinky butt no matter how many wipes I use. :sweat_smile::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Every night is not good for the skin. We do once or twice a week unless he’s earned one meaning sweaty muddy dirty etc we do wash face hands and booty. He’s 4 my 13 yr old takes a shower alot more.

When they were babies, I would do a “wash towel” bath in the AM and a full bath in the PM before bedtime…. When they got older, around 2, full bath in the AM and a full bath at night before bed….

Totally depends on if they’ve been playing outside and are really dirty or have been in the house and can just be wiped off.

Eczema family. Just when they get dirty or ask to.

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I was one of seven children, and we ALL bathed every single night

Every day or every other day depending what we did or if they got sweaty/dirty

And nasty chemical pool water does not count as a bath!:dizzy_face:

If I bathed my kid every single day not only would he have dry skin and not be able to go a day without washing his hair because it would get used to it getting stripped every day, he probably wouldn’t have much of an immune system either. He gets a bath every Sunday and Wednesday unless he has done something dirty that day and is visibly dirty. It’s really not good for the skin or the hair to be bathed every single day. I always think what kind of condition are you trying to hide if you have to wash every single day or you stink :thinking::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: jk, mostly.

That is just gross not to bathe a child everyday

3-4 days a week depending on how dirty she gets
She does go to daycare

Dirty 5-year old gets bathed daily. Her curly hair is washed 2x-3x per week.