How should I handle this and keep the peace?

Needing serious advice on how to handle a situation calmly. So back story. This is a cousin and his gf. We all live in my grandparents home. Us temporarily due to personal things going on. My cousin and his gf do not work, have a 6 month old baby. They stay up all night doing their choice of drugs, hand the baby off to me daily as soon as my spouse leaves and do not do a thing. I have hypermesis and still do every bit of cooking, cleaning and purchasing of things. I was raised by my grandfather so I try to be respectful at all times because he is obviously doing us a favor and allowing us in his home. These two other adults are his girlfriends grandson and girlfriend. She is OVERLY protective of them to the point she will say I did something even though it was not me and everyone in the home knows that. My spouse is to the point of snapping because he is tired of me being s exhausted from everything and being so sick constantly and the shit talking if I even lay down during the day. We pay to live here. It’s not free. Purchase everything for the home, do all home repairs and take care of my grandfather. My grandfather wants them out but fears upsetting his girlfriend. His girlfriend and the dudes girlfriend sit and talk poorly of everyone and absolutely hate me because they say my grandfather and spouse baby me. Which maybe a little but I do the same for everyone in the house down to all 6 adults laundry and 3 meals a day. How do you voice how you feel without causing drama? My husband really wants to bring it all up and just let it be known I will no longer take care of all adults. Aside from the older ones out of respect for them. I hate conflict and will just people please and stress myself out or let my feelings get hurt and just keep quiet to keep the peace. It wouldn’t be an issue but it’s to the point there is becoming bugs coming from their room, nowhere else in the house so I clean their room. These are not teens with a baby… they are in their 20s. Please help how to approach to keep the peace


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should I handle this and keep the peace?

Your husband is right you both need to lay it all out. Maybe sit with your grandfather first and tell him your concern not only for yourselves but for him. Then hopefully you can sit with the scum bags and g/f and get it all out.

Move out. You are grown. It’s that simple.


You are enabling their bad behavior. You don’t have to talk to them. Just stop doing things for them. Focus on you, your spouse and your grandfather.


What a tough situation. If they’re being abusive to the grandparents, that can be considered elder abuse and you can call an adult protective services and start cases and have them legally removed. You will need to document the abuse toward the elderly but it sounds like you have a case. That being said with your family situation if you can get out anytime soon get out.


Stand back and let your husband protect you. They’ll be so mad that they won’t talk to you or pawn their kids off. Grandpa doesn’t have to say a thing and it’s a win-win for you.


I would stop doing their laundry and meals for the young adults. Just worry about your fam and grandpa or else find a new place to live. Things will get worst


Omg wow girl. Maybe something does need to be said about you doing everything. If it were me I would respect your grandfather and do things for him but maybe let him know this is not ok for the others to free load and have them leave or get jobs and do their own laundry and you do your family and grandfather’s laundry and cleaning. Hugs. Hope you get on your feet and move out soon.


It is your Grandfather’s house. He needs to put his foot down with the gf. Either they start contributing or they are out. That is ridiculous. If they dont get their shit together the baby needs to be removed.

Everyone get there own place! Problem solved lol


The men need to provide a better living situation. You shouldn’t cook and clean for the drugged up parents. Clean and cook for your grandfather and yourself. Time to MAN up and live on your own!! I feel bad for your grandfather!!! Gpa is priority


Tell your grandpa to give you the ok to start eviction. And stop feeding them, start charging for the food you buy and stop doing laundry for them. And be prepared for drama because is inevitable. If your grandpa dont have anybody else, be his voice.


It’s not your home to do anything. Put up with it or get out.


Don’t need to say a word just take care of your family and grandfather….nothing else!! You don’t owe them!


If these two are using drugs and bugs are coming out of their room where they live with an infant I suggest calling cps because it sounds like the baby is in an unsafe environment


Gpa should kick them out and if his gf has something to say about it she can go with them. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Don’t clean up after them they are grown . Take care of your grandpa and your family only


Talk to you’re grandfather kick them out you pay to live there and sounds like you help you’re grandfather meaning it’s you’re home too. No shame in helping family. I agree with the other comments about their behavior being elder abuse. And the drugs around their kid that’s unsafe.


I wouldn’t care if they were family or strangers on the street. Call CPS. Like yesterday. That baby being exposed to drugs and unsanitary living conditions is going to end very badly if the parents continue to be enabled. It’s not about anyone’s feelings at this point. Who cares who gets pissed off? How do all of you know this and not do something about it? Kicking them out could put that baby in extreme danger.


You for one should report bc they have a 6mo old and doing drugs around it…as far them stop doing for them they are grown I would calmly talk to them about the situation and if have bugs in their room they going to move out to the rest of the house if don’t get control of it now


The drug use with a child in the home is an absolute nonnegotiable. Do you realize every adult in that home can and will be in serious trouble not if but when something happens as the result or while they are high? Possible possession charges and cruelty to children at the least for all adults including you and grandpa. Druggies gotta go and call DFACS.


You can’t do anything. It’s not your house. Take care of yourself and your spouse. Save up and move out


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 20125 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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I’m with your husband. If you upset them well oh well. They’re useless. They can’t keep taking advantage of those around them.

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Pretty sure your grandfathers gf is not good for him. Sounds like she’s using him tbh.
Really its your grandfathers place to talk to them all but I suppose you could ask him if he wants you to deal with them for him…probably lose his gf though that doesn’t sound like a bad thing …
Make a chore list for them all and if they don’t take part…they dont eat.
Stop looking after their baby…hard as that will be…
Tell them they need to pay rent just like you or you cant cook their meals.
Look after your grandfather and leave the rest to rot .


Due to the pregnancy you have every right to be like “Dr ordered xyz” fill in the blank to whether it be more lying down, less bending over(example: emptying laundry machines) which causes you to not be able to do some of those other adults laundry anymore such as the cousin and girlfriend that are causing you major stress and maybe you can just do yours and your husband’s laundry and maybe grandfather if he’s asking it as a favor since you live in his house. The fact that you’re paying some form of rent to live there you have a right to feel safe in your home which means you don’t have to allow them to be squatters and doing drugs in your home. I would be especially concerned about the drugs situation because that being present can put your unborn baby at risk if you happen to breathe the second hand smoke or absorb it through your skin while cleaning up their messes.

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Find a way to go stay some where else for bout a week…enough time for your work there to be noticed , when your not there and the house goes to shit an no food is cooked an sitter …and just enough time for both grampa and his girlfriend to get pissed that stuff in not done…someone will say something and if you and hubby isnt there…well then they cant blame you…hmmmm…guess whos gonna get the blame…and most likely…the kids wont be watched as well so they will be getting into things an making extra messed…gramps an his girlfriend will eventualy blow thier top at the 2 lazy asses…you wont have to do anything…let the chips fall where they may an stay out of the line of fire…lol…it will happen

Just came to say I’m sorry. I’m sick all the time like that too. I went through the hyperemesis. and I couldn’t imagine doing all that you do. You are SUPER HUMAN :gift_heart: I truly hope this gets resolved quickly and peacefully, and you get the rest you deserve!

I would not only contact CPS but would report grandpa’s gf and her kids for elder abuse. Ther are abusing him financially.


There’s no keeping the peace in this situation, because it’s already not peaceful. It’s called telling adults to be adults or get the fuck out. Its called demanding the respect you deserve and not be a doormat. It’s also called calling cps to protect that poor baby!!! I’m honestly disgusted that no one has yet!!! It’s utter neglect and if you are in my state you could get charged with felony child endangerment just for not reporting it- and should. You take care of the baby all day. Walk that baby into cps and tell them what’s up. They will be all over it. You said yourself you people please and want to keep the peace…… ask yourself, is it peaceful for you? No! Then you have nothing to lose.

I don’t know why you ever did everyone’s laundry. Stop that immediately. For housecleaning of common areas, set up a chores chart. If you cook, they clean up after unless they eat out that night.

Funny that they say others baby you when they do nothing.

Announce everything at a family sit down. Maybe your grandfather can deliver the news, since it’s his house.

Also, if the parents of a baby are doing drugs, the sober adults must start talking about doing something to protect the baby.

There are a lot of hard conversations to have here. Change is hard, and those on drugs won’t take it kindly. But if “keeping the peace” means that two people continue doing drugs while you and a baby pay the price, then keeping the peace is harmful. Everyone in the house should attend Al-Anon meetings, in-person or online. They’re for friends and families of alcoholics and other addicts. You will learn tools to help you handle living with addicts. There are phone and online meetings all day and night. If you can swing it, I also recommend family counseling with a therapist who specializes in addiction. You’re all in over your heads, but there is help.


Just stop doing everything for them just look after you and your family. You are living in there house saying anything at all is going to cause a drama. If it’s that bad and you can’t take it any more maybe it’s time to look for other living arrangements.

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Just stop doing all that you do. Stop taking the baby. Do you have a friend nearby that your guy can drop you off at on his way to work?


fix your issue and move out, that’s my only suggestion. People will treat you how you let them, and grandpa and grandma are letting them walk all over everyone. They won’t change. And you could potentially lose your children if they are in the same home with active drug use and squalor.


You don’t keep the peace. You blow a gasket. Let them get pissed.


I would kick them all out! Doing drugs? Call child services. Bugs?!?!? Disgusting

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You teach people how to treat you and what you allow will continue. Take care of you and yours.

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First off take to grandpa first. Explain all this to him. That is had nothing to do with him or anything like that, that you don’t mind helping him and you have the utmost respect for him. HOWEVER, you are being disrespected and a baby is in danger because of drug use and issues due to them being there. Let him know if things don’t change, that though you love him, you and your spouse will no longer be helping with anything as you will be moving. (Not paying for household items, rent, not taking care of the baby or house cleaning) and grandpa and his gf will be left with those that do not pay and a baby to take care of. Then stick to your guns.


Girl!!! Stop doing their laundry, and cleaning up after them, and stop babysitting!!!


There is literally no way to approach them and keep the peace because they know what they are doing and don’t care. They are using everyone around them because they know they can. Even if you approach them with logic and love, it will blow up in your face and cause a massive family meltdown. I’m sorry.

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STOP WATCHING THEIR CHILD!!! Why are you offering free childcare to them? You’re making yourself more stressed…

Adult Protective Services may be interested In some of these activities. CPS would definitely be interested. Do you have an adult day care or Senior Center nearby? Grandpa may benefit from a couple mornings a week in a social center away from the house. We are near Senior Care Partners - PACE in Battle Creek Michigan. They have centers in other states. Transportation door to door is provided. It would help put someone with fresh eyes in your corner, too.


Just don’t do it anymore. Take care of you and your husband and your grandfather. Quit taking the kid. Don’t do their laundry. Let it sit. You don’t have to explain shit you’re a grown adult and it’s not your job to take care of the cousins and their family.

The first negative word about my grandpa or spouse and I’d have done rocked their shit. :woman_shrugging: if there is drugs than you have an easy way to get them out., use it!!

Stop doing shit for them. Only help your grandpa.

Sometimes you just need to let the drama happen…put your foot down and stop being everything for everyone. Let them do their own laundry and find a sitter.

First, you shouldn’t be taking care of others that’s not your husband, your gfather, kid…they are grown they need to do their own laundry and cleaning. You are not their maid. You need to hurry up grow a backbone and tell them exactly how you feel


Refuse to take care of their baby. Hand it right back and tell them to deal or pay you to babysit. You do not owe these people anything. If you are paying rent, stop being the maid. You are only a door mat as long as you allow yourself to be.


Time for a family meeting, tell them all how you feel and discuss it and set boundaries!! Don’t let them make you miserable!!! :pray:

Adult Protective Services and CPS needs to get involved!! Nobody needs to be messing with Papaw and taking advantage or him or you :pleading_face:


They are abusing your kindness and should be asked to do what is right or get out of the house slaves were made free years ago their abuse is way over what anyone should have to endure in a whole lifetime.

He needs to evict them if he doesn’t want them around. The GF will prob go too. It’s up to your Grandpa as an adult if he’s capable of making decisions. If he is not then you need to work with the family members so that someone has legal decision making of him and his estate. Get them out or get yourself out bc if they’re doing drugs it’s going to come back on your little family too for having your kid around the drugs. For now get yourself a mini fridge and put all of your food and things in your room and lock it up. Tell them that you will not watch their child and if they just disappear and leave baby with you then call CPS and the cops. I guarantee they don’t want either snooping around with drugs in the home. And see if gramps would allow cameras outside and inside common areas. Unless your the medical cater for grandpa then you guys literally need to get out.


Stop watching their child, cooking for them and doing their laundry. Save up money and move out.


I don’t think there’s any way to avoid a major meltdown and drama here. You aren’t in good health and these people are taking advantage of you. Drugs, bugs, and a baby? Time to call Child Protective Services on these people. When you are out at the store, call, explain what has been going on, explain that your grandfather is elderly and doesn’t know how to handle the situation. They will come in and deal with the parents of the baby. The parents will be told pointedly to work and start living up to their responsibilities, or lose custody of their child till they do. They will also be told they must provide a home for their child. A clean home, with food in it, and a bed for the child to sleep in. They can get State help with these things if they are low income, but they will be told to shape up or else.


Sweetie- I would let your husband handle it. He need to talk with your grandfather and what he wants - and do it.


Quit cleaning their living space, let them make their own meals, let them do their own laundry. Don’t let them eat the food you have purchased or the laundry soap you bought. Call CPS the cops immediately if they are doing drugs in home you all share.


Stop doing things for them are you a doormat


My question is… how t’f do you let yourself get pregnant while living in those conditions?!?!! You say you don’t live there for free so move out!!! :exploding_head:

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I think it’s totally your fault. Just take care of yourself and husband, your grandfather will soon see the problem, as for the innocent baby , call social service, you’re not helping them be parents.


Leave. Or talk to grandpa firstyy

Just sit down and say it. Point blank no argument. It is the way it is and you have your boundaries

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You are parenting EVERYONE. Turn the so called adults in for drug use. Call CPS for baby or get in touch with cousins parents to care or take child from them. Your cousins family need to know he is neglecting his child and come take him. Talk to your Grandfather about how his GF is disrespecting you. That is HER home to keep up. Clean only your space.
Tell your GF if they don’t go you will. Who is going to take care of him then?
Buy groceries and cook for you and husband ONLY. If you want I take care of GF then cook for him too. But, no one else. Let them fend for themselves. Then GF will see his GF doesn’t care … literally…for him. She’s only there for a place to live. God bless and pray about all this.


Sometimes the peace needs to be disturbed to get your needs met.


Oh, MY!! I used to try and get along with everyone until one day I realized that being, “Pat, the passive, people pleaser,” was causing me too much HARM, low self esteem etc. and CHANGED!! I still try to be kind BUT no more of this doing everything—as that only breeds self contempt in yourself and others!! Stand your ground, make sensible rules and stick to them!!


Well the drug issue is a big problem with a baby in the equation and CPS will need to be notified when you no longer can care for the child. Immediately stop buying food, supplies, ANYTHING that isn’t for you and your spouse. Immediately stop DOING anything related to the care and upkeep of one’s self (this includes cooking meals) and one’s Space. I’d feed the baby because baby is an innocent victim. I’d wear a body cam ( not joking either, there’s inexpensive ones on Amazon) and I would install a BLink camera in my own room facing your door if they decide to act up. You can’t tell other people what to do or not to do. Your boundaries are stating what you WONT do, and what you WILL which is to take care of yourself and your spouse and your unborn child. This level of stress is detrimental to your health and pregnancy. Choose YOU. Get out of there ASAP. If someone else is the one that calls CPS and your baby is already born you risk them taking action against you as well, preemptively before they sort out all the facts. Not a risk worth taking. CPS needs to be notified of this situation and their baby needs to be placed in a safe place, a home where drugs are being consumed is not safe for a baby. I’d be sick with worry every second of the day.


Sometimes u gotta say fuck the peace to get ur point across, that is, if talking to them like adults doesn’t work

Simply explain to them its either a house to life in or the drugs, if your grandfather owns the house; he could get into trouble for what they bring into the house. So pick because you won’t stand for it anymore and tell them the next time they are doing drugs in the house you will call the cops and have them removed for good

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $21852 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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Quit cleaning after grown ass adults and quit taking care of their baby…that’s their job they will either figure it out or they won’t but it ain’t your problem…your making it easy for them to want to stay and not do anything bc your doing it all everyone it that house knows who does what whether they admit it or not so u don’t have to worry about that. You let the house go to shit and see how long it takes them to say something or do it themselves. Your grandfather needs to tell them they need to clean and cook and care for their kid etc themselves bc you can’t really say since it’s not your place but you can stop doing all the maid and nanny work for sure

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16203 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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Probably not what you want to hear, but sometimes we need to learn that conflict is necessary and to stand up for ourselves, to me that’s your only option if you want anything to get better or change, sometimes you have to make yourself uncomfortable in order to grow.


Hell no, have your husband and Grandpa make a plan for this to change


I think you should have a family meeting. I understand you may be nervous but your husband and your grandpa seem to have your back. Just say how you feel and what you could all do to change or improve this.


I’d allow my husband to stand up for me. He wants to protect you so let him :heart: If it causes problems then let him & your grandpa handle it.

On your part: practice saying “no, I’m not going to babysit” & “no, I’m not doing your laundry” & just “NO” in general. People pleasing will leave you exhausted with no energy left for yourself. If they complain then, honestly, that’s their problem not yours.


They are doing drugs? Call child protective services and have them booted! Nobody has to know it was you .


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12638 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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Give them a notice 3 days to leave, including the extras, or call police over drug use. Grandad needs to decide what’s important to him, and baby needs DHS to intervene on his care


You will sooner or later realize that your peace is being walked all over, and better to bring it up and discuss it

Help your grandfather start the process of eviction and call cps on them yes it will start drama but the baby will be safe the more you allow the more they will do


All of the above…other than the stupid spam posts*

Leave, move out! Things are only going to get worse! Be better to live in your vehicle than being everyone’s slave and not appreciated!

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Your grandfather needs to get rid of his GF. Sorry but she sounds toxic as is the grandson and his GF! Call CPS and report the drug use and unsanitary conditions in their room where the baby is. Its NOT your responsibility to take care of their kid especially when they don’t work!


Tell Grandpa… either they go or I do. Tell him WHY. this isn’t good for you


Stop doing it! Just stop! You don’t have to announce you’re stopping just do it, they’ll notice soon enough. What are they going to do, complain because you didn’t do their laundry or clean their room…now that’s laughable. Their just taking it for granted that you’re going to automatically do it and not giving it another thought and certainly don’t appreciate it. Take care of you, your husband and help the elders that’s it. You’re not the maid or the nanny and it’s up to them to take care of themselves and their kid. Stop enabling them to be worthless losers and leave their laundry and absolutely don’t clean up after them and say no I’m not taking care of the baby anymore. There is a thin line between being a nice and caring person and a fool…I think they are seeing you as a fool and probably laugh because you are so useable. Put your foot down or continue to be the maid…your choice :woman_shrugging:t3:


Stop doing things for them. Don’t take the baby. Don’t wash their laundry. Don’t cook for them. Take care of ur gpa urself and ur man. That’s it.

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Tell ‘em go to rehab or you’re taking their child :woman_shrugging:t2:

You should all sit down and talk about it honestly. They will probably get angry and that’s ok. You need to tell them how you feel and that you quit. You’ll help your grandfather but you will not clean up after two young adults and watch their baby while they so drugs and sleep! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of this. You just need to draw your line in the sand

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They are taking full advantage of your kindness and now expect it…first of all stop babysitting stand up for yourself and say no…second…do only your laundry and your grampas…third…only cook breakfast lunch for your grandpa…you are not their slaves and it isnt your job to wait on them…fourth call cps and tell them they are doing drugs around the baby and there is bugs in their bedroom…tell them you dont want them finding out its you calling…they will say its all confidential…now when everyone is sitting around the table for dinner your hubby needs to make it clear to everyone that using you stops now and that you two pay rent so you are not there to slave and cook and clean and wait on everyone just your grandpa…and you gave every right to go back to bed whenever you feel like it because you do not answer to them…talk to your grandpa alone and tell him they are using him and they are abusing him …if he wants your help in saying he doesnt want the freeloaders there anymore…suggest that everone pitch in money for food…how are you and your hubby ever going to afford to leave if you are buying groceries for everyone…who buys the babys diapers etc if they dont work…so your grandpas gf is using your grandpa for his kindness and basically his money so she can stay there for free as well as grandson…good luck sweetie and let hubby help you in talking to them


Sounds like they like taking advantage of you. I say you stop doing everything for those two including watching the baby tough love is needed and you need to start taking care of yourself because you count too let your grandpa know that you will only be watching over you your man and the elders and that they have bugs coming out of the room and you that they use drugs call CPS because no child should be living in that way when they ask what’s going on say to them your sick and you need a break go out more distract yourself and be happy because life is to short to be unhappy

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It sounds like you are not there because you can’t afford to go somewhere ELSE… for your own safety sake or health please move OUT!!
you shouldn’t BE anybody’s MAID SPECIALLY not if you ain’t getting any respect or gratitude showned… the more you pick up the more they’ll throw on your plate… grandpa has a girlfriend to take care of him…she won’t as long as you’re there wiping everybody’s ass

Stop doing everything for the cousin and his gf … Simple when your cooking the meals ask them to pitch in and do something … do the laundry seperate to them so they have to do there own and don’t look after there baby when there not doing anything …. There using you for free services make it hard for them so they crack the shits and move out

You definitely went to get on taking care of the bugs asap because it’ll only get worse if not taken care of I know from experience and why don’t you and your husband both confront all these people together

That baby does not need to be in their custody. Notify someone higher up such as CPS or DHS about their drug use while a baby is in their custody.

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You are allowing yourself to be disrespected. Only you can stop it. Asap.


Don’t keep the peace, cause a riot. Stand up for yourself.


He needs to kick them and his girlfriend out. Why sit back and be used and abused. That’s crazy.

You seeing to the household already. Why dont you and your husband move out and then you can just check up on grandad every week.


Sounds like the grandfather’s girlfriend is the problem. She has enabled her son & his girlfriend to move in and destroy the house and neglect their baby. I’d get grandpa into therapy so he can see how toxic his girlfriend, her son & his GF are & that he should kick them all out of the house. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I’m single, for example! :smile:

I’d call CPS on the 20-somethings for child neglect and an unsafe environment (drugs, bugs) but they’d probably not do much & it’d result in the GF, her son & his GF exploding.

In the meantime, get counseling to find out why you’re being a martyr and to learn ways to cope with the toxic people in your household. Stop doing anything for anyone but yourself, your husband and your grandfather. When they hand you the baby, hand it back. Lock yourself in your room or get outside to get away from them. Maybe when y’all move out you can call elder abuse, CPS on them and the cops for their drug use. If they don’t work are they dealing to afford the drugs?

See if you can stop paying rent & put that money towards getting a place of your own faster. Hope your husband has your back, and you find your spine to fight back against abuse.

I’m so sorry your so sick with this pregnancy. I can’t believe you do all the work while suffering too. And congratulations on your baby.


Honestly, they’re not fit. I would have a serious talk with the grandmother about getting them help or for that baby’s sake CPS needs to get involved. Think about what happens to that baby if and when they do leave that house? This is a really bad situation. And I feel for you too because you are taking on entirely more than you should have to.