How Should I Handle My Stepdaughter's Awful Attitude Towards Her Father (My Husband)?


"My step kiddos come over every holiday, summer, and every other weekend. Recently my 12-year-old stepdaughter has had the ugliest attitude towards her dad; she’s great until you ask her to do ANYTHING.

Like he literally asked her, ‘Hey mama can you give me a napkin please’ and she rolled her eyes and said NO, YOU GET IT. It was literally right next to her and she kept telling him no until he said it with an attitude then she finally gave him one.

That’s just an example tho. Another time, she was texting her grandma on her phone, and he asked her what she was doing in a curious way, not like an invasive nosey way, and she said, ‘I’M TEXTING MY GRANDMA OR CAN I NOT DO THAT???!!’

When she talks to him like that, he just ignores her and goes about his day. My hubby is a great father and doesn’t discipline them much because they’re not here so often and we don’t want to spend the time he has with them on bad terms.

If it were one of our kids, I would’ve stepped in and helped with the situation. She acts like that every time she comes and, as I said only acts up when she’s asked to help do something or if he questions her she gives him the biggest attitude. Idk what to do or what he needs to do because I know if he gets on to her or threatens to take her phone away she’ll never want to come over again. Send help lol!"

RELATED QUESTION: How can I deal with my toddler’s attitude?


“She has hit the fun teen years… Both of you need to sit her down and let her know 1st you love her 2nd the attitude and disrespect ends right now. If she is asked to reach someone a napkin then give them a napkin that’s all, no mouth needed or she will lose her phone for a certain amount of time. Do this now and stick with it or she will get so much worse and eventually, he will not have a relationship with her.”

“I have a 12-year-old girl. She tries to have an attitude and a smart mouth with me and my husband. And I put her in her place. Same with my 17-year-old stepdaughter (only comes up when she wants 2 or wants something). His, mine, it DON’T matter. They will show me and everyone else respect in my house or around me. They get 1 (ONE) warning. That is it. I have taken cell phones for a week, TV away, video games away. If y’all don’t deal with it NOW it WILL get worse.”

“Definitely normal teen behavior, but I suggest maybe talking to him about it then (if on good terms) maybe talking to her mom about it and get suggestions on how mom deals with it Because if my daughter was doing that and my bd was married I would want them to bring it to me first then the three of us would come up with a solution.”

“You don’t handle it! It’s his responsibility to discipline his child! He needs to toughen up! You getting involved could make matters worse.”

“I feel like this is completely normal teenage behavior. Lol. However, her behavior affects the whole house. I would have a talk with your husband. He may not be saying anything because he doesn’t want to lose her more than he feels he already has…”

“I’m curious about your relationship with her? Being a step-parent can be challenging. Perhaps not step in and discipline when dad is not but maybe talk with her, bond with her. Maybe she is upset about something? And maybe female-to-female she may open up?”

“Sounds like a little 12-year-old girl is missing some good old dad & daughter time. Does he take her on date nights? Perhaps he should, at least 2 to 3 hours of one day every time she comes over. Just going to get food, or grocery shopping, or a movie, school clothes & supplies, new shoes. She NEEDS his attention and direction & instead of saying so, she’s lashing out.”

“Buckle up and enjoy! The teenage years are not for the faint of heart. She sounds like a typical disrespectful teen and it doesn’t get better until… well, I’ve been told it does. Mine are 14, 15, and 17 and they all still hate my existence.”

"Congrats! She’s a normal teen kid of divorced parents. Now your husband needs to be a normal dad and discipline her. He is the problem here, not her.

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Esmy De La Rosa-Ugarte I know you can give good advice here.

You don’t handle it ! It’s his responsibility to discipline his child ! He needs to toughen up! U getting involved could make matters worse


I feel like this is completely normal teenage behavior. Lol. However, her behavior effects the whole house. I would have a talk with your husband. He may not be saying anything because he doesn’t want to lose her more than he feels he already has…


She has hit the fun teen years… Both of you need to sit her down and let her know 1st you love her 2nd the attitude and disrespect ends right now. If she is asked to reach someone a napkin then give them a napkin that’s all, no mouth needed or she will loose her phone for a certain amount of time… Do this now and stick with it or she will get so much worse and eventually he will not have a relationship with her


Typical preteen/teenage girl! My 12 year old is the SAME WAY. Even after talking to her she acts this way. It’s “Teenagerizm” :woman_shrugging: but I’m definitely going to follow this for advice! Good luck to every mother of a teen girl!


I’m curious of your relationship with her? Being a step parent can be challenging. Perhaps not step in and discipline when dad is not but maybe talk with her, bond with her. Maybe she is upset about something? And maybe female to female she may open up?


12 minite time out every time for the attitude. 1 minute per age.
Let her know when she comes over that this is a new rule. Every time she gets an attitude she would be told 1. 2.3. And if she doesn’t quit the attitude by time you count to 3. Its time out time. This could be sitting a chair by herself. Standing in a corner. Sitting or standing staring at a wall. As long as the time out is somewhere away from tv’s and other distractions and you can still see her. After shes done. Simply say We love you but that is not how you treat others. You may come out if your willing to be nice.


Did the teenager thing 4 times, with my last one I had had pretty much enough of the crappy additude . So when the eyes rolled again for the millionth time I told him to look for his brain while his eyes were back there and to be respectful when asked to do things. And if he didn’t phone/ video games were taking away to remind him of who pays for it


I was going to say typicak behavior for her age. Its unfortunate, but it is typical. That being said though, her dad needs to sit her down and talk to her about it. Maybe he could take her out to dinner or for ice cream, just the two of them.


This can be a lot of things. Teens can get attitudes just because, if they arent doing well with school or maybe friends. Could be someone or something in her moms home that is causing it. I would start with what might be happening in the other home, is there a step-dad and siblings? Have there been pretty big changes in her life since the attitude was noticed? Maybe you can take her out and just talk about yourself, embarrassing moments for you, happy memories, stuff to get her listening and she should open up with you as well, nothing too deep at first just basic discussions and more you spend alone time with her, open up more. She needs someone who she feels like she can trust and talk to. Personally I was a victim of sexual abuse and I was an angry preteen-teen, I had an attitude for no reason most of the time, I would snap at people. At the same time I seemed happy when around friends and my mom had no clue what was happening in the home.

My 11 year old daughter is giving me the same attitude…

Definitely normal teen behavior, but I suggest maybe talking to him about it then (if on good terms) maybe talking to her mom about it and get suggestions on how mom deals with it Because if my daughter was doing that and my bd was married I would want them to bring it to me first then the three of us would come up with a solution


Its just the age. Everything annoys them!

Kids react that way when something is bothering them . My granddaughter is 11 and she was always a sweet happy kid . It was always her and daddy and a year ago daddy added to the family so a new girlfriend and 3 other kids has definitely affected her . She is always angry and wishing she could have her daddy back . Talking to her a lot and dates with her and daddy every other weekend plus counseling is helping her out . Maybe she’s angry about that too

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I mean it sounds like she is being a teenager to me. You should let him address the issue. She could be doing a lot worse things in my opinion. I was really waiting for her to have done something awful. Other than just an attitude.

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Not your kid, not your problem :woman_shrugging:t2:


I have a 12 year old girl. She tries 2 have an attitude and smart mouth with me and my husband. And I put her in her place. Same with my 17 year old step daughter ( only comes up when she wants 2 or wants something) . His, mine, it DON’T matter. They will show me and every1 else respect in my house or around me. They get 1 ( ONE ) warning. That is it. I have took cell phones for a week, TV away, video game away. If ya’ll don’t deal with it NOW it WILL get worse.


I mean dad has to step up and do something about it. Until he does, it won’t change. You stepping in can make it worse.


My 11 year old is the same, almost like i was reading about her. I talk to her about it at a later time. It doesnt change anything girls atttiudes are hardwork.

My husband is a stepparent to my kids. I let him discipline anything just not whoop them. He is much as a parent as I am. They go with there dad’s every weekend. He married me those are his kids also. Mine are 6 and 7 years old. When they don’t listen to me he steps in.

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Congrats! She’s a normal teen kid of divorced parents.

Now your husband needs to be a normal dad and discipline her. He is the problem here, not her.


Its HIS place, to teach her about respect and be consistent on her about it. If it bothers you, you need to have a discussion with him about it.

Tip toeing and letting her get away with it, isnt going to help her as an adult.

Someone did a video. They treated there teenage son the same way he treated his parents. The teenager would ignore his parents. He would be self absorbed in a video game or phone. He would ignore the parent or snap at them. After the teen was treated the same way. He changed his attitude.


Shes 12. 12 year olds are bitches. But when she asks him to do something, he should just say no. Shell get it.

Uh no
Even if she’s not there much she needs to respect her father

I do not give a bbbbbbbb
I will not allow my husbands children to disrespect him in no form
I’m serious if I see the simplest disrespect twords him in any form i step in like hell no you listen and respect your father and do as he says

I was not raised in a strict home my parents didn’t give a shit what happens to me but I will make sure my husbands children respect him
My husband does everything and anything for his children
He would litterly do anything for them he is a hard working man and deserve respectful family in return

One morning my husband asked our oldest to get a bowl of cereal for him and his little brother
I heard him so I’m to tired to
I’m not hungry I dont want to and straight up didn’t
I heard my husband say fine I’ll do it
Oh no I jumped right in said young man you get up listen to your father and get you and your brother some cereal
Our oldest is 11 and I’m not going to have that lazy crap in my home

Do as you please on raising your children. But my children and step children will respect there father

She’s starting the teenager stage. Maybe she has some resentment issues towards her dad because like you said she doesn’t see him to often. Maybe they could try some daddy/daughter bonding time also you could sit her aside one day and have a heart to heart talk and ask her why she is acting like that towards her dad. Maybe she doesn’t realize that she’s doing it or know how it makes him feel when she singles him out that way. Before you start punishing her for it I would definitely try talking to her and explain to her how it comes across when she acts that way.


Ah the joys of puberty. It’s all down hill from here honey. Give her some chocolate and have a woman to woman talk about what’s bothering her. Sometimes it’s just hormones and teen ‘tude

Depending on how long the two of you have been together. I would think you have some say?. I think the problem needs to be addressed.

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Oh, I have an almost teenage girl. Their hormones mixed with attitudes make them little monsters. Good luck

That’s normal behavior for a preteen/teenager. he does need to get her in trouble for having a smart mouth though, or it will get worse. She does it all the time cause she knows she will get away with it if he isn’t getting her in trouble.

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Have you guys talked to her about it

Her dad is going to have to put his foot down. She is using his fear to her advantage. She might not want to come over when she sees she won’t get her way but eventually she will and she’ll think twice before disrespecting. You are doing the correct thing by not overstepping but something does need to be done. My stepson was the same way. His only job was to clean the bathroom and not scrubbing or even using soap. Like literally sweeping and taking out the trash. He was 12 at that time. His dad was not home and he was with me 80% of the time. He did not do it. So I told him now he has to sweep the kitchen too. Still did not get up. I told him now he has to wash the dishes on top of everything else. Finally when he got up he cleaned the entire kitchen and bathroom. I sat him down and told him if he didn’t think listening to me the first time would have saved him all this trouble. We laugh about it now 13 years later but he learned to respect me and I him. I did not raise my voice not once.

So I have learned its certainly the age! My daughter will be 12 in Feb. She is great 80% of the time then ask her to do something she doesn’t wanna do bam there it is.

It’s hard being in that situation. I understand not wanting to “get onto” her because he doesn’t have her everyday like he does y’all’s children together, and he wants her to have a good time when she’s with him. Also, she’s right at that age and I would bet she has the same attitude with her mother and anyone else. BUT, I’d nip this in the bud ASAP. For several reasons. 1, he doesn’t want her to not have a good time, but her attitude is causing the rest of the family to be upset. Where’s the fair in that?! 2, she’s teaching your other children it’s ok to talk to adults like that and y’all are showing them that when it happens there’s no consequences. 3, he’s the adult, she’s the child and I don’t know how things work in everyone else’s home but in mine you got one chance to correct that disrespectful attitude because the next time it happens I’m taking the phone and whatever else I have to take to ground you. And possibly slap teeth down throats lol.

It is an option to talk with the mom? Find out if she’s having an issue with is also and see if y’all can work together on a plan? I know some parents don’t coparent with each other as well as they’d like so maybe that isn’t an option for your husband. If not, I’d for sure sit miss preteen attitude down and say hey, you seem moody lately and if something is wrong you can talk to us, but you can not disrespect us or our home. And then I’d lay out the rules and let her know what the consequences are for breaking them. I’d text the mother and let her know (in case you gotta take her cell phone away from her for breaking the rules, you don’t want momma bear popping in with the “I pay for that phone and if I want to talk to my daughter on it while she’s with you I will do so” bs… and if she does pull that, I’d say you know my phone number and any time you want to call her or her call you it’s ok.


Shes a teen and your not her mother. Let dad handle it and butt out if its not u shes being rude to.


Some of these comments!
Blending a household is hard work…
You and your husband should be on the same page about how all your children behave.
I think you should start there.
Yes, they’re only there for a short amount of time, but what is allowing them to behave disrespectfuly teaching the kids who are there all the time?


Buckle up and enjoy! The teenage years are not for the faint of heart. She sounds like a typical disrespectful teen and it doesn’t get better until… well, I’ve been told it does. Mine are 14, 15, and 17 and they all still hate my existence.


Sounds like a little 12 year old girl is missing some good old dad & daughter time.

Does he take her on date nights? Perhaps he should, at least 2 to 3 hours of one day every time she comes over.

Just going to get food, or grocery shopping, or a movie, school clothes & supplies, new shoes.

She NEEDS his attention and direction & instead of saying so, she’s lashing out.


I always told mine at this age that it’s perfectly fine to be in a bad mood, it is not ok to take it out on everyone else. If you need to go sit in your room for a bit that’s fine, right after you do what you were asked.
I agree with :point_up_2:t3:, allowing her mouth to run wild is setting the wrong example for the other kids in the home and eventually they will do it. Then when discipling them you’re gonna hear alllllll about how it isn’t fair that she never gets in trouble. That’s a can of worms you do not want to open.


Dad gonna have put that foot down cause she just running all over him

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Kids actually DO want boundaries. Let her grumble, but inside she will be grateful for the rules. She is testing boundaries, show her where they are! That is really what she is looking for: how to adult.

Paradoxically she will love you more for it (even if it won’t feel that way for a few years). You and hubs talk beforehand and decide on rules, punishment and rewards for good behavior, then sit with her together to discuss it. Decide in advance where you may have wiggle room, but do not budge on core behaviors.

Be firm. Until she is living on her own, she lives by the house rules. Ideally you both follow them too. A chore chart of positive behavior (getting through dinner without eye rolling, for example) might help. She will complain it’s childish, but she will strive for gold stars & rewards (more screen time, she picks the movie, dinner menu, one-on-one time with Dad).

Don’t think of it as discipline, think of it as teaching her to be a responsible citizen of the world and a well-functioning adult eventually. Tell her this is the goal too, that she has to share the planet with billions of other people, she needs to learn how to behave for more peace and harmony.

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And a huge YES to co-parenting and coordinating the rules at both houses if at all possible. Even if there are variations, make sure the basics are the same if at all possible. Bio Mom may be grateful for a unified plan that would help at her place too, who knows?

The worst! I just keep stern, say things with love and every so often I have to flip out and take stuff away. My niece is almost 14, i basically raised her. She would rather be at my house with rules, home cooked meals and wifi limits than me home with her mom and step dad. Just keep fighting the good fight and know one day it’ll come back around, she’ll love you whole heartedly.

His kid i would let him handle it. It sounds like resentment to me. She may just need some one on one time

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All i get from my 12 year old daughter is a long drawn out “UHH” everytime i ask her to do anything. Im going to say its the age.

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It is the age. Preteen and teenage years are a a wild ride! I have 4. 13 -21. Whew!

What would you do with your bio child?..

Prayers for her in Jesus name Amene.

Maybe one or both of you could talk to her mom and see if it’s at home too. The more heads together to figure it out the better

Let him handle it and welcome to preteen drama

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Beat her self entitled ass after you shut her phone off and break it don’t show her any special treatment just because you hardly get her treat her the exact same way you would your kid seriously though beat her ass raw or until she says she will do as she’s told

Too close to teen! Good luck!

He doesn’t discipline her? WTF is wrong with him? He needs to step up and show her what’s acceptable behavior. Her only being there once in a while is a lame pathetic excuse…he just doesn’t want to parent her. I’d tell him to start saving for bail money,… he’s going to need it for her unless he sets her straight.


Pre teen and teenage girls suck! That is it. My daughter was awful like that from around 11 until just recently at almost 14 and she still has her moments, I was terrible from 11 to about 14 or 15, and my mom was too! There are lots of hormones and theyre trying to find their voice and everything sucks to them. The smallest inconvience is the end of the world. I would say he probably needs to tell her it will not be tolerated and discipline if necessary but most of it is because of her age I believe.

Sorry to say, but it’s almost the norm nowadays with tweens/teens. Have patience and try to talk calmly. And PRAY!!! Lots of prayers!:innocent:


I don’t think that’s normal or ok at all. I would say he need to put a stop to it know.i would definitely take her phone, make her do extra chores,ect.He can’t be a friend and a parent, sometimes our kids might not like us, but It is best to teach them respect and responsibility. He should also check in with her mom, see if she acts like that there.


A lot of it is the age.
If she hasn’t started her cycle yet, sounds like she will be soon.
Have hibbly gently remind her that he is still in charge and her grumpiness will not be tolerated. Maybe have a stash of chocolate, feminine products and some caffeine free Pamprin on hand. It truly is part for the course. Sending HUGS


Sounds like my 16 year old! I get attitude from her for anything and everything. She is nice and funny until I tell her that her friend can’t come over if her room is a dump or she will lose her phone if her grades drop anymore. She is currently without a phone for other behaviors that are driving us crazy. I am not in a step parent -child situation but I would wait until she wasn’t over and bring it up with your husband. I’m not sure how he gets along with his ex but it would help if they were on the same page discipline wise. Either way, he should sit her down, just the two of them and tell her what behaviors are acceptable or not and what the consequences will be. Be consistent but as the step mom, I’d tread carefully. I’m sure you care for her but she could see you as the “evil step mother” if you go too far. Good luck!!!


She is pushing boundaries and it sounds like there is some underlying issues maybe in being the “outsider.” Dad needs to be a dad and sit her down and define her boundaries when she is in your home. He also needs to discuss what’s behind all the vitriol. Discuss it with her mother if need be. He’s her dad so he needs to take the lead.


She’s 12 yrs old, that’s my opinion . Maybe this will fade away in a couple yrs. however, she should not be allowed to talk to her dad like that.


I’ve had a 12 y.o. step kid and it is important that dad be a dad, even if it’s on the weekends. Kids need structure, she’ll still come around and you’ll like her better.

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Your husband needs to step up as a parent and issue discipline, not be her buddy. He should sit down and talk to her and see why she feels her behavior ok. Maybe she’s feeling like an outsider, needs positive 1 on 1 parent time. As a step-mother, you need to work with him to set house rules, what’s acceptable behavior… but he needs to be the disciplinarian.

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He needs to be parent and put his foot down. He needs to tell her that he will not tollerate her disrespectfull attitude in his house, ever. I never spoke to my mother like that when i was 12 because i knew my mother would have smacked some manners into me.


She’s only 12. Maybe she need one-on-one time with her dad where she’s his center of attention. Movie, dinner, shopping spree, arcade etc. Whatever she likes to do maybe he should take her. I just noticed other comments are blaming the kids bad attitude. Maybe she just wants to feel important to him. Idk. Just my opinion


Sounds like a normal snippy almost teen. My 11 yr old is getting that way. You’ll have to let her know it’s not ok or shes gonna get worse.

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Sounds like dad needs to stop being a friend and needs to be a dad. If she acts up discipline her. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t have her a lot if she’s rude than discipline her that’s the consequences for her acting that. She will than decide if she wants to spend her time being disciplined or having fun when there.

If they are in my house, they follow my rules. I don’t care who the parent or step parent is. Parents let the kids run the house. Not in my house…I will not be disrespected by my own child.

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Power struggles. Ugh. He needs to tell her that if she wishes to act disrespectfully towards him, he can probably outdo her. I am sure ahe would not like that.

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He needs to step and be the dad! Don’t let a 12 year old talk and treat you that way!! You think it’s bad now it will only get worst!


Suggestion. . Try Dad & daughter time. Time they can go for a walk or sit face to face over ice cream and talk one on one. She may actually miss him being Her dad…as you mentioned, there are other kids, and she may feel out of place. Couple that with being a preteen… and it can be awful. This could also be done with the step mom to help get to know each other better … bond. Granted, there will still be Attitude issues but at least she will find that she has 2 parents that care enough to listen when needed. Sometimes that will help ease the Attitude.


I’m not an expert but that little 12-year-old has no respect for her father I have a 17-year-old grandson that I raising he’s got the same attitude yes we would all like to pick and choose our battles but she needs to respect you I tried this with my grandson he asked me a question or to do something I give him the same attitude then I say to him do you like being talked to and treated like that and eventually he gets it and now we’re doing good good luck to you I hope you get a grip on your 12-year-old

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He needs to find out why she’s acting like that. He needs to have a one on one with her. I had similar issues with my daughter only she cried not wanting to go see her dad. She told me 6 months later and that’s when I talked to her dad. If him talking to her doesn’t work he needs to talk to her mother about her behavior and see if she’s doing it at her mothers as well. It could be the age or something going on in school etc.

I was a stepmom to my husbands 4 year old son. He is now 39. I had a 6 year old and shortly after we had our son. We went to a counselor for blended families. They advised us that in a blended or step family situation that it’s better to let the biological parent do the disaplining. If the step parent tries it will only cause resentment. I know it’s hard to stand back and watch this disrespect but it is really is between the two of them.

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Your husband needs to grow a set of you know what. She may have attitude at times. But your house your rules. If the attitude continues give her a consequence, she shouldn’t get away with anything the other kids don’t… age is no excuse for being disrespectful. I’m good at taking all electronics away. No friends over, no going out. Depends on the situation…

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Dad needs to handle this now. He needs to sit her down and let her know that he deserves Respect and that kind of attitude will not be tolerated. She will love him more for it. Kids want discipline. It shows you care about them and love them.

This girl is pushing the boundaries to see how far she can go. Dad needs to sat down with her and see if there is something going on that makes her act that way and tell her she needs to be respectful. If she dont want to come back…so be it. This will not get better on it’s on. Keep letting her know that you love her but not her attitude.

Put a stop to it now. If I had been that way with my mom I would have to pick myself up out of floor. I back talked her 1 time and that was enough she slapped the attitude right out of me. She raised 6 kids on her on I love her more than life she is gone now

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There could be a ton of reasons why she’s acting up.
I’m guess that you don’t have a close relationship with her so that you could talk to her one on one.
Tell dad he needs to step up and find out what’s going on. She could be testing him, having issues with kids at school, problems with mom at home, the list could go on but dad needs to get a handle on this, and don’t worry about fearing she want won’t to come back cause she’s already heading in that direction with the bad attitude.

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Its normal to a point but you and him need to establish that it is rude and very disrespectful to talk to her dad or any adult for that matter. Because like it or not the world isnt gonna put up with it and she will have an attitude with the wrong person and they will put her in her place.

MAYBE SHE NEEDS SOME DADDY, DAUGHTER TIME. This is what my granddaughter has told me. Since Daddy remarried she can’t go anywhere with Daddy cause his wife has to go, Everytime, Everywhere.
Try One on One without the stepmom.

I agree with the age reason but do not wait for it to pass. It will only escalate. She needs to have the same rules that the other kids have or they will start to act out also. He needs to set the rules and if he is worried about her not wanting to come back well she is the child and if it is court ordered then it is not her choice. If he has a good relationship with her mom they should talk about it and approach it together and if not I’m sorry cuz it will just get worse. Lots of prayers for u!!!

He better take care of it now because its only going to get worse if he doesn’t take control now because the kids keep pushing

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At least address it with your husband, he needs to be the one to put a stop to it


Her age is the magic word here. Pretty much all girls get that way at about 12. From now until about 18 or so the parents are dumb as a rock, old fashioned and to strict. She most likely will get past this stage though.My theory is that its God’s way of making it easier to let go when the time comes .


The attitude is the age but he needs to put a stop to it before it gets worse.

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Are you able to talk with her privately, ask if there is anything she would like to share? I don’t want to point fingers, or suggest that there is anything wrong, but when a child acts out…sometimes there is a reason they are uncomfortable with discussing.

It doesn’t matter that the kids aren’t over that often or not,take that phone and when she throws a fit tell her oh well suck it up buttercup you chose to have an attitude so I chose to take your phone.

I would not put up with that crap, no matter what the age!! It is totally unacceptable!!

You cannot repair the relationship between the father and the daughter, they alone have that ability

It’s called a leather belt, works wonders believe it or not

Maybe she has a valid reason for it? If not she needs to know its disrespectful and not allowed.

So he says he doesn’t parent because she’s only there part time??? That’s a ridiculous excuse. He needs to be a parent or it won’t stop :woman_shrugging:t3:

He needs ro step up and be a parent, its only going to get worse. Take it from someone who has experienced it.

How about asking her whats up? Maybe when it’s just the two of you she might open up and let you know why.

Could her mother be the reason?

Leave it. Your husband is handling it just fine.

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She’s pre-teen god love u both it will pass stand ur ground but it’s the age good luck

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Our 12 year old is the same way and it’s our fault.We have let her watch you tube and tik tok she is such a mouth lately​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Sounds like she needs attention. Dad needs to give her one on one time. Also mom could be bashing dad

Mabey family counsiling?

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