How often do you change your kid(s)’ clothes? My son had been in the same outfit for two days. (Today is today number 2.) We have no washer or dryer, so it’s not like I can wash clothes every day, and we can’t go to the laundromat. I go by if it’s not dirty and he still smells good; it’s good. I’ve had good and bad comments before, and I just wanna know you what you do with your kids and their clothes. Are every day and night a new outfit? Or do they go a day without changing? My son is almost a year old and is a calm child.
Mine runs around I’m his underwear unless we leave the house he hates clothes they loved being in just diapers both of mine unless it was cold then they wanted clothes. Do what you feel is best 💁🏻♀ i keep my 9 month old in the same out regardless of food spills if he didn’t throw up or blow out or pee threw the diaper he stays in the same outfit till bath time then a new outfit the next day
That’s trifling. Wash them out by your hands and hang them up to dry
My children wear their clothes for two days unless they are really dirty. Saves on laundry for me! Plus saves the clothes from over washing and falling apart. Ignore the rude ones, they seem to have oodles of time and money on hand.
Yeah, I agree with the comment above me. Wash them by hand then. But you can’t just let your kid wear dirty clothes every day.
How often do you change clothes?
Depends on how old they are lol
Honestly, depending on how dirty they get… My son gets messy every 5 minutes so half the time I don’t even bother with clothes if we’re at home. but he’s also chosen to wear the same Superman shirt 2 days in a row because he was obsessed with it (obviously it wasn’t covered in gunk or else I would’ve taken it away) . Ignore the rude comments please & do what you can do for your family. I understand not being able to run to the laundromat every single day & whatnot - I’ve been there!
Given your circumstances I understand. We change our daughter prob 2 or 3 times a day but shes 7 months old and drools and gets formula every where lol. If your taking the clothes off at feedings and the baby isn’t sleeping and sweating in it that wouldn’t be so bad. Ive washed clothes in the bath tub before you could prob wash baby clothes in the sink. I just used liquid tide and luke warm water then hung them to dry them.
Is this for real? Even before Covid that’s just nasty
Eww. Everyday they get changed just like mine. Does he only have 1 set of clothes? Why not put them in a laundry basket and wash some when you can either by hand or at laundromat
Everyday… then new pjs after a bath at night
Wth 2 days gross … wen my son was lil he wud take a bath every nite so I couldn’t imagine putting the same clothes on him… fresh PJs and fit daily!! I didn’t have a washer or dryer back then I would go to the laundromat or hand wash if not available. Always would be clean!!!
Sniff tests works if your not able to clean them all the time.
Living in Alaska with no running water and miles from everything kids wear their clothes 4 days front back right inside out and front and back
Girl breathe, 2 days in the same clothes is fine maybe swap shirts out every other day. I agree a little sink laundry could help but ya know what if that’s they best you can do and he’s clean and healthy and happy who cares what everyone else thinks. I’ve been there and it killed me to not be able to provide. But you are doing what you can and you care about it which tells me you are a good mom.
Do what you need to do momma!! Just do it carefully, like the above says, take them off when eating and put something different on to sleep , do you! Luckily he’s only 1 so the clothes are small, give yourself a routine to sink wash clothes every other day and you won’t need to question yourself. I’m grown and wear the same hoodie several times, so who am I to judge !!
I used to hand wash them in the sink and let them air dry.
Saying gose…Every day Is a new day
My kids wear a new outfit everyday and pj’s get changed everyother night when they get a bath unless they had an accident or were really sweaty! Even if they weren’t dirty I wouldn’t put the same outfit on 2 days in a row! At the very least I would rotate the clothes!
Uh, all harsh judgements aside… you should be washing the kids clothes even if it’s by hand in the kitchen sink & hung up to dry dont be lazy and dont create excuses.
Hand wash and make a line. In winter put them inside. Make use of what you have. Change daily. When one suit is wet another will be dry
If you can’t go to a laundry mat how do you clean your clothes then?
You can wash clothes in the sink and hang dry
Don’t stress. If they are clean aren’t soiled hang them to air overnight. And let him wear them again.
I would definitely change them from day clothes to sleep clothes but it’s fine to reuse if they aren’t soiled.
I let my daughter stay in her pajamas until after her morning nap. When she wakes up I change her into day clothes. Then bathe her around 7 and put on fresh pjs and do it all over again the next day. But hey if the clothes are clean, doesn’t hurt to let your child wear them again. Do what you have to do ! If your kid doesn’t walk around smelling or looking dirty, why not
My kids bathe everyday and get fresh clothes everyday.
I don’t know why people make a fuss about clean clothes or not… is he fed is he being abused in any way is he loved… sometimes people are doing the best they can … be nice people
I do laundry once a week sonetimes longer. I have 4 kids. I do not let them wear the same clothes they play outside a ton. Thats gross. Unless they went swimming and only wear fresh clothes for a couple of hours thats a no. My kids are 12,11,8,7
Depends. Sometimes my son gets changed up to 3 times a day, other times he wears the same sleeper for a day. I say, if you’re not going anywhere and the clothes are clean, don’t change them. After bath? Fresh clean clothes. Lots of drool/formula? Clean clothes. But if your child is clean, and the clothes are still clean, 2 days isn’t that bad.
Order the portable washer and dryer.
I change my one year old sons clothes multiple times a day when he drools from teething or has a messy meal…He wears a fresh and clean outfit (or two or three) every day and clean pajamas every night. But hey, he is your baby so do what you feel is best…
Ewww no every day sometimes 2 times a day then at night pajamas. Hope you give him baths regularly too.
Changed her multiple times a day at that age. With germs & flu season you really need to get them clean after every wear for health & sanitary reasons. He should also be in clean pajamas every night.
Ok people let’s stop judging yes she can hand wash them but if it ain’t wet and dirty and you ain’t leaving the house who cares lol good luck mama be glad your baby can last 2 days My kiddo is a little slob We change at least 2-3 times a day ugh
My kids change their clothes everyday! If they mess theyr clothes then they change again! But at least once a day
I don’t see an issue with it as long as the clothes aren’t dirty or soiled. I know adults that do it. Don’t stress it !
Out here baby clothes r pretty cheap that young. My son had 10 day outfits and 5 pj sets. Hes 3 now, so he has 5 putfits for dureing the week and 2pjs(im workin on getting more but havent gotten to a store yet) & he has 7 underwears
How old are you? Am only wondering cause when I was younger I worried a lot about what others thought. I look back n it seems like I needed a lot of reassurance. Now I live n let live. I stay clean but I’m not a clean freak like I used to be… like perfection or it was all wrong. All or nothing type attitude. With all this that’s going on keep your senses about you. Kids are happiest when they’re skin is kept clean.
Wash by hand girl air dry it’ll be dry by morning you don’t need to be like that hand washing is perfectly fine
If you’re just chilling around the house and he’s not getting dirty, what’s the big deal? I wouldn’t do more than 2 days though. As far as pajamas, my little girl will wear them anywhere 1-3x. Just depends on how messy breakfast is, diaper, and if we even dress for the day.
I change my kids clothes daily
We wear jeans until they’re standing on their own and a new shirt every day. We have limited laundry and he gets in the dirt every day all day so clean pants are for the birds anyway
Well, ask yourself this: would YOU feel comfortable wearing the same clothes for 2 days?
When I can’t afford the laundry Matt I wash by hand my babies always gotta have clean clothes
Kids need a bath nightly and clothes washed after worn. I dont believe they should be in same clothes more than once. Great way to get rashes and skin issues.
Sometimes we have pyjama days. As long as they are clean fed and loved I wouldn’t stress about it. Right now we have a cold. We just bum around in PJs.
Ok seriously ??? I’m done with comments. No not yet, come on lady, get off your lazy ass and wash the clothes by hand, omg I’ve read everything!
My kids get new clothes on every morning and pjs most of the time at night.
I think it is a little grimey not to give toddlers new clothes at least once a day… just because of how they eat food… lol.
if you got a bad comment, it probably was because people could See how dirty your kid is or they could smell it on him. People can’t always smell themselves… It is possible you don’t smell it because you’re used to it.
I just hope he gets a new outfit after each bath lol.
You are the doing the best that you can. But it is not sanitary as you pick up germs, bacteria, sweat, dust. Hand wash them. There are portable washers and dryers that you can invest 40-80 dollars on amazon.
Do you struggle to afford enough clothing so that your son is able to wear a clean outfit until you can get laundry done? Look into community resources to help get clothing donations.
Your son should be changed daily. Especially since he is in diapers! Not having a washer and dryer shouldn’t not be an excuse. You can hand wash his things. You can go to the laundry mat once a week. I’ve had to do it. A lot of moms have.
No opinion here. Just advice. You can get a small washer/ w a spin cycle online at Walmart. Com for $98 and put it in your bathtub and wash small loads and hang them up to dry. It works very well. I have it. I don’t wash more than 1 pair of Jean’s at a time in it but you could wash an entire weeks worth of clothes for an infant in 1 wash. The spinner works very well if you dont overload it.
You’re just asking for your lil ones to get sick… Especially now that covid19 is getting everyone sick your kids wellbeing should be priority #1…
yep change his clothes every day :: don’t want no sickness :: throw them in the sink :: wash them and hang them to dry ::; for now ::it is tuff times ::we must adjust . Good Luck
You should be bathing and changing clothes everyday.
Your son should be bathed and his clothes should be changed daily and maybe more than that if needed…you can hand wash his clothes and let air them dry…also look into assistance or donations in your area that could help you…and the more clothes the better…thrift stores have baby clothes for cheap and lots of them are new
If u rinse out his shirts with a little soap hang dry underwear socks and bath him every nighttime hell be fine. I had to cope an apt with cloth diapers and I did fine u can manage good luck
Only undies. Or soiled. Boys shouldn’t smell like wet dogs & girls shouldn’t smell like anything!
I feel genuinely bad for kids who have to grow up like this:cry: lord help them
My son is the same age and I change him about 3 times a day because he gets dirty or food or milk or drool on them…
When my son was a toddler if it was nice and warm all he wore was a diaper and maybe a tshirt. He only wore clothes if we were going somewhere. When he was potty training he ran around the house nekked or in training pants. You do what you think is best for your kids and if people don’t like it then they can buy you a washer and dryer and clothes for your kids…otherwise they should mind their own business!!!
My daughter changes about 3 times a day. Im about to start making her do her own laundry! She’s 7.
Twice a day… Clothes and p.j.s at night… Theres laundry mats where you can go if you dont own a washer and dryer… Sometimes we have p.j. day where we relax… But everyday
Gawd all the judgemental nancies answering. You’re fine momma. Two days in clothes isnt gonna hurt your child. You dont even have to bathe them every day! Because it helps build a healthy immune system. Just make sure nobody smells and change his clothes when you feel its necessary.
If you’re out of the house I would change them at least once a day. I just read recently giving baths every other day is good for their immune system.
My kids barely even wear clothes lol. Your kids don’t need to be bathed everyday (unless they are like my youngest who gets bathed daily because he plays in the dirt every chance he gets lol).
Always changing her clothes and if done number always changing pants as the smell goes through the clothes
Back in the day before washers were made, people washed clothes by hand
Wash them clothes in the sink girl,your nasty
Make sure they bathe everyday. It’s best to change clothes everyday too .I worry with this corona 19 virus. Just clean as much as you can. We don’t want anyone getting sick.
1 year old clothes are small so u can get a lot into 1 washer. If times are tough, maybe an idea might be to buy a couple weeks worth at a thrift store - wash all together before putting them on him & then u will have 2 weeks worth & only have to go to laundrymat every 2 weeks. U can also try to get clothes donated from a free stuff facebook group or church. If u can manage a bit of extra money one time, amazon has mini washers that dont require electric or battery. U put it on your counter top, fill with water, soap then wind it or push a lever like a salad spinner. It looks like a large salad spinner in fact & some fold to put away. U can get a line & clothes pins at the dollar store & put it across your tub. Good luck. Times are tough but so r u!
Mine changes sometimes twice a day. For those saying about the same clothes 2 days in a row 1/ ignore them or 2/ take his clothes off fold them and put them on him in a few days (unwashed if still clean) they won’t know u didn’t wash then if they came off clean.
In the caribbean you have to change a 1 year old twice a day! Its too hot to wear the same outfit one day let alone 2! You should change their clothing daily. Anything less than daily is just asking for your child to get sick
Twice a day sometimes three times a day if he gets dirty while playing in the sand or mud
Children’s skin is sensitive
Ya’ll, I can’t lie, I have 2 teen boys who will wear the same clothes 2 -3 times in a row and I won’t notice until I make them leave the house. The only time I force them to change is if I MAKE them shower after a an outing or just so happen to ask them when they showered and changed was. I also have 2 pre teen girls that change 3 times a day and shower daily.
Why cant you go to the laundry mat? Clothes should be changed everyday! There is a program where you can go to a laundry mat and they pay to wash your clothes not sure where but call 211 and ask them they might know!
This is y I always find American problems really funny. I am 28 and have never seen or used a washing machine and yes I wash clothes on a daily basis.
Girl wash them by hand or go to a friend or family members house and do your clothes kids/baby’s clothes should be changed daily! They spit drool and make messes also wear diapers cleanly ness is just as important for a child as it is for a adult!
You are nasty asf!!!
My daughter survived with no issues wearing the same clothes occasionally twice in a row, now almost 19
Hun, if things are hard? Do your best. Hand wash and sir dry as best you can… if baby is happy skin is healthy and no diaper rash?
You just carry on… baby’s happy and thats all that really matters.
We don’t know your circumstances, and many of us have had times where things happen .
Love your baby and don’t worry…
You can wash by hand , cloths needs to be changed everyday , at the age baby is moving and playing around in those cloths and maybe if for unforseen circumstances baby doesn’t take a bath , at least wash up the main areas , privates , hands and feet and face
I change my kids clothes daily, usually twice a day, threw of you include pyjamas! My eldest is at school and wears a uniform, when he gets home I have to wash it because of covid so he changes into regular clothes
My children were changed at least once a day and sometimes more. Many times I had no washer and dryer so I did it by hand nut the clothes on a hanger and hung them mostly on the shower curtain rod. If I couldn’t wait for them to dry I used my hair dryer. I have taught my grandchildren how to do this. Its called improvising and surviving.
At least twice a day, depending on where at what they have been doing. You can easily wash clothes in the bathtub if you don’t have a machine won’t take long☺️and just let them air dry hun. No excuse to be honest not have clean clothes.
Wash everyday and change every evening , so u stay in the same clothes for two day’s ?
Every day then bed time clothes just like I do myself.
Your son is a baby, so should be bathed and changed daily. You can wash baby clothes in the sink and hang them to dry. When mine was a baby we could go through a few outfits a day.
Clothes during the day pajamas at night.
Shower daily, clothes then PJs.
I change as she gets dirty. And at least once a day. She’s 18m. By a year it was twice a day. Now it’s like three. She’s a busy active crazy toddler so I gotta! If it was up to her dad it would be once a week so I think it varies.
I change my kids clothes daily. Well let me take that back… my 2 year old changes her clothes…100 times in a day
I change my kids clothes everyday. I wouldn’t wear the same clothes for multiple days why should my kids
But I have a washer and dryer though. Alot easier to change daily
Reg clothes during the day, pjs at night. My kids are 5 months and 2. So no way we can wear the same clothes on them longer than 8 hrs let alone 2 days… your kid isn’t even a year old. Definitely shouldn’t be in the same clothes 2 days in a row unless 0 formula, milk, food or drool is spilling on them. If you have too, let him run in just a diaper
My kids change every morning and then at night before bed.
If they aren’t leaving the house, I don’t care what they wear to be honest. When my kids were babies they were in diapers and rarely wore clothing.
Clean clothes every day. Jammie’s sometimes 2 nights in a row
I change them 2x a day. Kids get dirty af.