How often do your and your husband go on a date?

How often do you and your husband have a date night? We try to have one once a month but lately he says its too much to pay for a sitter…now I am kinda sad about this…i never get to go out of the house to do anything


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How often do your and your husband go on a date?

Nearly never. :woman_shrugging:t3:
I dont even remember the last time we went anywhere alone.

We do weekly date nights. But most of them are at home after everyone else is asleep. If we do go out, child is with us.

Before mine moved farther from home for work, we did a date lunch. Spent an hr to have lunch together. I miss them days but a job is a job and we both are lucky to have good

Never :roll_eyes::pleading_face:
At one point my husband was trying to go weekly that lasted 3 weeks… I’d be happy to just have something sentimental and thought of planned

I have 3 under 3. Friday was the first time in 2 years. We are aiming for once a month now

Go somewhere with your lady friends. He can watch the kids and there will be no babysitter fee!!

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Often once a week but lately we’ve been staying in and watching Netflix together instead of going out… Maybe set up a picnic outside at home or something if babysitters are getting too much.

Go with a girl friend for girls night and he can watch the kids

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We use to do fortnightly but then youngest dad moved countries so now it not often at all. Sometimes I will drive and have lunch with him or he will take a day off.

A date without my kids? I’ve only done that twice and my oldest is 4 1/2. We just take them with us :woman_shrugging:t2: I’d rather do picnics.

Then leave him home to babysit and go by yourself!!!


Wow people go on dates :flushed: never heard of it!

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At least a few times a month

When my sons father and I were still together , we aimed for once a month . It didn’t last , but that was because he didn’t hold up his end !
Does your child go to daycare ? My sons daycare has “parents night out “ on a Friday once a month. It’s 30$ a child and they watch them at the daycare from 7-11 PM!!!

My husband and I have “dates” probably 1-2 times a year lol We have a 3 girls. No family and we aren’t really close with anyone. He has a job that keeps him gone for days at a time and is only home 10-12 hours at a time. He doesn’t get days off unless he “lays off” and we take the hit on his pay. When we do get to spend time together, it’s during the school year when the kids are at school, so it’s very limited. It’s very stressful and hard. I wish we had more time together and that our marriage wasn’t so job and child centered. Pay the babysitter and enjoy each other. Don’t take it for granted :heart:

2x a year if we are lucky

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Hahaha a date? What’s that. We haven’t even been able to spend but 1 anniversary together in the past 10 years and that was due to Covid. (Got married on Halloween with no plan at the time to have kids)

Once a week or once every 2 weeks

My husband and I have “dates” probably 1-2 times a year lol We have a 3 girls. No family and we aren’t really close with anyone. He has a job that keeps him gone for days at a time and is only home 10-12 hours at a time. He doesn’t get days off unless he “lays off” and we take the hit on his pay. When we do get to spend time together, it’s during the school year when the kids are at school, so it’s very limited. It’s very stressful and hard. I wish we had more time together and that our marriage wasn’t so job and child centered. Pay the babysitter and enjoy each other. Don’t take it for granted :heart:

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We consider our dates as the little intimate moments we get when our son goes to sleep or plays in his room. Haven’t been out on a “proper date” in 3 years.

Do you have any friends who would swap childcare with you guys? One week you and hubby go out and friends watch the kids, the next week they go out and you watch the kids.
Maybe just twice a month?


Once every 3 months usually

We have a date night 1/2 times per month. Been together a decade and married half that. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Maybe a friend or relative could sit as a favor. Try and make it work even if not as often.


Together almost 11 years and 3 kids 1 time a week ideally for us no less then 2 a month
Depending on how hectic things .dinner dates are our favorites

We don’t go out but we have a date once a week. It may be wine on the patio, sitting around the fire with a drink and chatting or dinner and a movie. We started this when the kids were small and a sitter was expensive once they were in bed. Our kids are now in their 40’s and we still do this. We enjoy our time together and this will never change


We don’t go out but we have a date once a week. It may be wine on the patio, sitting around the fire with a drink and chatting or dinner and a movie. We started this when the kids were small and a sitter was expensive once they were in bed. Our kids are now in their 40’s and we still do this. We enjoy our time together and this will never change

Date?? What’s that?? Never had one when the kids were younger.

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Dates are very important… unfortunately my husband and I haven’t been on a date in years the last time we went was 8 years ago. The only alone time we get is when the kids are asleep.

Never… Our kids are with us 24/7 except when they are in school. They will be 5 and 6 this August and September and it’s been this way since they were born! It definitely gets upsetting not being able to have alone time or go on date night’s, but they are our babies so they come first always and we don’t have anyone to watch them at all so they are with us all the time! We don’t go out to eat like we used to because it is a hassle with 2 children and so every once in awhile we will take the kids and go out to eat as a family, but I honestly can not remember the last time we were able to go out just the 2 of us!

Twice a month, we make time even with his long hours of work. We have teenagers so we don’t need sitter’s. I pray y’all can find a way to y’all selves.

We don’t. We can’t even get family to babysit on our anniversary.


Once a year……maybe….

Try to trade child care with a friend 2x a month every other Friday you get date night other night you watch the kids.

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Less often since we bought a new car. But before we tried once a week.

3 dates in 16 years :roll_eyes::flushed:

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Ummm never… we don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore (I’m in a wheelchair so I’m downstairs)… I am honestly wondering why I’m even here


My only child is 12 and I have access to a sitter whenever and we still rarely go on dates. We may go out to dinner by ourselves but we come back home. We can watch a movie here at home and it’s way cheaper. We may go out with friends if we all get the chance but as long as we’re together, we’re okay. Hubby works outta town and had flowers delivered for my birthday and he’ll be leaving back out on his so we plan as we can. I love when we get the chance to run to the store together or sit on the porch, anything that doesn’t cost money is what I’m after.

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Just ask him “Are we not worth it?”

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So gald I have older children who can baby sit their younger siblings and when I say older I don’t mean teenagers Lol

How about asking grandparents or relatives that may watch them for free so yall can get a date night

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We go to the movies almost every night……home network with all of the apps. We get gourmet pizza and hoagies too. Sometimes Buffalo wings. Retirement is a real party. Lol. Keeps us safe from covid since we are both autoimmune compromised.

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Never. We focus on our kiddos! We understand it’s important to have date nights but we also face reality that we might not be able too since we have 5 kids

We don’t have date nights he works over the road. But I don’t mind it he does so much for our family as it is simply spending time together while he’s home having dinner with our kids and watching some movies or whatever we are into at the moment.

It’s a requirement for us to do it 1-2 times a month. Keeping our marriage healthy is important for when our kids leave home and it’s just us. We also do a trip away from kids a couple times a year either 1-2 days and plan on doing bigger trips later. We’re not rich and we live within our budget. We’re lucky that our oldest is 16 and watches the baby if we pay and or grandma will take all of them for a visit.


Hardly ever maybe once every 3 years the last time we got away was for a funeral

When the kids were under 5 we didn’t go out too often. A handful of times in all that time. The minute our youngest started school we started lunch dates. Who cares what time of day it is you spend together? Plus no baby sitters. Our kids are 15 and 13 now and we just had a breakfast date this morning.

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It’s definitely worth the babysitter, but if y’all can’t afford to hirer a sitter, just have one at home. I know it’s easier said than done, but feed the kids something else for dinner and put them to bed. The two of you stay up, order pizza or something else, and then watch a movie. We don’t have a lot of money at all, but we always try to find time for each other. Dating each other is so important and if y’all have the money, it’s always fun to get out of the house. We do about two “out” dates a month and then other times we just do our home dates. We also watch tiktoks we saved up to show each other throughout the day every night, it’s a lot of fun :blush:

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Every weekend! I used to work every weekend for many years so we cherish the weekends and time together, luckily the kids are finally grown so that’s helps too! My ex never made time for us to go out together and would spend money irresponsibly and would prefer to get carry outs and fall asleep watching movies, but that’s why he’s an ex! Hope you guys can figure out how to balance it all and get some date nights too!

16 years and no date nights.

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Every few months we realize we need to and then try to plan something that usually takes anther month… our kids are all over now and don’t need a babysitter so that’s not even our excuse

Our dates usually include the kids now lol. Unless you count waking up early and watching a movie together a date.

Not since gas prices have gone up…

Every month we try to catch a movie

Never. lol no really we go out alot but rarely alone or in a manner I’d call a date. Tonight we saw a movie, just the two of us, which was nice.

27 years and at least once a month.
When we had young kids I got one day a week for a ME day. Even if that ment me going to the store without the kids. If we had the funds it was getting my nails done or having lunch with friends. Also husband was in charge of dinner that day

What’s a date night? Lol jp but no we don’t. I won’t let no one take of my kids. Too many sick people in the world.

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I wish moms could network and take turns keeping kids for each other’s date nights. Before covid, I would even open my daycare for selected nights out of the month and give a discount. I always try to do something to help parents have regular date nights


Never. When we run to the store or an appointment together. :woman_shrugging: We don’t care though because we’re homebodies and we stay up late to spend “kid free” time together most nights.


Never we just have BBQ with friends and kids all play together:)


27 years and never a date night. We had family movie night’s. We loved being with our children. It all went by so fast. Now we’re blessed to spend time with our grandchildren :heart:


Never. We had a movie and dinner after 6 yrs and I missed my kids and was desperate to get back to them🥲 it’s rough for me to leave my baby she’s 3 and I’ve never left her.


It feels like never lol but occasionally my best friend will watch the kiddos and we’ll go grab dinner but it’s never longer than a couple hours and occasionally as in like 2-3 times a year :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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At least 2 times a month if you want to make it you have to date each other

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Literally never lmao

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You don’t have to go out for date night
Just stay home and have date night in bed with pizza and movies

You don’t have to go out to have a date night

Lol lol lol once a year or maybe not

We had 1 date night in the 6yrs we have been together… We dont get us time anymore… Its sad…

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Once every couple months. Family babysits

We haven’t in a long time.

Tell him to stay home w the kids then while u go out and have fun?.. We never do anything lol theirs no restaurants here or nothing like that :sweat_smile: or you n him make a dinner date at home when kids are asleep

We do outside romantic dinners by ourselves when we can’t leave the kids it’s cute but the best are driving around in the evening we have the best talks and the kids are asleep in the back seat.
You have to make it work the kids are part of the package include them but in a separate way


Clearly your relationship is not worth more than a babysitter, hmmm

Never… But we both like to stay at home. Create a little corner in the kitchen and have a meal together and drinks at home, movie and popcorn with the kids. It works for us. :slight_smile:


Have a date inside the house then

Generally 1 every 2 months which includes both mother n fathers day n our anniversary

We have been on one date in 8 years lol
We enjoy the comfort of our home with junk food and a movie :smiling_face:

Married 18 years this July.
Haven’t been on a date in 8-10 probably more. It is a sad feeling. Husband wouldn’t take me to his work… around
friends… sleeps with his phone. On the toilet for hours. The moment I say, I’m going out, he’s right behind me.

Once or twice a year because we just don’t have anyone available to babysit our kids.

We have only been on 1 date out entire relationship and this September will make 11yrs.

Every other week on pay days…now our kids are older and we just started doing this about a year ago. We let our kids pick what they want to order for dinner and we meet up with friends usually our favorite bar for the wings. Hubby might have a beer or 2 and we are usually home by midnight. But its nice , its just for some adult convosation and then the off weeks we usually do saturday nights at each others house with all the kids and we cook dinner for each other.

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It’s been years for a real date. But once in awhile we go to the store without the kids.

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Once a week and have for 35 years.

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l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

We’ve been on 2 dates in 4 years.

literally never. i don’t remember the last time we even went out to grab a meal just us

Once every 4-6 months lol.

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If it’s important to you let him know. Tell him you need those dates nights. You will start to resent him and it will hurt your marriage. Also make time for yourself to do things you like alone. You are more than just a wife and mother. You get one life. Do things that make you happy. Don’t settle just to keep the peace. You’ll wake up one day and wish you had done things differently

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When our kids were young, we’d grab a $5 footlong from Subway and go to the park once a week for lunch while the kids were in school! One week each year my mom would take off of work to watch my kids for a week and my hubby and I would take a week’s vacation alone (that was great!) Then, we’d do a family vacation once a year.
Now that we’re empty nesters we go to dinner once a week. We also try to take a few small trips throughout the year. Last week we went on a cruise for 5 days by ourselves!
You have to continue to date and do fun things together :heart:


As often as we can with 4 kids and life . My moms great and will watch them for us so we try to do at least 1 a month

Very seldom. MAYBE a couple times a year. But we were going out for lunch a couple times a month, since all the kids were finally in school.

Dates :face_vomiting::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::nauseated_face: never have been my thing
Give me a sac of candy bed and a movie I’ve seen 100 times and I’m more than happy :woman_shrugging:
I don’t like alot of ppl and tend to have pretty big panic attacks tho

When we have the extra money … once a month once every 3 mo this once every 6 months once a year :woman_shrugging:t3:

Hubby and I have been together for 9 years we have maybe had 3/4 dates with no kids for our annivwrsary only… If we dont do anything thats fine to. We have a family and a homestead to manage. As long as we are together

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Usually on our anniversary. Though not every year.

Once a year is a big weekend getaway to a diffrent city. And once a week is date night and 3 times a year we see a concert together woth a group of friends. Its easy for us because I have an adult child and 2 teens so they help watch the 4 year old. I didn’t want to be with someone unless we continue dating each other after kids.

Then he can stay home and you can go on a date ( with yourself lol)