How often should babies wake up to nurse?

how often does your LO wake through the night to nurse? and how long does it take for them to fall back asleep? (Mine is 1 month).

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I’m not breastfeeding but my LO is 6 weeks and she wakes every 2-3 hours (lately it’s been 3 hours) to feed and get a diaper change. Usually 30-40 minutes for her to finish a bottle and fall back asleep.

15 months, and once for maybe 5 to 10 minutes…
At a month old, he woke every 2 hours to nurse. Still only 5 to 10 minutes… He’s always been a quick nurser.

My son is 2 months old he’s fed at midnight and sleeps from when he finishes to anywhere from 5-7 in the morning.

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Mine is 7 months. Maybe 1-3 times depending on how long he goes. Usually falls asleep 5-10 minutes

Every 2 hours until we were 13 months old and then went to a few wakings each night until she finally slept through the night at 2 1/2 years old!

6 months, formula fed, gets up 2 to 4 times a night. Drinks anywhere between 8 and 12 OZ in 9 hours.
Sometimes she doesn’t even open her eyes to eat and falls right back to sleep. Other times she gets mad because I am holding her bottle and not her and ends up staying awake for an hour or so

When my oldest was 7 weeks old, I would cluster feed her (breastfed) the hour before bed time, and she would sleep 10 to 12 hours straight. My youngest didn’t sleep stretches like that until about 6 months old. All babies are different, bit having a routine will help with any kind of sleep training

Just be consistent, 3 month old is fed and put in crib at 7 nurses st 10, sleeps till 3 or 4 am, nurses, back to sleep again till 7 ish nurses and is up for the day.

My daughter is almost 4 months. She’s usually asleep by 9 pm wakes about around 5:30-6am to nurse and get her diaper changed and then she sleeps til 9-9:30 am

Mine starts wiggling around 1Am but is t fully awake. I let her sleep while feeding and she stays asleep

Mine is 5 weeks. She wakes up every 2.5-3 hours. Nurses one side about 10 minutes then I burp her and change her diaper, then nurses the other side about 10 minutes then another burp and back to bed. I would say about 30 minutes each session for everything

I’m currently breastfeeding and my little one is 1 month old as well. She’ll eat for 30 mins or so then fall asleep, sometimes it takes an hr then she’ll sleep for 4 hrs wake up change diaper eat then sleep another 3 hrs.

Wait you guys track how often and length at night??? Im too tired to remember shit except that shes waking up and keeping me awake lol

Depends on how awake baby got. If baby is starting to wiggle now is the best time because baby will nod back off quickly! Any later you and baby will be up for awhile.