How old is too old to breastfeed?

3 years 2 months and we stopped because I had had enough. Just when is right for you both!

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I had 4 children I breastfed. My 1st, who I was told would be my last, I stopped at 27 months because I was done. My 2nd, started refusing at 12 mos. 3rd I stopped at 18 mos because I found out I was pregnant again. 4th was finished at 12 mos. He waa lazy, and preferred a sippy cup! You do you!!! Whatever makes you comfortable!!!

Each parent and child is different. My best friend bf til her daughter was two. My mom bf til I was 1. With my first daughter we only lasted 2 months because she wasnā€™t gaining weight. But my youngest is 5 weeks and we are doing well and I hope to go til atleast 6 months maybe 12. Its all about what is comfortable for you and for baby. As well as what works best for you. At 12 months baby shouldnā€™t need formula if you choose not to continue breastfeeding. But it is still great for baby to get breast milk. So donā€™t stress the choice to much. If you feel done or baby seams ready or wanting to wean its a good time. And if you are both still happy with it continue on.

I did 18 months with my son

I breastfed 4 kids. 9 months 6 months 27 months and 14 months. Baby and mamma decide

I always stop between 8-12months old, They are basically eating the same meals as the rest of the family by then and walking so they practically self wean as well, There isnā€™t any real point to continue further by then, for me personally itā€™s just a good stage to move forward.

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I mean Iā€™ve heard of like 7 year olds still breastfeeding which I think thatā€™s much. Some wait till about 2-3 years some babies kinda stop on there own. Itā€™s honestly personal preference and what works for you and your child. I feel 4 is pretty appropriate especially if they will be starting school. Just makes everything easier :woman_shrugging:t2:

I stopped at 12 weeks with 1st and 11 month with second. 1st because I was to young to stand up for myself and pump when I needed. 2nd time my son wouldnā€™t stop biting. Decided when he not only did he bite but he pulled his head back at the same time. Decided I like my nipples attached to my body. WHO recommends 2 years. I think you do what you feel you need to do for you and your baby.


It all.depends on baby and mamaā€¦we are going on 28+ monthsā€¦some days Iā€™m touched out and insist Iā€™m not a sippy cup ( when he just wants a mouth full , a drink)ā€¦but overall been going strong

I believe my son was around 2.5 years old.

Old school, old lady I breastfed all three of mine. Till one Year. The doctors were recommending at that time, off the bottle off the pacifier at one year because of jaw and teeth development. Start on a sippy cup is what they recommended. Like I said Iā€™m an old lady 63. But it worked for all three of mine.

3 kids. Stopped at 15months, 18 months & 2 years 4 months. Stopped with the first because i got pregnant with my 2nd and it was uncomfortable. Stopped with my 2nd becausr she weaned herself. Stopped with my 3rd because she got extremely sick for 2 months and couldnt nurseā€¦i know that sounds backwards but thats how it went.

3 years then he self weaned

I did 20months with my daughter the only reason I stopped was because of pregnancy complications.

You do you mama!
I stopped at 11 months with my first he pretty much self weaned, I was 3 months preggo so I wanted to stop to. currently still breastfeeding my 4 month old no plans on when to stop

:joy:I stopped after 6 months! I wanted my body back and she was a terrible latch, I was sick of nipple sheilds

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My 1st refused at about 16 months, I had to stop my 2nd at 20 months because I was due to give birth again and it was agony. My 3rd I stopped at about 2 1/2 years because I was done, and it was causing her to sleep poorly. Anywhere upto or around 3 seems reasonable to me, unless you or they want to stop. What does it matter?

There is no cut off - just when mum and nursling are ready. If youā€™re talking about biology thoughā€¦ the human immune system becomes fully developed somewherr around 6 / 7 years. This coincides with the milk teeth falling out, beginning to change the shape of the mouth and making latching physically difficult. Every time a mum breastfeeds she shares her own immune system with her child, so it makes sense that breastfeeding might have been designed to stop once the childā€™s immune system is ready. :slight_smile:

My daughter is 17 months we completely cut out boobie about a week ago i felt it might help her sleep better as it seemed she was on me 24/7 at night just because she could be shes been sleeping amazing since also stopped as Iā€™m pregnant with my second and i would like a break before the next 1 is born

Both mine self weaned, 11 and 12 months.

CDC Recommends up to 12 months or longer.

Whenever you want to stop, or whenever baby decides they want to stop.

24 months here
I will wait until he is ready
I am also pregnat so planning on breastfeed for the next 4 years lol

First one was 4 yr and 1 month and only stop as 2nd was born and we told him it was his turn now 2nd one is just turned 4 yr and donā€™t see him stopping anytime soon but after 3 they both were comfort at night

Did you know you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. Be careful.

2 ish maybe or whenever you want to stop.

When he starts bringing friends over for dinner, might be time to stop.

My daughter was 2 in April and still feeding

First kid until 12 months. She only had night time feeding. My second child until 13 months she ate like a new born so I was ready. Third child during pandemic I nursed him until 19 months. Would have weaned him off by 15 months but pandemic happened so it seemed to be best to just keep regular routine due to craziness in the world.

1st baby-Mix fed for 6 Months.
2nd baby- 21 months.