How often would you allow your teenage daughter to hang out with her boyfriend?

I was wondering if u could post how often u let your 16 year old daughter hang out with her boyfriend. She a good kid, good grades but wants to hang out every free min she got till curfew.


At 16 I’d been living with my partner for a year already haha.

Whenever they want. He will take her to dinner one or two nights a week. And he comes to hangout . He hangs out with us and her siblings more. Lol. He’s a sweetheart and treats her like a princess. Her on the other hand. Lol

I would remind her about hanging out with her friends too. Teach her balance.

I spent whatever free time I had with my boyfriend at that age… he was over on weekends we seen each other everyday before and after school once in a while he’d ride his bike over to house during week we took bus to hang out at mall etc I went over there he came to house and we were on phone non i say let them be kids it only last sooo long

As long as grades are good, chores are done… They can hang with bf/gf all day long for all I care…and as long as rules are respected at each other’s homes…my kids aren’t teens yet… But this will be what we do for ours

Can he come over?
If all responsibilities are done I don’t see an issue with her spending time with her bf even if it seems to be a lot.

I never dismissed the idea of spending every waking moment with my own boyfriend so with that in mind I went ahead and we grew mine an easy plant and told her the plant must have 28 leaves before she could even have a boyfriend she had to learn to live something and love takes time


I would think it’s ok as long as grades are good and they are respectful of your home. I would absolutely have the birth control convo with her… unless you are 100% sure they don’t do that! It only takes once.

As long as she still having family time and time with her friends and done her chores etc also make sure she on birth control weather they doing it or not cause it won’t be long before they are if they haven’t already… always make sure they hang out at your house or his and obviously with curfew in place

When I was 16… my bf came over to my house everyday…


My daughter is 15 and she can hang put with her bf every other day but it has to be under supervision.

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So I let my daughter at 16 she was great in school and was good girl and She got pregnant so birth control first

Honestly as long as he comes over when we are home and gone by 8:30 I don’t care. And yes birth control

That’s an every day thing.

As long as my kid has a curfew her bf needs to leave by, they would hang out every possible second. But once weekend came- it’s girls time and he had to go. She always kept a balance between boyfriend & friends. She is also not sexually active but knows we can get bc once she’s ready. She will be 17 in a few weeks. Stays out of trouble & gets good grades so I don’t see an issue.


My daughters boyfriend is here all the time. He goes home to sleep :laughing: He has a key to the house. They are good kids and they stay out of trouble :grin:

I would say as long as her grades stay good and doing good in school doing what u need her too do at home then let her be because as soon as u put restrictions in place then problems will follow just say u can see him but if she starts slipping on anything then see him will be reduced until bk on track

Thats how good gurls sometimes get into trouble she maybe smart and mature for her age but she is still young and doesnt have all the experience. just because she is smart doesnt mean she wont make mistakes

my daughter will be 16 and with the last boyfriend he was welcomed at our house whenever he wanted as long as school work was done & chores.

My 13 year old son has been with his girlfriend for about a year, and we let him go hang out at her house when her mom is there about one day every other weekend. She’s come to hang with him at my dad’s on weekends too for a day, but we usually give them until about 7-8pm.
I think it’s all relative to age, maturity, and what you and his parents think is appropriate time.

Been with my husband since we were 15. We were together literally every single day when we were teens :woman_shrugging:


It is common now days. All the teens I know who have a partner spend a couple of days at one house then one night off for family stuff then a couple of days at the other persons house including nights and weekends/ holidays.

My daughter is 16, she hangs out with her boyfriend just about daily. They switch from our house, to his. Sundays she spends all day with his family. Her grades are amazing and she follows the rules.


Get her on birth control and hope for the best

Aww. She’s 16. As long as she’s getting decent grades and doing all her homework and chores then I’d let her spend as much time as she wants. Encourage him to hang out at your house then you can keep an eye on them and keep bedroom doors open if that bothers you.

Me and my husband been togeather for 62 years and we been married for 61 this year ,he is 82 ,I am 78


First; Birth control lol. As long as her grades and attitude is good then you just let it go. Are you concerned she’s losing herself? We all kind of have to learn this lesson on our own.


It’s normal at that age
If you try and stop it she will find a way :sweat_smile:
She’s doing good in other areas so let it be for now


as long as she is home when she is supposed to, why not. Maybe have him over your house more

Set boundaries.
Instead of her leaving, have him come over instead. Rules: can’t be in bedroom alone. But give them alone time in living room. That way she still feels like there spending time together.
Birth control. Even if she’s not planning on sleeping with him. Better to be prepared.
Open communication let her know your here for her.

its important for teens to have friends aside from the significant other. all too often I see a high school relationship not work out, and the teen lose their friend group all because they put their significant other as a priority at the time.


When I was 16 I hung out with my bf every second I could. He was over a lot bc his parent didn’t want me over that much. But then my next boyfriend at 17 I hung out with also every second I could. And me and him are married now and have been together going on 19 years. He was also over a lot and then we went out all the time. Idk if her grades are good and she stays out of trouble I don’t see the issue. If she wasn’t hanging out with her boyfriend she’d probably be hanging out with her friends :woman_shrugging:t2:


My daughter isn’t quite to the teenage years. She has about another 10 years before she reaches that age. Personally I’d would just say have an open conversation with your daughter about things and remind her that you were once her age. Let her know that you are aware that teens are going to do things that they don’t want to tell mom or dad about because of embarrassment or having an embarrassing conversation happen that they are trying to avoid. We were all teenagers once.

If she has good grades etc the amount of time wouldn’t bother me… she obviously just loves being with him.

If her grades was to drop etc then I would limit it… just let her have fun and enjoy it.

Set boundaries
Once u start seeing a change in attitude or behavior give ultimatum otherwise let it go 4 now…puppy love can b crazy

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I would let her hang out with him
Until curfew
If you trust them it won’t be an issue
Or if you are worried
Allow them to hang out together
In your home

My daughter isn’t a teen yet but if her grades are good and all her school work and chores are done it would be fine to hang out.

Now I’d make them hang out at my house b/c I legit don’t trust anyone else around my kids but to each their own.


1-2x a week.
Mine are too busy with babysitting JOBS, activities, friends, youth group, homework, chores for more than that.

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As long as school and responsibilities aren’t effected unlimited visitation (no overnights and 10pm curfew) at my house where they are monitored

If she’s doing her school work and her chores, then I see no issue. I would def put my foot down on some set family times as well. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have a 17 year old daughter with a boyfriend. They are allowed to hang out once a week at my house (they see each other everyday at school)! She has work, school, clubs, friends and family time that come first.


No. Do they go to school together? If so I would say about three times a week

I’m sure you are aware that You can make a baby before curfew


People saying birth control please take into consideration the change in hormones this child will go thru and body changes. Chemically changing her body may give her a lack of motivation all the way to depression. It’s not exactly good to recommend birth control for kids who are still developing physically and mentally. You could cause the mom to think new issues are from the bf when it’s really cuz she’s chemically altering her child’s body. Also remember depo causes brittle bones. Starting bc too early can also cause dark facial hair on her chin and upper lip

When I was 16 I saw my bf just about everyday unless we were working but his dad and step mom always allowed me over at his house and I had straight A’s and was responsible. If you allow her to spend a decent amount of time with him I’d say start her in bc snd talk to her about safe sex because I mean let’s be honest she’s 16 and if she is around him enough it’ll probably happen. Better safe than sorry.

All you moms saying birth control makes me wonder :thinking:. How about open communication?? Talk to your kids and be someone they can be open and honest with :heart: maybe they aren’t even having sex. I was a teen parent and did it because I was looking for something to love me. Hopefully your child already has that.

Never. Teen anything is too young for dating.


Rochelle Andrews omg wow 16 thats young. .hope u practice birth con ?

At 16, I was as with my boyfriend almost every day. We were together for 9 years(until we were 25) and have 2 kids together.

I have a 16 year old daughter and she sees her boyfriend whenever she wants.
She’s a good kid, and tells me just about everything.
She’s stays at his parents house sometimes, and here sometimes, but ultimately I trust her and respect her enough to allow her to make her own decisions.

When I was 16 I hung out with my boyfriend every chance I could and I honestly regret it. I’d be okay with them seeing each other a lot but maybe also try to remind her that her boyfriend isn’t everything and she also has friendships and herself to take time for too :two_hearts: i wish someone had done that for me. (not trying to be a debbie downer, but to give another perspective).

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As long as she’s supervised, being safe, doing well in School, social clubs, friends, I wouldn’t care. I don’t see harm in it. I’ve always been a serious dater even when I was younger. I’ve only ever had aside from 2, long term relationships.

I would as often as mine wanted unless we had prior obligations.

When my daughter(she’s 17 almost 18)was 16,her ex use to come over almost every single day and they’d hang out.She went to his house once and she wanted to come home a few hours later.