How should I go about finding out who my sons father is?

I have a fan question, and I would like to remain anonymous, please. I’m seeking advice on how to handle the situation regarding the paternity of my son. When I was 18, I was very wild and college and slept around a lot. In January of 2017, at age 19, I found out I was pregnant. About six guys are the possible father of my child. My son is now 32 months, and I am feeling conflicted about what to do as he gets older and asks questions. Each guy knows I got pregnant, but we never discussed that he could be theirs, so we just stopped talking. Should I ask them each for a paternity test so I can have some answers and let my son decide if one day he’d like to pursue meeting them or just leave it alone since they knew I was pregnant and never asked if he could be theirs? I’m really just lost on what to do.


Uhhh. Find out who that kids dad is. You need the medical history at the very least.


You can’t go back to that week they think you conceived to narrow it down? I mean I partied hard but six in one week is…well dang lol. I think they deserve to know they have a child. If roles were reversed you’d be pissed not to know I’m sure. But also make sure you are mature enough to understand you’ll probably have to share now.


I’d ask every one of them to take a DNA test.

DNA test for each one is really the only way.


I would narrow it down. I couldn’t live not knowing. If he looks shockingly different from any of the guys I probably would start with the ones he looks most like?


If you know for sure who the possible father is… then yes… ask. the worst they can do is say no, because establishing paternity does open them up to being responsible for child support.


Do it for the future. Some day you may want or medically need to know. People move leave and change. Do it for the father to have a chance to step up also.


Take a test make all do it

I personally would try to find out. What if something happens to the baby medically when it gets older you would need to know the fathers medical history.


If you can make a chart based on the baby’s birth date…then going back 9 months, perhaps you can nail down who you were with at the time of conception. Good luck, Unless as April mentioned you can get them all to take a DNA test…Take them on the Lauren Lake court show…she does all those DNA tests…and would likely love to help you with your problem. Again, Good luck!


Maybe theyre wondering too…just cause one guy says fuck no doesnt mean one will

get paternity test from all of them.

Go and ask all of them for a DNA test. Find out who is dad is then maybe the dad May want to step up and raise his son. Give your child and the dad the opportunity of a relationship. Don’t like your embarrassment get in the way


Honestly your son deserves to know who is father is I would have those 6 guys take a DNA test and then go from there… you can do a at home DNA test or go to wherever one is offered and have it done…


Call Maury at least he could contact them for u and you wouldn’t have to pay for every test? Not judging you bc I was wild myself but 6 may call for some professional help


Do dna testing. Dont expect them to be nice, but hey, they fooled around too. You need to know who for child’s health history.


So many people have a similar past, I commend you for owning it! I don’t know how accurate it is, but I’ve heard that those ancestry tests also kind of operate like dna tests… ?!


Your child deserves to know who their dad is.
And even if those men you slept around with don’t seem to show interest, their mothers ect might. That baby deserves that


Line the babys picture up too you maybe able to narrow it down

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Do dna testing. Dont expect them to be nice, but hey, they fooled around too. You need to know who for child’s health history.


DNA test for all. Tell them you’ll pay for it, and theres no obligation for them at all. Cant u determine the time u got pregnant and sort it out, or see a resemblance in you child with one of them?

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There’s a date of conception calendar online. Put your child’s birthday in and it will give you a rough estimate. Also, paternity tests work.


He could have a DNA test done and there are organizations that trace things that way for people seeking their relations. It’s not a guarantee, but beyond getting DNA from each prospective person is possibly an option.

Do what’s best for your son. He has a right to his father. And when the father is established, encourage a father/son relationship. Fathers are more than a child support check.

Pick one and get a DNA test. Go online and buy one. Have them swab and get it sent it. It’s super easy. A friend of mine had to do that and it worked. If he’s not the dad move onto the next. The baby deserves it.


As someone who is in their 30s and still doesn’t know. Do it know while he is little. I wouldn’t automatically test all 6 at once. Go with The Who you think he is a go from their. Your son deserves to know. There are Also medical history that you and your child need to know.


The guys you slept with should know the consequences in sleeping around the same as you. There’s no reason that the father shouldn’t help you financially. You need to find who the father is for many reasons.


That is awesome if you still have contact details for them all, get it done now or you may not be able to later, good on you mumma for doing it, your baby will thank you for it later, even if all he has is a name


They got talk shows for this


Its not about what they did or didnt do, it’s about whats best for your kiddo. One day he will ask questions. It’s up to him to decide


I doubt if they would volunteer, thinking that you would go for child support.

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Test you don’t know what health problems may arise and you will need to know family members back ground


Does your child look like.any.of them?. I’d start there.


Who does he look like? All three of my girls look like their dad with hair. Surely he has to favor one of the guys.

I’d personally ask each one of them for a dna test . Don’t let the father’s family miss out on such a blessing , even if the father doesn’t wanna step up . They deserve to know and so does your child . :heart:

Edit to add: you may need to offer to pay for it . Since you’ve waited so long , they may be reluctant due to the money issue . Some places will do it for free though . So I’d search that too .


Hmm… that’s tough because they might have assumed that since you didn’t bring it up to them, that you may already know who the father is. You also never know if the actual father would want to be in your son’s life… so it might be worth pursuing. Idk what the best course of action is though. Hopefully you’ll receive some good advice for that momma :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It is not simply for knowing who the dad is, but more for the genetics of your child. What is genetic defects,cancer, sickness your child may have inherited from the dad. Helps prevent sith future problems. Good luck. Tough spot.


I’d let sleeping dogs lie… They all knew and no one stepped up… You might create an issue if you open that door


Maury Maury Maury!!!


I’ve no advice for you but we’ll done you on being honest and putting it out there. It took courage im sure. Hope you get the answer for your son x


I feel like if you wait until your son asks it may cause issues like resentment if possible I would try to figure it out now that way if you do get it figured out the father has a chance to be a father


Maybe start with one or two of them and they will say yes to testing and you’ll luck out and get a match.

That’s a lot of money

First ur son is 2 almost 3 years old. Stop saying 32 months. Secondly yes u should try and find his father. He has a right to know who his dad is. Thirdly u should find out for health reasons.


Just do a 23 & Me type thing on your child. The results will narrow down for you who the father is. At that point, you can make decisions on how to proceed.


You may need six different tests

Suck it up, be responsible now and do paternity.


6 in a week GURLLLL more power to you lol but protection wasn’t used with any of them ?? I’m all for women’s rights to have sex with however many partners they want but being unprotected like that is scary !


I’m still stuck on “32 months”:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Paternity tests are expensive but your child deserves to know who his father is.


I’d so the test. your child is going to want to know. and your not going to want to say “well there are half a dozen” also if they leave and you don’t see them again. do it now while you can


Ancestry dna test…if any of the guys members did it, you can figure it out that way. Just know the names of the guys

Get them tested it’s not about you or them its about your child everyone should have the chance to know there parent if possible

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Maybe do like an ancestry dna thing… see if you can figure it out by last names ?

Your child deserves to know who his father is regardless of whether the father wants to be in their life. Just explain to to each of them that you just want to know who your babys father is so he can know when he’s older. Honestly, I would do it now and find out so when he wants to know when he’s older, you don’t have to explain to your son that you were sluttin around and don’t really know who his dad is. That would suck if it were me.


You could ask them to do generic at home paternity tests I think they are less than 80 on Amazon

Do you want to explain to your baby that you dont know or had you rather ask them for a paternity test? I would ask them bc that would be easier to tell your son and also he deserves to know.

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I think u should contact all 6. Let them know their 1 or 6 that could be the father. They and their families will be conflicted, y did u wait so long? But u need to get test. 6 could get mighty costly. They might not want to pay. So u put on ur grown woman panties and take ur tax money and pay for the test. For whomever doesn’t want to pay. It was ur decision. It’s ur body. It’s ur baby. U owe that to ur baby. If u can’t give him anything else in this world, give him the father, that God willed for him to have.

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Just do it. :roll_eyes:… Whats the worse that will happen? Neither of the 6 are the father? Lol. You have to think about your son. What if his father has cancer that runs in the family or other medical issues? Grow up and be the adult.


Wouldn’t they all have to get blood drawn? What if they don’t agree to get tested?

I would be worried about STDs! Not one used a condom? In this day an time? Sorry to judge, but your own health could be compromised.


The obvious answer here is to go on the Maury show


If the baby resembles any of them i would start with that… All my kids look like my husband and his side of the family!!! They might not have thought they might be the dad since you didnt mention it and especially if they used protection!!! If you dont think the kid resembles any of them then you could start with one and ask if he says no then ask the next and hopefully you get a yes and that one is the dad but if you get a yes i would test that one and if its not the dad continue with the list and asking and if anyone who says yes isnt the dad remessage the no guys!!! But i would also be straight forward if you dont expect anything from them except an answer for when your son is older let them know that up front but also if they are the dad and they want something to do with the child you have to also be prepared for that as well!!! Good luck wish i could be of more help!!!

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If you go for any state assistance they make you find out the father. I put my son’s father’s name down and he wanted a paternity test…it was done through the state and the potential father has to sign he will pay for the test if it turns out he is the father

DNA for all. If you were with multiple guys in a short window of time (likely intoxicated) you wouldn’t recognize similarities in features, behavior, etc. I commend you for having and raising your son. The bio dad, his family, and your son have every right to know the truth. I could share many stories that have ended badly, and for the mother, when paternity is kept a secret. I would think you would be curious too.


I’m 41 and found my father a few years ago here on Facebook. The family didn’t “see the resemblance” but my mom was certain he was my father out of two men. We ended up doing the ancestry dotcom DNA. Not me and my biological father but me and his other daughter did it. We came out the only closest relation for each other. We also had the same connection to cousins on our fathers side showing proof that he IS my biological father. So maybe that is an option for you. It’s cheap.

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If you get any medical assistance for your child the state usually requires a dna test to help with medical insurance. If you dont i think there is test you can buy at walmart and have them sent in!

DNA I feel you owe your son that much. Why should he have to wait until he is older.


Ppl still do months after 2 years old??? Lol isnt 32 months… 2years and 8 months… So child is almost 3? Lol more prior to ya girl. Now on the note of said paternity u could try to go through dhs to get child support and tell them that there is possibly 6 guys and u would have to find their addresses and what i believe for a paternity test to take place. But a dhs office may be able to help


Its very important for health, and for your child when he ask questions or when you talk to him. But sweetie, believe me, some one will still the beans to your child, before you realize. Another child overhead a conversation, and told my child when she was 4. At the time, I was married and we had decided to talk to her when time was right… she is 50 now and is angry. I hope you are smarter than I, GOD be with you

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Im more confused on why for the last 2 years u thought you had to do this alone? You and these men both made that decision to sleep together. And whether they want to be INVOLVED or not it is both of your responsibilities to financially support this young child for 18 years. Not only will your child want to one day know who dad is but dad also has a right to know. You were young and dumb and I’m guessing these men were too. Take a test and go from there.


I would do a dna test now too. The father also deserves to know he is the father. And your son is going to want to know.
File for child support they can help with the dna testing.

32 months child support owed and counting… your son has a right to know his father and vice versus. Yes- lives will change. Holidays, visitation, etc. You have a right to be financially helped for your son. Honesty is the best policy!

Do an ancestry DNA test for your son and any of the guys family’s are on it you will know for sure before you start the process


Forgive me if I sound rude… But you kind of owe it to your son to find out… Unless the father is violent abusive and generally a risk to have around a child then the child has the right to know, it’s not really about you, it’s about him knowing both halves of where he came from… Again, sorry if I sound rude

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Yeah I’d get some tests done, start with who you think they look like? Plus it could be harder to track them down the more time that passes…

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I would find out who the father is before he gets older. You don’t want your son to have to test 6 different men. Just not good!

You need to get these tests done. Now, not years down the road when who knows where these guys will be. Your kid deserves to know who his father is, and the father needs to know he fathered a child.

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By all means sleep around but to not be using anything to prevent pregnancy is just pure selfish , not knowing who the daddy is , is pure dirty


My mom did the same when she fell pregnant with me. (Little less men) only 2 where possible…she let it go and stopped talking to the one who was come to find out my bio dad. I didn’t find this out tell i was 12 years old. My sisters dad was passed off as mine as well. We started looking nothing alike and he was asking my mom question. We did a test and my dad who i thought was my bio dad was not. It killed us both. My mim clams to not know anything more then a name of my bio father so it’s been next to impossible to try to find him,years later i wished i knew my bio dad and my kids had a chance to know who there grandpa is. So sad. I would definitely try to find out who the bio dad is! Regardless of your feelings its going to hurt your son one day if you don’t.


Maybe they never thought they could be he father? I mean obviously they remember sleeping with you, but maybe they thought you knew who the father is. I’d get dna test. Your son deserves to know who his father is and if his father doesn’t want anything to do with being a dad then he deserves to know it wasn’t you that kept him away. Also it is good to know what possible illnesses run in his fathers family.

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i would call maury i hear hes good witg the situation if you dont want go public go to family service have them help u they will contact each of them and do paternity


Just say your kid is 2 1/2 or almost 3 but my goodness stop counting in months!!!


I don’t have any advice for you other than your son is 2.


You have to ask them all. If they refuse you would have to get a court order. You would also have to pay for it since you’re requesting.
However, it’s definitely worth knowing. You never know, the father could end up being an amazing dad.


Maybe! You can find out who can‘t be his father with blood group and Rhesus factor

I would personally want to know who the father is for a medical history. I would try to narrow it down and then ask one by one for a DNA test.


Now see, I personally wouldn’t stir the pot. None of them have cared enough until now, and I wouldn’t want them deciding they wanted to try to be in his life now and just be an unreliable mess, bringing Lord knows what into your child’s life. This isn’t on you when he gets older. It is on them. They all knew you were pregnant, and none of them made an effort to possibly be a Dad. You didn’t hide this from them.


I could never imagine my son not having a father figure/knowing his father just because I slept around, not fair to him at all. Gotta do whatcha gotta do to make it right while he’s still young


You can try it that way, you can go to court and have the courts petition them to get it done… but then you’ll be setting up custody and all that. If you told these guys you were pregnant, but then didn’t discuss the fact they may be the father, they probably figured they weren’t. You need to communicate clearly.


Dam. If none of them asked if the child could be theirs that’s a dam shame… thats 6 chances of potentially having a great baby father… but NONE cared that much??? Dam idk what to tell you other then go ahead and try but dont get upset with the outcome …


Go to paternity depo. Com and get a test for father and son it’s cheaper it’s $79 but it works great I did one for my boyfriend and his son and it worked great highly recommended it

good luck on this one

Go with whoever he looks the most like and start there. Tell them it’s not about support, just so you know who he is.

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It wouldn’t hurt to ask the guys. Maybe they are curious, but didnt know how to approach the subject.

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It would be wise to find out now for the sake of the kid and so the father can know as well… its about you and that child now! And child support is a major factor.


Keep in mind that when your son is older and dating he might just meet a sister. Stay on top of who he sees cause you don’t want him sleeping with his half sister.


Ask the most likely one to be the father if he will take a test

Honestly I say do the tests. And for the guys not being there…if they knew there were multiple possibilities, can you really blame them? I wouldn’t want to get attached and then find out the child isn’t mine. It isn’t like you were in a serious relationship with one of them. It isn’t about you and what you want. It’s about what’s best for the child and if the father wants to be in his life that’s his right. Can’t blame anyone for not being there when you didn’t really pursue anything either