How often does your husband brush his teeth?

How often does your husband brush his teeth? He thinks once a day is enough and said most do this but it cant be true so I am really trying to see something here.


I’m curious if you women want a son or a man, because you’re treating him like a child!! Worry about your own teeth :grimacing: :crazy_face:


My sons dentist told him… you brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends. You brush your teeth at night to keep your teeth.


He brushes 1 time a day at night unless I say how stinky his breath is in the morning lol. If it wasn’t for the dentist telling him he needs to brush more I think he would brush less lol

My little sister brushed two to three times a day and rubbed all the name off her teeth and ruined them so be careful brushing too much can be harmful

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My ex husband used to say the same thing… EX! :roll_eyes:

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There are many people who only brush once a day.
But my guy does two most of the time. Just like me. Morning and night. (And sometimes i do again if it’s right after I eat something pungent)

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Floss and brush twice a day

Not enough ! It’s disgusting to not brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss ! I floss twice a day and brush 3 to 4 times a day


He does his twice a day. Flosses once a day

Many ppl does it once a day, not just husbands. But at least morning and night for my family

At least 2x. . Morning and night. If not more.

Ewwww, I wouldn’t even be able to kiss him

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Three times a day. Once in the morning, once half way through work, once before bed.

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Twice. And he floses, uses mouth wash.

So what your saying is it’s a universal law or rule that husbands around the world brush their teeth a certain amount of times in a day

So how many times do wives brush their teeth


My ex would brush every few days hot breathe yuk ex :rofl: