I change my 4 year old and try to bath him every day (mostly cus elearning… dont want him in the same clothes on camera with his teacher lmao)
But the weekend if we’re juss at home he can stay in the same clothes for a day or two, no biggie.
And you can only wash clothes so often so as a mom we gotta do what we gotta do no judgment neccessary, there shouldnt be at least. As long as they’re clean, fed, healthy, and happy who cares if theyre in the same thing for a couple days.
I don’t think it matters how often I do because if I didn’t have a washer and dryer it would be less. Now it’s daily as we have a washer and dryer in our home and we have pets and no amount of vacuuming and what not keeps us from being covered in pet hair daily. When my daughter was 4-6 we had a one bedroom apartment with no hookups and I went to the laundry mat on Saturdays… I tried to keep our laundry as minimal as possible to save money so if it wasn’t visibly dirty and didn’t smell I didn’t wash it except undergarments those were changed daily and washed after each use.
Clothes technically aren’t supposed to be washed every wear. I just do it out of habit. Lol
However, if it’s something my kid loves to wear, (favorite pajamas, etc) , I don’t wash them til I can smell them or they look dirty. Lol
ehh pants are worn 2 days in a row at max. shirts if its clean take it off wear it not the next but he day after. socks ive done 2days in a row. and underwear (my oldest is 5) we do over other day cause we get bath every other day…tho with a 1 year odl…unless i go out id just let them run in a diaper
Change Pjs and clothes everyday. Baths every other unless they get dirty then everyday. Definitely change there underwear every day too!
I have an almost two year old and he goes through about two-three outfits a day. He is a messy eater and loves to play outside in the dirt and woods. If they don’t smell and it’s not visibly dirty. You do you!
My one kid has been in/put back on the same clothes for up to 4 days because of sensory issues. But my 2 yr old was always in his diaper in the summer unless we went out… Which didn’t happen much this year
My sons clothes are like his own personal fabric garbage disposal so I HAVE to change his clothes at least twice a day. But if I could help it he’d stay in the same clothes all the time lol! You’re doing great!! YOURE the mama nobody else
They wear the same night clothes but change daily…
New clothes and PJs everyday. We change for going out if we leave. Get rinsed and changed when we come inside from playing. But I seriously am so exhausted every other day is sounding good!
My Nana birthed and raised 7 children at home. She used a wash tub and hung them on a line. She was a single mother and poor during the war. You can imagine how tough it is. There is always a way to keep our babies clean and fed, we just need to be smart.
Fresh clothes every morning an fresh PJs at night. Kids play hard they sweat an get into everything. If we haven’t left the house all day we sometimes just do baths every other night but normally we do baths nightly.
I’m right there with ya momma
Up to you really. As long as the clothes don’t smell and don’t have fresh food stains I can’t see an issue. My kids change their clothes every day but I do have a washer and dryer so it’s a different situation.
I change them into normal clothes every morning and they shower daily so I change them into Clean PJ’s every day after bath. Then the same thing the next day. Whatever they wear goes in the dirty clothes even if it’s clean. I used to do the same when I didn’t have washer and dryer. You do what’s best for you though.
Bathe twice a day. Change clothes every day.
Everyday is different
We change and bathe accordingly, when we are dirty, smelly, or have somewhere to go
I have 2 kids 5 months and 4 years. They both shower everyday and get new clothes everyday but will use the same pjs twice
We haven’t been out coz of lockdown and only the cleaner comes. So my 6 month old stays in an outfit until it gets real dirty
I change my son late morning into clothes for the day, if he gets dirty I Change him again and at night for bed he gets clean pjs every night
Girl!!! I got six kids, ages 22 down to 2. Only four left at home. Even when I give my kids a bath, I check thier clothes and if they are still wearable we put them back on. We live on a farm so some days they come in with their clothes standing on their own. But if it has been a day of just setting in the house watching T.v., then they can wear them another day.
What ever works for you mommy. As long as your child is happy and taken care of then your doing a awesome job. I change my son’s everyday my youngest is autistic with sensory and cannot wear the same clothes everyday and my middle child has to shower everyday cause his sweat smells he’s 10 so everyday he gets clean clothes.
I let my kids sleep in gym shorts/ sweat pants. As in they don’t change out of them.
New outfit on a morning and fresh outfit for bed, I’m constantly doing laundry with a 2 year old and 6 month old, my toddler gets so dirty by the end of the day and my baby is so slavery, don’t like her in wet damp clothes with her teething. No judgement tho.
If it’s not dirty and smelly. She could wear it again and again. But we change different clothes for night time and day time.
Small children don’t have excessive body odor so yah, changing clothes is not a huge priority except like underwear and socks. Also bathing every day strips their natural oils which they need to keep their skin properly hydrated so it’s basic, hands, face, feet and privates for daily washing. Other than that it’s healthy and natural to let them go.
Honestly it depends on the day! If it’s a messy day he may change 3+ times! But usually he has a daily outfit & PJ’s. I always toss his tops & PJs in the laundry basket, but pants or big sweatshirts can get a few uses out of them if no visible marks! I always put him in fresh jammies at night though. If you’re worried about people noticing the same outfit and can’t tell them to mind their own business, you could always set aside the worn clothes the next day, and put on a different outfit. If they wear that first outfit again the day after people might not realize it’s not washed.
Whatever the hell keeps you sane, do it! Screw what other people think, you’re doing the best you can
Do not put soiled clothes back on him please. IF they don’t look dirty put jammies on him at night, febreze the clothes he wore, save them for another day and call it good. Give him a bath every other day/night so his body is clean. This way no one has to know how many times the clothes were worn.
If its not dirty ill make them re wear the clothes or pyjamas but my daughters are very messy its rare anything stays clean.
Idk what your laundry routine is, but i would just be washing baby outfit at the start of my shower if i was in that situation. Even the sink. Their clothes is tiny
shower and change twice daily
Holy cow my kids wore the same outfit for like days at a time in which screen while it was in the washer and dryer at some points in phases in their lives so yeah no judgement at all my kids chose to be like that and I couldn’t really do much about it they weren’t dirty by any means but ya know
As much as needed during the day
We shower every other day and change clothes daily, unless the clothes they wore aren’t dirty. We live one a farm so they have a set pair of pants and shirts they will wear for a couple days before going into the wash, but they shower daily. We use the same set of pjs for 2 nights and if it’s a lounge day they will just change undies.
Mine puts fresh set of clothes every morning and clean pjs every night. But everyone is different.
Same pjs for the nights for a week, different change of clothes every day
I put them in the laundry basket at the end of everyday due to the germs I can’t see. We have lots of pet fur too. Either way kids get dirty.
I used same pj a week, clean underwear daily. Top clothes depends
My son is two and spends half the day in just his diaper, sometimes he goes a whole day… he obviously gets dressed if we go somewhere or have company over but what’s that say about me
1.Fresh clothes for Day time every morning.
2.If we step outside… we change into outdoor clothes if not in them already.
3. Fresh clothes for Bedtime every night.
My kids shower every other day unless needed. They change their unders and shirts daily. Sometimes they will wear the same pants 2x depending on the condition. I try and teach them good hygiene.
I just go with it. I have one who could wear the same clothes for days, one who changes 4 times a day, and one who would run around naked if I’d let her. Whatever works at your house, in your situation, is what it is
My daughter is extremely messy and is always outside so I change her up to 5 times a day some days (she is 2½) depending what we are doing/the weather is to how many times she needs changing but if were home she runs around nude if its warm enough so I can save some clothes because I’m constantly doing washing
Even without a bath, I’d still change his cloths.
2-3 times a day. We play outside, they do crafts stuff, they get dirty when they eat. They all shower every night and morning and change form regular clothes to pjs and from pjs to regular clothes. So I do a lot of laundry but that’s just how I do things in my house with my boys I like clean clothes each day.
I’d do night time outfits so that they aren’t as dirty as the daytime outfits (less dust and germs getting into their bed) if I was in you’re situation I would do 2-3 days in the same clothes for night time and 1-2 days in daytime clothes depending on how dirty they got that day. I change my daughters clothes daily but she runs out so fast. So I get it
Showering your kids everyday is actually really tough on their skin! It drys them out, and doesn’t let them build immunities the way they should. If they haven’t gotten absolutely disgusting then I say he’s fine. But girl if he’s stinking its time for and bath and washing some clothes in the sink.
People r so judgmental when it’s none of their damn business! U r the mom, it’s ur child. You do want u want. I can tell u r a good mom. And remember, u don’t have to explain to anyone EVER!!!
Of course I know u r smart enough to know if they stink then they need a bath. But as someone mentioned, it can dry their skin too. So if they have visible dirt of stink, bath time!
Honestly it is your child and you know what’s best for them. I over do it with the clothes but there are some days we stay in the same ones for a day
What ever works for the individual your house ,your kids , I wouldn’t feel bad about i see kids walking streets on a weekend still in their school uniforms
Bathe mine every other day but change clothes every day
Your kid. Do whatever the hell you want and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Change them when the stink gets unbearable.
We change clothes daily, especially underwear! Sometimes they change later in the day…I’m not one to reuse clothes or towels so even when we didn’t have a washer/dryer we’d still change. I would say jeans should be okay for a couple of days or maybe a sweater or PJs. I’d say maybe at least try to change his shirts and underpants.
My son spend s most his time in his diaper if we are home he’s is almost 3. But when he was your babies age I changed him as needed and bathed him every other day. Nothing wrong with a baby wearing same outfit two days if it’s not dirty or stinky
Mine bath every day an new pair if clothes every day pj same for a few days but I got a difference in age nig gap 12 an 4 the 12 yr old changes so much is into her hair now my 4yr old she hates to be hot so she litterly just in her panties all day long unless we are going out or have company pick my battles im not fighting her to wear clothes when clearly no one is here but us
Well, personally, my son is 8 months old and we’re homebound with this virus going around. He got a new onesie put on last night going to bed and he’s worn it all day since we’ve been lounging around. When he gets a bath in the morning, he’ll get a new onesie and if he doesn’t throw up on it or get it dirty, he’ll wear it till morning as well. Sometimes he wears them 2 days in a row if they’re nice and soft and aren’t gross. We have tons of clothes and a washer. I just don’t dirty things if I don’t need to. As long as your kids are taken care of, you’re doing a great job. Don’t even feed into the judgemental comments.
Sounds crazy as heck but I’ve washed clothes in the bathtub before. Also ask friends or family to help. I know it stinks but hang in there mama it’ll get better
Hand wash kare dont take long
True , but sink water, bathtub water, only so his doesn’t get picked on when hge returns back to school, because him might get stuck in that pattern.
My 2 year old wears clothes until they’re dirty. Eventually they get food spilled or a diaper leaks overnight. I think it’s a waste to wash clothes that’s aren’t actually dirty. And I only give a couple baths per week! I try to be mindful of water conservation.
You do what you think fits you and your child’s lifestyle… a baby wipe goes a long way on a rough day for a quick clean up. For me, my son bathes good twice a week! n if he needs it, he gets thrown in the shower for a quick wash with his dad on the other days. Obviously if he’s covered in mud he needs a bath lol . But a few days of nothing but hanging out n eating who cares if he wears the same clothes. Tell whoever to mind their business
Kids sleep better with n nice bath at night. Do his wasing in his bath water by hand
I change my 8 month daughters basically after every feed
Personally I change my clothes kids every day and night.
I would def suggest doing your laundry in the tub if you can. Not perfect but gets the job done well enough. My kids spent most of the time in theirs diapers to be honest lol. Now that they are older I normally do a new outfit everyday. Most def underwear. But my kids are usually messy. If you aren’t going out anywhere and they don’t smell. Do you girl!
I change them twice or sometimes thrice a day. 3.5 yo and 8 mo. But that’s because we live in a muddy and hot area. They start smelling and have dirt on their clothes…but it’s totally okay if you don’t what I do!!!
We change our kids clothes daily…
Hand wash it and hang it up.
Every day , used to use jumpers for two days but not now with covid X
If their clean they are fine to use again
Underwear changed daily. Bath every other day - everyday if they’re stinking or muddy. A quick flannel wash is great. Clothes changed when needed. This could be twice a day or it could be that clothes last 2 days. As long as they’re clean, happy and healthy I wouldn’t stress too much about it.
I put clothes on my daughter and within an hour she’s taken them off and thrown them somewhere so I just put them back and put them on her after her bath lol. If they get dirty then I’ll wash them or if she actually stays in said outfit for a full day. But I still give her a bath daily
I stay at home with the kiddos (3 and 1) and have their day clothes and their night clothes.
I’ll sometimes have them rewear the night clothes if they didn’t get dirty. But honestly, if they don’t get food or dirt on them then there isn’t a reason they can’t rewear them
I think everyone’s living situation is different. Some can afford many things others can’t. Many have lots of help others do not. I believe as long as your children have yummy food in their tummies, do not have dirty diapers/underwear (peep or poop) and are not being abused in anyway it’s ok. We are all doing our best. Life can be rough.
Tip: Try washing the clothes in the bathtub if you can’t get access to a laundromat.
Wht ever works for you is always the best as a mother
I personally change bubs outfit 1-2 times per day (she gets dirty lol). I also bathe her every night before bed (part of our routine). Everyone is different
My kids change clothes twice , the clothes they wear for the day then pyjamas, then fresh clothes the following day
I personally change my kids clothes everyday. But if you dont have a washer then I understand why you cant. Have you tried hand washing them? I know it can be a pain but at least they will be clean. You dont have to tho. Your the babys parent so you know what’s best and some of us do things differently xx
Some days I change them twice or more, some days they fall asleep in the same clothes, I dont stress about it, But maybe you could alternate days and let the clothes air out or something. I hand washed a lot when our machine was broken, we Got by. Dont worry, you are doing your best❤️
I feel you! No washer and dryer here and if I changed my kids as much as some of the people here are suggesting we would run out of clothes quickly. Family of 5 here and laundry at a laundromat is expensive! If it’s clean then it’s just fine for them to rewear. Underwear is the only thing I make sure is new (clean) daily, I just invest in tons of underwear (especially since I’m potty training my 2 year old).
My Kids clothes be changed every day
Its noone elses business
Honestly. We don’t even put clothes on our younger kids if we are not going anywhere. They just get them dirty and strip them off and throw them everywhere anyways. So if we are going somewhere and their clothes stay clean looking/smelling… we will likely have them re-wear them since they come off as soon as we get home anyways I also have 7 kids too. So I already have enough laundry as it is. The older kids have been living in pajamas unless we go somewhere. Three of my 4 older kids will sometimes wear the same pajamas for two days. They still bathe daily or every other day. So I’m honestly not too concerned. I just tell them to put clean underwear on daily. You do you mama. If the clothes are clean… let them wear them again. Honestly if you’re at home, at that age there really isn’t a need for clothes.
If the clothes are mostly clean, why bother changing their clothes? I do it lol ive had my kids in the same pjs/clothes for 3 days at a time because they stayed mostly clean lmao
Every day and new pjs after there bath x I have a 3 and a 7 year old x
Almost a year old is pretty young, I wouldn’t worry. In a few months time you’ll have no choice but to change clothes often though, as they start getting into things and getting dirty. Maybe get one of those portable washers on amazon and hang to dry!
Every few hours because my daughter so so messy
I change my baby’s clothes 2x during the day and she wears her PJ’s during night. She plays outside and when she eats she’ll spill food or drink on herself so a change in clothes is needed. She’s 2.
I would definately have a day outfit and nightwear. But my LO also wears his jeans/trousers more than 1 day if not dirty. Every day clean underwear though!! His shirts just get dirty every day. I mean, us adults usually wear jeans for more than 1 day too, right!!?
Wow if you can get 2 days out of an outfit then go for it ! i wish my little one was a clean boy like that im lucky if i get away with only 3 outfits in a day xx
Clean clothes and pjs everyday a bath every 2 days its each to there own but I prefere to have fresh x
It depends, my daughter can go a day in undies, another in one outfit and another she gets 2-3 outfits just because she got messy.
My kids wear clean clothes every day and clean pjs every night. How don’t you have a washing machine? Can’t you buy one second hand?
Personally I do change my kids outfit everyday and every night new pjs but if the clothes don’t have any stains on or don’t smell etc I don’t see the problem in wearing them twice I’ve done this myself when I’ve wanted to wear something but it’s not been washed just yet. But for my kid I do things differently because I wanna make sure he feels clean in himself. If you don’t have a washer etc for now maybe get some cleaning products you do have and put them all in the bath with the clothes etc and then hang them out afterwards x
Honestly, my 6 yr old son has been in the same clothes for 3 days before. We stay at home 99% of the time since March. Now that virtual school started he does change his shirt everyday. I’m trying to get him back on the habit of showering every other day.
When my kids were babies/toddlers I would change them 2-3times a day depending on how messy they got that day. Now that at are 4&8 it’s usually daytime clothes and then pajamas for bed but again If they get messy I make them change.
However I did have a time where we also did not have a functional washer/dryer so I would make their outfit last as long as possible.
Do what ever suites you and your family. No one else’s opinions matter you know whats best.
Im not tryna be judged by any snotty mom’s. Whatever you do with your children wether you clean then everyday or every other day or if you wash clothes everyday your gonna be judged… long as you look after your children love them take care of them have clothes on there back then your doing the best job you can do sweetie. You can get a white goods grant from government for a washing machine I used to wash all the clothes then hang them out on my curtain rail to dry. Hand wash them then let them dry. It’s not easy being a single mom and it’s not easy being a mom even when ur in a relationship just keep your kids safe and loved and looked after. No judgements from me
Well shit I must be a bad mom I have a washer and dryer and can wash clothes everyday and my kids change into pjs on nights they get a bath. 9 times out of 10 they fall asleep in the clothes they were in that day. Hell, my son will wear the same jeans for 2-3 days just bc they are his favorite and that’s just not a battle I’m gonna fight. Now since my oldest and my son are in school they change everyday and shower every night or morning for school but the weekends and summer time is a whole different story. My 3 yr old sometimes will wear an outfit 2 days in a row. And tbh, idc because until someone else is paying my water bill, buying my detergent, or buying my kids clothes they have no right to say shit about it You’re doing just fine momma, don’t worry about it. As I said I have a washer and dryer and CAN wash clothes daily and my kids still will wear the same clothes for 2 days You do you and what works for you