How reliable are touch free thermometors?

How reliable are touch free forehead thermometers? Both of my toddlers feel hot to the touch but the thermometer says 99.5


That’s what we always use, never have an issue. If you feel like one isn’t working right, always have a backup.

Nope, get the ear one. My daughters school has the touch free said her temp was only 99 when I got home it was 103, they said she was “faking” being sick. Good thing I know my kids would never do that because they LOVE school. My daughter was full on suffering because that thermometer was WRONG

I have the ear and the touchless one, I trust the ear one far more, which is sad the other one was expensive

I’ve had two touch less ones and neither had a good read. Trust your instincts and get either a regular oral one or an ear one… they are both usually accurate.

I love my ear one. Touch less ones are never accurate