How often does your baby wake at night?

How often does your baby wake through the night? I AM TIRED

My 4 month old wakes once or twice on a good night, but my now 4 year old was a consistent every hour-hour and half waker from birth until almost 2 years old, and he just started sleeping through the night completely right after turning 4. It is absolutely exhausting, and it may not be much consolation but frequent wakings are normal for some kids up until 3-4 years old. I chose to bed share with him until the baby was born to help us both get some sort of sleep. Lol

I nurse my almost 3 month old between 10-11 and he goes to sleep until usually 5-6 sometimes a little later.

My 18 month old sleeps through the night. 10 pm to 930 am. My 2 month old wakes about twice at night. He was born on a schedule that he naturally follows without added effort. He sleeps 9 pm to 7 am.
Both babies are breastfeeding still. But the 18 month is on solids as well.

My 20 month old sleeps through the night. He has a strict 8pm bedtime and will sleep through until 7am