How should I handle this and keep the peace?

I would first talk to your grandfather and let him know whats going on and how you feel. Also I would let the “adults” in the house know that from now on you will be doing just for your family and the elderly in the house. AND STICK TO YOUR GUNS!! And I agree about the level of care for the infant. if they can’t care for the baby properly then CPS needs to get involved and handle business. At this point I would put my feelings of not wanting to cause conflict and CAUSE it… Youa re not a maid or a whipping boy…

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Move out …get the baby taken away…and stand up for your self…because at the moment they are taking the p*ss and treating you like a door mat

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Sounds like y’all need a serious family meeting.

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Call protective services. Sounds like they are exploiting your grandfather and neglecting their child. And get your own place.


Stand your ground they are lazy bullies.Refuse to do anything for them no matter how much drama they cause.

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I agree quit helping also take grandpa for quality time and report them drugs

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Get rid of them now. let themdo their clothes they wash them not you.I would not even do meals for them .They are freeloaders .


Get them out are you get out no need to put up with that!

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