How quick did your labor progress?

Experience being dilated at 1 cm at 34 weeks how soon did you progress did you have preterm Labor

I’ve been 1cm since 30 weeks. 35 now and still at a 1 :heartpulse:

My neice stayed at 1 until 39 weeks then they had to induce

I was 3 cm for weeks! Delivered at almost 42 weeks.

I was at 1cm for 2 weeks then after intense contractions went to l and d they checked and said I was 4. Within 2 hours I was 10 and was told needed to push

I didn’t have mine checked until it was go time. By then i was at 6.5 and only about an hour or so from pushing

Your dilation means absolutely nothing. You can go from 0-10 in 1 hr or sit at 5cm for weeks. Stop getting checked and adding unnecessary stress to yourself

I say at 2-3 for weeks with all 3 of mine. 2 never progressed and was c sections at 39w 4d due to size.

No my boy was 2 days late was 2cm weeks was slow labour 2 weeks

My first dropped into the birth canal at 36weeks. But I didn’t go into labour until 38 weeks.
Second I was 1 cm for 6 weeks prior to going into labour
Third I’m not sure and same with 4th as I refused cervical checks with them.