How often does your childs father help with the kids if you are split up? My childs father expects me to handle everything and he doesn’t even want to pay me child support. At this point I am fed up and tired of doing everything on my own…
My son’s dad freely gives a certain amount every week… if I ask him for help he will and there’s times he comes over and brings stuff without me asking or knowing he’s got stuff for the kiddo…kiddo does live with me full time though… we do live just 2 minutes away from each other though and can be helpful if I need his help with our son. Sometimes though a lawyer is needed for cs,custody stuff… and filing for child support and being rewarded that doesn’t mean it’ll happen.
My daughters father doesn’t help at all. He speaks to them once a month. He doesn’t pay child support he doesn’t buy them gifts or clothes. When I broke up with him he basically stopped being their father. He was very abusive and controlling. I’ve since learned he refuses to help because he’s got zero control anymore. He saw us as pons and when I left with them he couldn’t use us and he’s mad. He takes it out by doing this…
My Ex moved out late January. Child support is taken out of his paycheck automatically. He has only helped with them physically 2 times, for about 3-4 hours both times. He’s supposed to get them every other weekend, every other holiday, 2weeks in June, and 2 weeks in July. Every time I ask when he’s going to get them for a weekend he says he can’t answer that. He uses work as an excuse, but he’s only required to work Monday-Thursday; Friday-Sunday is voluntary… it’s funny how he hardly ever volunteered for overtime until divorce was filed last year!
Their dad hasn’t seen them in 3 years and won’t pay CS. It’s his loss though he is missing out on some really amazing humans.
My daughters dad hasn’t helped me at all even when we were together I
May as well have been on my own. He now sees her as and when he pleases
My sons father was never around and didn’t pay child support. You’ve got this Queen!
My daughter’s bio father hasn’t seen, spoken to or even asked about her in over 12 years. I get zero help from him.
My daughters dad hasnt seen her in 2 years and i get a huge 18 dollars a month
Seek 50/50 custody ONLY and these problems go away
My kids dad sends me money whenever I ask for help: they are our kids, not just mine. He loves 3 hours away but still helps me when I ask for it if the kids act up or anything. & he takes the kids whenever we are where he lives & I just send them on all their breaks & what not. Super easy. No child support or court order
My son is 12 months old. His dad has only seen him 7 times and given him $440 in all year. He does not want to take responsibility or be involved so we cut him out of our life. By keeping him in our life, we’re only getting hurt by him being around when it’s convenient for him and being absent. We’re better off just letting go and moving on. Maybe someday we will find someone who is willing to take on the role as a father to an amazing child!
If he doesn’t have 50/50 then he needs to be paying you to compensate for that time. This isn’t a free ride to make kids and then bail and come when you want.
My oldest (6) has met her dad twice and my youngest (4) has met hers once. Neither of them help, neither of them pay for anything, nor are either of them a part of our lives. Their step dad however, gives and does everything for them, even from 3.5 hours away.
I left my 4 kids dad because he was basically an absent parent when he was around and that was becoming less and less due to his drinking and wanting to be 21 for the rest of his life even as a father. He spent months not seeing his kids after I kicked him out of the house(he was cheating again so it was deserved). He randomly sent some Amazon boxes to them after 4 months of nothing. I even gave him my car to make sure he’d see them and he couldn’t get a stable house, stable schedule, stable amount of money(while not paying me anything mind you) until his ok cupid girlfriend allowed him to move into her house after about 6 months or so of dating. (They started dating while he was both married and living in my house still). Once I met the girl and felt comfortable(after way more time) I let them go do their weekend visits over there. She is the only reason he has anything to do with his kids because for awhile there he lost his license, couldn’t drive, gave me back my car because of it, spent 2 years no license no car. She drove him to pick ups or her mother. They enabled his behavior and helped him get visits but it was not him. He has never lead the charge to be a present parent. He could care less. He argued our child support amount down and for awhile made excuses on why he didn’t pay it. I have yet to take him to child support recovery even though if I add up all the months he didn’t pay and all the missed/partial payments he randomly would miss or tell me he’d be skipping this week, etc. He’d owe enough to probably lose his license for that. some men never grow up enough to parent properly. We have no way of knowing this prior to having said kids so its kind of a catch 22. They could be good boyfriends/husband’s and shitty fathers. In my case, he was an OK husband and I spent a long time letting myself be manipulated and lied to about how he’d change. Unfortunately, he now does that to my kids.
sometimes the money or their time really isn’t worth it. If he wants to be absent, let him. It might end up being the best thing you do for your kids.
Sounds like a lot of you picked the wrong person to have a child with.
None. Kids go every other weekend. Friday - Sunday 5pm… During the summer it’s just the first 2 months ( weekends only).
My ex was a pos. He couldn’t physically hurt us after I left him and got a restaining order against him, so the only other form of abuse he could inflict is financial. He hasn’t paid support in years. He’s working under the table, not doing taxes he’s hiding from FRO ( The third party who collects support through the courts ) so they can’t take him back to court for non payment. Some are really just shitty people through and through.
I’f you haven’t gotten a lawyer, get one. If you haven’t gone through the courts, do it. All you can do is try and get what’s owed to your kids. You can’t force someone to be apart of someone’s lives, but you can atleast make them pay for their kids.