It’s not there life, who cares what anyone else thinks. Are they going to raise your kids? No. So you & your partner can be excited about another baby. Congratulations
The only ones that matter will be there to help you and be happy about the baby . Having a baby is always a blessing so don’t worry about what others say
I feel for ya! I’m 28 weeks still haven’t heard a “congratulations” and support from his side is non existent. It hurts but at least you know your baby will be loved regardless if they are excited or involved.
I was 15 when I had my son and his dad was 17, were 18 and 20 now and both doing well and happy
#1 lesson on adulthood: unless you’re abusing your kid, stop caring about people’s opinion. It will eliminate a lot of stress on your part.
You need to start practicing that now.
You know if they are mad, let them be mad. It’s your life.
All that matters is that you and your partner and newborn are happy who cares about negativety from others , best wishes
Its your family and you shouldn’t care about their option.
Not sure why their opinion matter . As long as the baby is loved an cared for . Their opoinion should not matter …
You are both adults handling your shit, tell them to get over it.
If they aren’t happy for you then they don’t have to be in your families life. They have no right to judge. Congratulations on the pregnancy! It’s so exciting!!!
I’m just going to say Congratulations. It will be hard but you’re gonna be new parents and his parents, along with yours, will love this baby as they love you. They’re scared for you. That’s all. Goodluck with baby. The greatest thing to ever be blessed to be is a Parent.
They are probably just worried. My family was like that. Now their grandkids are their world.
Then they don’t deserve to be in the baby’s life my in laws are lucky to see my daughter
I’m not sure why you would care so much… Its your baby… Now if they are helping to support y’all I could see them not being thrilled at first… But if not. Its their loss. Make your own happiness
I think if they think you are already struggling to provide for 1, it’s not unreasonable for them to be concerned as to how it’s going to be for you to support 2. They can love the child but not love the circumstances, kwim? They might be unhappy that you’ve had another sooner than you probably “should” have as far as stability and space go, but that’s not the same as not adoring the child once the child is here.
Who cares what they think! My daughter is currently pregnant and she’s 16 we believe all baby’s are blessings and will back them if his family can’t be happy for you then that’s there issue not yours! Hold your head high and enjoy this blessing x
As adults you need to not worry about other people’s opinions. Let them be mad, dont worry about it. It’s not your job or responsibility to try to sway their feelings one way or another. And if they’re mad and dont want to be apart of it then let them do that. It’s not your responsibility to make sure who is in your childs life. As long as everything is good in your house everyone on the outside doesn’t matter especially if it’s going to cause you stress.
Personally, I think young mothers have it better. They are more ambitious, physically strong, usually dont have severe addiction(or if they do they arent that far gone), have more energy, and literaly can and will do a better job than lets say a 40 year old with old eggs, no ebergy and a shitload of baggage. I thibk our society has conditioned young people to think they shouldn’t have kids for aweful reasons. I wish you the best and who cares what people say. Have that baby and be happy. You are blessed!!! Xoxoxo
I also hope you and your partner can be strong together. Be strong and have love. Life is tough. But fuck it, when your 40 and your kiddos are all grown up, you will see your peers dealing with toddlers and you will laugh. Trust me on that one!!!
One more positive, when you are young, your body will bounce back. Easy. This is literally the prime time to have a baby.
You have your own family to worry about now, you are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. Their problem with you is THEIR PROBLEM. You want advice on how to deal with them, just say, hey we’re having another baby, we HOPE you can be happy for us and be a part of the pregnancy and our children’s lives because it’s happening whether you want it to or not. If that’s not something you can do right now, that’s fine, just know we are here and these will always be your grandkids when you decide to be there, I just hope it’s not too late by then.
My boyfriend’s family was like this when we got pregnant. They haven’t talked to us since, and if they don’t, our kids will never know about them. They just won’t “exist” in our family. And we’re 27 and 32… You’re adults, don’t worry about their opinion because the only opinions that matter are yours and your SO’s. Don’t let them drag you down about your pregnancy.
Youre well off, be proud you can say you two take care of business! Alot of people your age dont have it nearly together. Youre also adults. Do you! Forget what debbie downers say. At the end of the day thats still her granchild and she should love that baby no different. Congratulations! Youll do wonderfully!
Like you should give a shit. It’s your baby
I can understand why you’re feeling uneasy about telling them but you know what fuck em!! Nothing is more important than you and your family you’re building with your spouse. You, your hubby, your children are all that matter and I highly recommend cutting out anything that causes negativity and avoid being around negative because people it’s just going to bring your family down. They will eventually come around and you just need to keep your foot down and remind them they won’t be in the picture if they don’t respect you and your family. Everyone is always going to have shit to say and judge you just need to remember that none of that matters. Keel looking and moving forward. You seem like you know am what you’re doing keep it up mama!
Like, you think they’re going to say “wtf are you thinking?” or like they just wouldn’t be excited for you. If you two are excited, don’t let them rain on your parade! Remember to surround yourselves with positivity, it’s your pregnancy and your life. If they can’t support you, then do you really need/want them in your life? Fuck haters!
Ignore it and dont include them in shit
Hi!!! This was me last year around this same time! I was 18 and he was 19. My family wasn’t happy at all, but his was ecstatic. I didn’t tell my family until the first trimester was over (mid February) and they didn’t come around for another month. By the time we found out she was a girl, everyone was on board. It just takes time! Remember to stay positive though. Don’t stress about other’s opinions because it’s not good for you or baby! You have your own family now, you need to put them above everything and everyone else.
I had my 3rd baby at 21 tell them to shove it its your life & babys not theirs
I mean age is just a number in my opinion , do they have a reason to be upset yes…I see it is if you’re struggling to care for yourselves and one then why have another…that doesn’t mean go get an abortion , it means why not be more on making sure that you dont end up having another one right away …having your own place doesn’t mean shit, ppl can have their own place and still be struggling to make ends meet…so I do understand it…but then it’s up to you guys to ignore other ppls opinions…I was 17 when I had my first and I made damn sure that I didn’t have another one until 7 yrs later…you don’t have to get on birth control , there’s other ways to protect yourself…I guess it’s just a matter of them thinking you guys may have been a little smarter knowing that you’re having a hard time to care for one and yourselves right now …not saying that you’re struggling idk you, just saying that could be a reason…as well as they may have been expecting you guys to get a little further in life , a little more successful so things would be a lot easier when another one came …like idk , but do you work, or do you stay home while he works and takes care of the finances?? Because if that’s so, it could also be because they’re watching their son/family member struggle to care for you and one child and now they’re gonna see him stress hisself even more to care for 2…I guess I need more info than y’all do everything yourselves , so that’s why they shouldn’t be upset…kids can change ppl for the better , or they can make ppl worse, as in turn some ppl into low life’s who live off of the government/tax payers pop out kid after kid and do nothing to get out of that situation…so again kids are a blessing that some ppl use to their own lazy ass advantages…
A lot of y’all need to think about of they were your kids …because tbh if this was my child , I would be happy and damn sure upset to…#idc…what ever happens happens , but if this were mine i would want her/him to be smart and do everything in their power to hold off on having a second one , especially at this age…I’d rather them have one and finish school and work on fully being stable financially before popping out a 2nd one…
Tell them to F off. No but really tell them if they can’t be happy with y’all, then they needn’t bother saying or doing anything. Tell them to please keep it to themselves, as you will not have your new baby picking up their negativity.
Seriously though, they cannot treat y’all negatively just because y’all aren’t living the life they envisioned y’all in. The only thing that matters is if this makes y’all happy and y’all are living the life that y’all envisioned and want for yourselves! Tell them that you would appreciate it if they would keep their Hope’s and aspirations of their dream life for y’all to themselves and in the future that if would behoove them to manage their expectations of how they think y’all should live your lives. Just because they want something different doesn’t automatically make what y’all want bad or negative.
Do what makes you happy…
Regardless of age, as long as you’re financially ok and can provide love and care to your kids… then who cares what anyone thinks.
How has the, “Im a big girl making grown up decisions all on my own” attitude worked for you so far in life?!
I’m in a weird family predicament. While my mother and father are active in my childrens lives my husband’s side is not. His mother is raising his oldest child. And his dad argues with him too much so he dropped him. But when his mother found out I was pregnant Feb 2018 she took my husband for more child support. Than told him if we ever did not want to take his oldest when she needed that she was going to take him for more and make sure he couldnt afford another child. Mother in law and I have never gotten along. She told me that I need to leave so dad can focus only on his oldest daughter. She is beyond spoiled. Dad has no say so in her life. But is better here. Weve also offered to take her. But my daughter whom is a 1 year and 2 months old does not know that grandparent! She has only seen her maybe a handful of times. Has only got her something 2 times in her life. And nothing for her birthday. She also tried to convince my husband that she doesnt belong to him. Lol. But she looks almost identical to his oldest. Lol. I’m glad she at least has one good set of grandparents!
I believe you are very young but if your managing and can afford to move to a bigger place that isn’t a big deal parents are allowed to worry not to be mad good luck
Congratulations!! Babies are always a joyous occasion! Screw anyone else!!!
Your happiness doesn’t have to be blessed by no one!!!
I could see why they’d be upset tbh… idc if people think it’s wrong and they’re happy for you. And now that you have kids and this were to happen to you guys with them THEN you will see why they were so upset. People struggle whether you want to admit it or not. Things might be going good for you now but anything can happen. A second kid is no damn joke and you’ll realize that soon. I’m all for women empowering women and supporting them but another baby so young isn’t the best choice. But hey, this is my opinion🤷🏻♀️ your kids will grow and once they do you’ll know why his mom is the way she is. Best of luck though