How should I handle my husbands family not being excited about our pregnancy?

I just found out I’m pregnant with my second child… My partner and I are super happy, and I know his dad, and step mom side of the family will be super happy, but we both know his mom said of the family will NOT be happy. The only reason being our age and we live in a one-bedroom place( plan on moving to something bigger) im 18, and he’s 20… we don’t think age is a problem because we are doing everything our selves with no help at all. Do they have a reason to be mad ??? What should we say if they aren’t happy for us? Please post anonymously


Not worry about it tbh. As long as your happy


If you guys are taking care of yourselves then WHO CARES. Live your life.


Their opinion doesn’t matter. No one’s opinions matter except you and him. That’s the great thing, what someone else thinks about you is none of your concern! Live your life and stop worrying about others.


You shouldn’t care. If they dont care enough to show support whether they like it or not they dont deserve your time attention nor to see the child if they cant be what family is supposed to be for each other why should you worry about it? Focus on yalls family and the ones that do care

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Tell them them to kiss off

Well I always tell people if u ain’t fuckin me feeding me or financing me mind your business. :woman_shrugging:t2: people will judge.

I had 2 by 18yrs thoes who didn’t like it I told them to keep there opinion to them selves it’s not there life

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Nothing else matters. It’s not about them all that does matter is you 2 are HAPPY

Tell them to take a hike!

Shit happens. Some people have kids when they’re young and before they’re 100% set in life. If you guys are happy don’t let anyone take that from you. It’s your baby and your family. Everything will work out mama! Like you said your already making it work with just the two of you so don’t worry about them!

Who cares? They’ll probably change their mind once the baby is born.

If your happy and in love and treat each other and your kids right and like you said do everything yourselves and for yourselves and there not happy that’s there problem because I don’t even know you and I’m damn proud and happy for you. And usually I don’t have a high opinion of people who get pregnant young but you seem to be doing everything right so that’s freaking awesome and something you should be proud of at not feel like crap for xox

Who cares, if they aren’t helping pay your bills etc it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or feels about it. As long as you guys are happy


Dont worry about it. Celebrate with the folks who are excited. It’s their loss.


Why should you worry about what they say it’s your life they don’t like it to bad

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Take care of your precious babies I am a grandma of 12 every baby is a blessing

As long as you two are happy and don’t ask them for help who cares what they think. Can’t let others control your destiny and life or you’ll never be happy . Do you…


Dont worry about what they think. Screw em… congrats on the pregnancy. Enjoy it and celebrate it with those who are happy for you, and forget those who aren’t. As long as you guys are happy, it doesnt matter.

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It’s done. They will warm up soon enough. Y’all keep doing the next right thing and they will come around. A baby!! Awesome! Close in age too. What could be better? Congratulations!:two_hearts:

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As long as you’re capable providing for your kids, and pay your own bills oh well. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Are you both young, yes but everything is taken care of so it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.


Until they are the ones paying your bills; what they think is irrelevant.
Congratulations on the new bundle of joy!

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Hopefully they are secretly excited… but also worried grandparents at the same time…so that makes it seem like they aren’t :woman_shrugging:t3:

If they don’t pay your bills or support you financially, their opinion is irrelevant.

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Babies are a gift from god!

If they are not paying your finances then they need to shut it

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No, they dont have reason to be mad. They don’t have to be happy, but they are the ones who will loose out & spend too much wasted time being unhappy.
You, you stay super happy & don’t let them suck you down. Congratulations to you & your happy family.

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We just got our 33 Rd grandchild .and we are as excited as the first. They are all blessings and we love them to pieces


They can be happy or not. Their opinion doesn’t really matter. Move on and celebrate with the people who are as excited about it as you are.

Every baby is a gift. You are married and you pay your own bills, so it really doesn’t matter if they are happy or not. You aren’t relying on them to provide care for this new life. Congratulations on this new adventure!

It’s your life. Don’t worry what they think. Once the baby is born most people want to be involved and love the baby regardless. But DEFINITELY try to move to a bigger place before the baby is born if possible. My SIL is having her second and they only have a 1 bedroom, don’t feel bad about it but try for a bigger place.

Remind them that your 40’s will be amazing! Because the kids are grown.

As long as you can pay your bills and not depending on anyone to do it for you it’s not their business. Having 2 babies that young isn’t that great on your body either. I can see why a family wouldn’t be thrilled but again if you are working paying your bills and not on public assistance it’s not for them to complain. If not then I can see why they aren’t overly happy. Personally I wanted my older kids to get an education of their choosing and buy their own place before adding multiple children. Living on one income is hard enough with one child 2 is harder and daycare is very expensive.

We just had our 4th baby at 40 and 42 being married 18 years and noone was happy. Fuck em. I just didn’t tell anyone who wouldn’t care to knos

Depends. If you have had a rocky relationship or still party hard or one or both can’t hold a job… taking care of things is one thing. But is it legal?

The real question is… which side is outside looking in vs being in your life more. Outside looking in will always be happy for you. In your life more and know the issues will have a better view of the situation.

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As long as you are happy - no one else’s opinion matters.

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Very few people would children if they waited until everbody thought they could afford it they Gods gift to parents and if you are saved and a child of God he has got this it is not grandparents right to decide when to have a baby either planned or not but they will love no matter they ate just concerned about the situation I hope they will be fine dont worry just trust God prayers for you and family


At 18 and a second child? Wow that is pushing it! Are you folks working? If so, you are fending for yourself.

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Girl, I am 23 have my own house and I was still worried people would be upset when they found out were having another baby. But I came to the conclusion that they can either be happy or not be apart of it :woman_shrugging:t3:

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If they don’t watch your kids or pay your bills… :woman_shrugging:
Can’t force people to be happy for you. But you should also understand that if something breaks, or something expensive happens, or you need people watch your kids, or your likely-to-fail relationship ends, you better not get mad if they don’t have any interest in helping you or giving you a place to stay.

As long as you are happy, dont worry about anyone else. Live your life for you and dont worry about anyone else. If they can’t be excited for you, then don’t even mess with them

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If you are handling things yourself…I’m sorry but it isnt their business. I have one stepchild at 35 years old. We have two incomes and barely cover things. Congrats on being able to in today’s world :blush: and congrats on your new bundle of joy :blush:

As long as they aren’t the ones helping you with the first child then who cares. It’s your life your baby. If they don’t like it then say :v:


I mean. Theres nothing they can do. They either get on board or off. :woman_shrugging:

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They can feel how they want. It doesn’t take away from how you feel. If they are mad let them be mad. You guys worry about yourselves.

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What’s done is done lol. Who cares about their opinions especially seeing as how y’all are taking care of business

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You are grown adults. If you raise your own children and pay your own bills then they have no say at all or at least not one that matters.


If yous are doing fine already, then why let others opinion get yous down. As long as your Baby’s priorities come first before anything else, then that’s all that should matter

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Don’t worry about how they feel, my Dad and step mom were never happy about any of my pregnancies and I was in my 20s for the first 4 and 42 for the last one. I never let how they feel about interfere with my life and I am happy. As long as you are happy and can handle it then don’t worry about what others think even if they are family

If you ant paying support shut it.

If this is what makes you and your bf happy don’t care what others think. You always have someone that’s not going to be happy rather your young or older about having babies. I had my first son at 23 I got told I was too young too. I’m now 27. Alot of people told me that I shouldn’t of had them so close together. But it happened. Which they are 4,2,1 and I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant All boys. So don’t care what others think or say. Just be happy with what y’all have created and enjoy. And congratulations

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You have to live your life

Blessings and congratulations on your expanding family !

Don’t involve them if they aren’t interested.

Pray for them coming to the joy of another… lil’…'cutE baby in the family.
Keep away from their negativity, especially near the new babe!

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Pay your bills keep a roof over your heads food in the cabinets an a way to get to work that is what you have to do an stay in love all they want to do is prove you two can’t make it so prove them wrong and stay strong

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Nothing don’t drink the koolaid and let them wreak your happiness.or put stress on you. Leave it alone. After the baby is born if they continue invite them to events like everyone else but don’t except them but that’s it.

My mum wasnt excited at first I was 22. She was worried for me, and just wanted to make sure I was okay and knew what we were doing and prepared. After she gave us the talk she was happy and excited. I think parents can not be excited at first as they worry about you. But then once theyve said their bit i think they should get on board and excited

Fuck them. They have nothing to do with anything. You and your man got this! Good luck!

They just want what’s best for you and in their opinion you are not doing what’s best but as long as you Are taking care of your family Properly who cares what they think though one bedroom is not enough even with the mount of kids you have now

You are married, you are taking care of yourselves, they really dont have the right to be discouraging or negative. If they are negative let them politely know that their negativity is unwelcome, and this baby is wanted.


You shouldn’t care what they think :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s your life and you have to live it if someone doesn’t like it they can always stay out of it


well… it’s not like them being upset about it is going to change the fact that you’re pregnant :woman_shrugging: I would just tell them and get it over with… they’ll probably be more pissed the longer you wait to tell them. Just be straight forward.

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Who cares if they’re happy or not? Your life, your kids🤷‍♀️

Honestly, just rip off the bandaid. Nobody said they have to be responsible for said child. I had my first at 18, pregnant with my second, and man I could care less what people think because they’re not the ones pregnant/providing for the baby.

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Honestly if you guys are happy then it dosent matter you can’t make them care my mum and dad was 16 and 21 and there still together now I am 28 x

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They have absolutely no reason to be mad. I’m 21 about to have my third baby and my kids are happy and taken care of :woman_shrugging:t2: if they are mad just tell them that. If they aren’t buying diapers they don’t have a say.

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If you’re doing everything on your own thing don’t worry about what she says USB the best mother and dad y’all can be I’m married real young I’m 16 and nobody agreed with nothing that are married for life Joey passed away

NEVER let ANYONE take your happiness from having a beautiful baby. Have as many as you feel comfortable with sis, I believe in you as a mother and a friend.

Do not let their feelings steal your joy over this new blessing. Just remember it is their feelings and may be coming from a good place like they are worried how another child will affect your financial future. When they express their negative feelings just kindly remond them that this new baby is a blessing and a joy and that although you appreciate their concern you expect them to respect your wishes and share in your joy keeping their negativity to themselves. If they continue with the negative comments simple say “We will be leaving now. Maybe we can spend time with you when you are better able to keep your feelings to your self and to treat us as we have asked you to.”

I know that has to be disappointing, because you expect family to be happy for the wonderful things you have going for you, but sometimes that’s just not the way it is. Don’t let their reaction dictate your happiness. Congrats on #2!

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May be she’s thinking how it will get because of age and hard times will we all have been young and in love and we also know how hard it gets so I understand where her mom is coming from

Personally it has nothing to do with them U don’t need to prove anything to them enjoy your news with your little family

And who is paying for these babies the stay and tax payers so you or your man or not taking care of them we are food stamps Medicare you or him or not doing it where you work what job he has get it right state take care of you and those babies

Its no skin off their noses!

You say your partner instead of your husband. if you aren’t married that may be why they feel the way they do

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I mean they can get over it? It doesnt change the fact that youre pregnant. They either show happiness and support or they can keep it to themselves

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Who cares if they don’t like it it’s what makes you happy if they don’t like they don’t need to be in you life’s because worrying about there blessing is gonna cause problems for you and the baby they’ll get over. It’s not there business if you are happy be happy without them. They have no right to judge you . Only God can do that not them . If they want to be in your life and the baby’s they will just have to live with it or get out of your life’s for good you don’t need negativity anyway

None of their damn business. They don’t need to be in your life if they are going to bring you down

Leave your father and mother and cleave to each other. It’s Biblical it will be ok.

Soon as the baby arrives they’ll stop their bitching.

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You shouldn’t care what they think

I mean oh well, the baby is going to come regardless of how they feel so if they’re going to be salty and immature about it then let them be. As long as you and your significant other and children are good then that’s all that should matter.

Happy Thanksgiving and congratulations on your new edition ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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They wouldn’t be parents if they weren’t concerned


Your life- do what you 2 want. If you fk up its your prob.

No, they have no reason to be mad if you are supporting yourselves :100:. Since my oldest is 19, I can see how they might be disappointed if they were hoping you would complete a degree program before adding the stress of babies to your lives. Their apparent displeasure with your situation may stem more from worry and concern than anger. Kids are very expensive and I know my 19 yo couldn’t afford a baby even though he works 2 part-time jobs while in school. He barely pays rent and bills for the apartment he shares with friends. I’m sure they’ll come around when the baby arrives and love him/her.

There may be underlying reasons for their negative feelings. Maybe they are concerned that you won’t have time or money for a second child. Maybe they are worried that you guys might need help or even a place to live if something goes wrong. If their opinion matters deeply to you and your partner, seek understanding. Otherwise just live your life. Age and finances are not the only criteria of good or bad parents.

Moms and dads are supposed to look out for you and worry

Maybe to them, you being 18 and y’all living in a 1 bedroom apartment with 2 kids is a big deal.
Let them be concerned but let them know you don’t want harsh judgment…maybe seek advice and support from them instead.
I’m sure they’re happy. It’s hard to not be happy about a new grandchild.

I never understood this, like once baby is born they are obviously going to love it and want it so why even worry about now… Its not like youre gonna not have it right… So why wprry what they think if you and your partner are happy about it then thats all that matters if you both take care of everything on your own then they really have no say at all.

So i mean i dont gwt how family can be against you having a baby and then once you have it all those feelings go out the window right. Or are they gonna completely ignore the baby… Less likely the case… But hun i wouldn’t stresss it so much they might not care at all and be happy for you. And i mean if you can support yourselves and a new baby then it doesnt matter what they think.

Not thier life, it’s yours. Don’t worry about what they think


They have no say. They wanna be children and be upset, they don’t need to be apart of your lives. I have family that has nothing to do with me or my daughter and I don’t push it. I don’t send out messages, pictures, nothing. They want to be apart of my family, they can reach out. Don’t let others dampen your amazing gift and growing family. You be excited and don’t be made to feel guilty for being excited!

Brush it off, easier said then done I know but your baby is such a blessing and will be so very loved. The best thing you can do is say exactly what you told us. You are capable and willing to love and provide for your babies :heart: everything else will work out. Don’t stress over the little things :wink:

Hun. As long as you and your spouse is happy that’s all that matters. My husbands mother doesn’t speak with us at all. She’s very unhappy with her life and attempted to break us apart. She basically called me everything but a white woman. We got married. She hasn’t even met our son we have together. Mind you I’m pregnant now and she hasn’t attempted to apologize. I don’t think we will ever get one. At the end of the day you matter. It’s your happiness that matters.

Only people that need to be happy are the parents. Just don’t worry about them. I don’t think too many people would be excited for a 18 year old to be pregnant with their second child tho. My sister had 4 kids by 21. I love my nephews ofc but i wouldnt say i was excited for her when she got pregnant.


Everyone that says that changes their mind once baby gets here

I mean ya, you’re a teenager and hes barely an adult. I’d be peeved too. You’re committing to working and being involved with this person for the rest of their life or at least the next 18 years and financially and emotionally engaging eachother and focusing solely on raising another person. Pretty much putting aside any other goals or Hope’s that you may have had. It’s not about if you’re “doing it by yourselves” it has nothing to do with that. Babies are amazing but your life is essentially paused for the next two years and potentially several more unless you have a hidden wealth of finances and opportunities. Dont let people make you feel shitty because at the end of the day it’s your life. But I understand why they wouldnt be pleased. It’s not easy being successful at a functional level when you’re having children young unless you’re already set up. I had my daughter at 23 with two degrees and a huge amount of financial stability but I still needed help from my family and if my partner hadnt found a solid career we’d have been screwed even though she was planned and we were both functioning independently. Now going back to school for my PhD it’s going to take me at least three more years and my whole life is on hold and ya my family was a little pissed lol. My daughters the best thing that ever happened to me dont get me wrong shes incredible. But I’m not going to bs you with frilly answers. This is the rest of your life so take it seriously.


Like my dad always says, “if they aren’t paying your bills they can f@ck off. If they want an opinion, ask which bill are they paying for you each month!”


Dont let them rain on you… Because when the baby gets here they still gonna wanna love on it and spoil them… However i would say to consider their concern. If you cant afford another child… Perhaps get on a birth control… Its not fair to bring children into the world if you cant provide for them. And yes it takes a village but its not their responsibility… Yall are still very young… And kids are stressful… Just be careful sweets.

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I’m 37 and I live in a 2 bedroom, due to the house I was renting being sold while still renting. If you’re comfortable, make it on your own, and happy… who cares what they think. It’s how I live my life. Pay my bills… then we can discuss your opinion. Until then… just concentrate on the relationship and support they can provide for the kids. All kids need is Love, until they’re teenagers. :rofl::rofl: