How often do you bathe your toddler?

How often do you bathe your toddlers? My sister told me I am weird for doing it every other day but I thought that was the norm?


Usually daily, if we’re busy every 2nd day.
Hair washed every 4th day unless visibly dirty

I used to do every other day and a top n tail bath on the other days. As they got older they would have a bath every night as it would help settled them down for bed.
Everyone is different, you do what you think is best for you and your child x


I don’t think it’s weird to do it every other day, I shoot for daily but end up every other day a lot of the time.

Just depends on the kids & how active they are & how dirty they get. This time of year (in the south) if they played outside for even 2 minutes they needed a bath because they were soaked with sweat! In days like today, where we were stuck inside all day because of the weather, they don’t really need one

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When I had small children, daily. They’re little dirt balls at that age. Lol

However much you think your child needs.

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Every other day or even 3 - depends on what we’ve been doing. She used to have horrible skin but it’s so much better since I’ve stopped bathing her daily


My 1yr old, every 2 days. He has eczema and washing daily makes it really bad. My 2yr old every day if playing outside. If she hasn’t been outside and just inside playing, it’s every other day. If outside, every day.

It depends on how dirty the child gets

Every 2 days usually, but depends how dirty she gets. Always a bath when she’s been to kindy but it’s winter here so we spend our off days inside so she doesn’t usually need one.

Nearly everyday unless I’m super tired

Every 2 or 3 days. Depends how hard we’ve been playing. If they’re sweaty and dirty, everyday. Sometimes twice a day if mud is involved.

Every other day or everyday. I don’t wash her hair for 2 to 3 days though unless she got it really dirty. she gets dirty so even a bath to play and wash her body and it calm her for bed is what we do

In the early months where they were fussy babies id bathe every night to settle for bed, only washing every other day if not a day more between washes, around 1-2 I tend to follow every 2-3 days for washes unless they’re visibly dirty from playing outside and such. Bath time is a big bedtime routine for us though as we use lavender bubble bath for soothing effects to calm the brain to relax for sleep or else our kids dont slow down until the very second their eyes close. If there’s a day we don’t bathe we still use wipes or a wet cloth to wipe up feet and legs and face (3 boys it never fails even if we’ve not left the house they’re feet and legs and face are somehow dirty :joy: only girl is only going on 7 weeks so she don’t get dirty beyond spitting up, yet lol)

If we aren’t outside all day or they aren’t physically dirty, my kids bathe probably 3 times a week. Every other day or even every 2 days :woman_shrugging:t4: I’ve got 4 kids and so far no issues.


Every day… he gets too hot and sweaty or grubby when he’s playing all day

When he was a baby, it was every other day

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Every other day
Otherwise my sons skin dries out

Per our pediatrician 3 times or so a week

Every day to every other day he gets messy so easily always running going crazy with his siblings into everything also it’s humid we’re I live so you get sweaty easily also he’s messy eater

Mine was so dirty by the end of the day I had to wash him every single night. Sometimes we had baths during the middle of the day and again at night.

Every other day unless they need it because they were outside for the day.

During school it’s every other day, during summer it’s when they need it :joy: we play in the dirt but we also play in the water! Sooo whatever you feels best for you and your baby !

My son has always gotten a bath every day. He’s a messy eater, a messy crafter, and a messy outdoorsman. My house would probably be so sticky if I didn’t :joy:


Depends on how dirty they get once a week? Maybe lol

Every one no matter the age should wash everyday no matter what you did that day. If dry skin is a concern use lotion

every day :woman_shrugging:t3: my kids are 7, 4 & 15 months it’s part of our bedtime routine

Depends on activity level, skin type, all kinds of different factors. Every other day is not weird for a toddler at all! It’d only be weird if they were in clear need of bathing and you didn’t do it.

Every night they sleep better

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Usually if he was visibly dirty or smelly (twice a week minimum). He’s 10 now and showers every day since kindergarten. My 6 month old is a rinse only if dirty, full shower with soap once a week.

My kids (since birth) have had a bath or shower every day. I only use soap every other day or so. A lot of the times it’s just water.
We do it as part of a bedtime routine so it’s more about just getting ready for sleep.
As they got older, I sometimes skip a day.
Every other day is not abnormal

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I bathed babies & toddlers ever day, it taught them to care about cleanliness.

I gave my sons a bath every day. Sometimes two if they played outside.