How Should I Handle My Stepdaughter's Awful Attitude Towards Her Father (My Husband)?

Belt or a switch works wonders

Ground her for s while. Them bust her butt he should stand up to her!!!

I have gone through this with my step daughter. For me seeing her dad get the brunt end of what was going on at mom’s house was hard. Her dad has to step up and be dad and not her friend . My husband and daughter get along great now but it took a while she is 18 now

You didn’t mention how long you have been married? Remember she is 12, maybe he should spend quality time with just her .Obviously she’s upset with him for some reason.

Spank your crotch goblin.
Stop letting her get away with disrespectful behavior. It reflects badly on you

He is the adult he needs to step up and show her you do not dis respect me that way. She has that preteen attitude and it needs to be stopped now. She will have to come on the days the agreement says unless her mother takes it back to court. But no judge is going to dis agree with discipline as long as he doesnt put his hands on her. She needs to learn now that her shit is not tolerated at yalls house.

Is her NOT coming over so bad my dad woulda beat the living shit outta his kids for behavin that way no matter what age we was. It’s all bout respecting your folks

I’m seeing so many comments about oh that’s a teenager. I’m sorry when I was a teenager we weren’t allowed to act like that. As the wife you should speak to your husband and the mom as a team and ask if she also has this attitude at home and how they all May work towards getting her in the right direction of not being rude and disrespectful to adults especially her parents. I may not be on best terms with my kids dad but if I hear that my kid is being a disrespect little shit then they’ll definitely have to start acting right or get grounded/ disciplined. Parents stop letting these kids get away with murder, we were not allowed to behave like this why would we accept it from children. If they learn it’s acceptable at this age theyll have trouble as adults with jobs

She is testing her limits!!

Normal teen behavior my a$$. If any of mine spoke to me with such ignorance hahaha JUST SAYING :slight_smile:
Tell daddy to man up and demand respect!!!

All parents need to sit down with her and talk to her. If it keeps being ignored she gonna think “oh I can continue having an attitude because that’s being a normal teenager” and that’s not ok. Later she’s gonna be 17 still having an attitude and shell almost be an adult. People will be having a hard time dealing with an adult with an attitude. If she continues she shouldn’t have any electronics until she learns to control the attitude. If she needs a phone for emergency get her a flip phone. Get her a diary to write down get feelings if something is going on and every week yall can go over it.

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Treat her as she treats you. She asks for something tell her to get. Such let’s say she wants a pair of new shoes. Tell her she can do chores to earn money to buy them. If she doesn’t want to show respect that she can work for the things she wants since she thinks she is grown and can act that way. All the while you to lead by example with each other along with with the other children. Constantly use manners and showing respect for everyone. My step children started disrespecting in our house and spreading lies to get what they want. They lost all my respect for them and I stopped doing special things for them, stopped cleaning up/doing their chores. I stopped buying them the things they wanted. They realized after awhile that they were in the wrong and changed their ways. This wish they could go back to when they lived with us because it was way better than their mothers and see how they were manipulated by her to act that way.

I bet puberty is just around the corner. I would have a talk with her about emotions and whatnot

Treat her as if she’s your own child, discipline her as if she’s your own child, reward her as if she’s your own child.

I was like this when I would go and visit my mom as a child. I had it rough and had adults in my life in my ear and constantly saw bad things and learned to associate bad or angry feelings with her. So our time was always unpleasant for awhile because I never thought she was being motherly enough. One day she put her foot down and said “I don’t want you to go, but if you keep saying I want to go home everytime something doesn’t go your way or I don’t pay enough attention then I suppose I’m just going to have to let you.” I never acted that way again. I still pointed out when I felt left out and such but my point is- dad has to put his foot down and then figure out where the anger is coming from. If it’s because she’s jealous he’s got a new family or because she had had hopes of mom and dad getting back together. Who knows what could be triggering it but this will continue until he gets to the bottom of it and she feels heard.

tHIS IS NOT NORMAL. mY dADDY WAS VERY STRICT, BUT iLOVED HIM AND iRESPECTED HIM,AND IF iEVER BEHAVED THAT WAY TOWARD HIM I would have been smacked! He has never hit me, but Iknew he would.


She is just plain rude you as a mother should have been put respect on her from day 1. These kids have no self respect or respect anybody. She is going to get worst before she learns to respect. If that was my child she wouldn’t be disrespectful like that. I would have put the brakes on her attitude for fast. Everybody is quick to say they need help sure they need help. They need an attitude adjustment real fast. And I would have stopped it real fast no joke

I agree he needs to be the dad not her friend she has friends. She is seeing g what she can get by with if he can’t correct her behavior now hate to think what she’s gonna do at 15. He may need to talk with her mom and see if she’s being disrespected of course she may say no but it’s his place to correct t her.

I think someone is talking about dad and not in a good way

Your absolutely right my stepson is 36 years old and still lives with his dad and I and he seems to think it’s okay and it’snot disrespecting for his girlfriend and him actually sleep together here and it’s causing issues with my husband and I and I made the mistake tonight finally opening my mouth .He can mupulate his dad very easy and I had enough and opened my mouth when I shouldn’t have