How should I handle this situaiton with my ex and his girlfriend?

Sounds like you all need to grow up. Honestly though, I don’t blame the dad. Dui, driving without license, scaring the child, it just sounds like a mess.

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Tooooooooo long!!!

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Why is he still working for your dad? Why was she able to walk into your house? If it were me I’d have fired him and changed the locks. Also get an order of protection. Get a lawyer if you don’t have one already and tell them what you are telling us. That they tried to kidnap your son

You guys need to come up with a new plan. It truly isn’t fair that he gets every single weekend. As your relationships change so will everything else.
Secondly, please don’t drive even hungover. I was t boned by a hungover 18 yr old 11 years ago this coming new years day. I was off of work for 3 years and had to learn to walk again. I’m still dealing with shit. He walked away without a scratch but he has to go through the rest of his life knowing what he did to me. By the looks of my car I should be dead. He kept saying that he wasn’t drinking that day. But his alcohol level was still way over the max from his drinking the night before.

Can i read the other side of the story? Then i would like the truth.

You’re making this harder than it needs to be. It’s a date on the calendar, and your kid has 2 parents. You don’t sound stable, I’d avoid going back in to court if I were you.

He has NO say over what you do with your child


1 Take care of the dui & stay out of trouble until then.
2 Follow the visitation to the letter & stop compromising with them if they wont with you.
3 Get a calander & write down everything that happens with them, take pictures & videos as proof.
4 Get a restraining order on the gf & her family so that they cannot come around you or your child.
5 After you get your dui & license taken care of & can prove you can stay out of trouble, take his ass back to court.
Until then I would suggest not driving & stay out of the bars.


Your dad should fire his ass for him and his gf petty cop calling stunt. Distant you and your family from them, court order visits strictly!Them people are snakes . . Stay out of trouble, record, wright down everything, get an attorney & fight them in court. Ugh!!


Their surviving financially off his job through your dad @ the same time making your life a living hell. What does your parents think about all this? Maybe if their we’re concequences to their actions (like loose his job) he wouldn’t be so quick to hop on his gf hate wagon. Js


Keep a very detailed journal

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There should be a to-the-letter visitation, stick with it. Becareful with the termination as your dad doesn’t need to be sued over wrongful termination but all discussion of the child and you should stop. Don’t go to your dad’s work unless necessary as you don’t want the gf saying anything. Get you dl back and all that cleared up. Get a lawyer to handle any custody issues.

Ok. So, there are 3 sides to a story. Yours His and Truth, a lawyer told me that :woman_facepalming:
With that being said. The time for a happy co-parenting is over. It’s time to get an attorney and get everything in writing. Lay out the rules for visitation, holidays, child support, who can and not be around your child and who can and can not pick your child up. Also, utilize a child advocate, they can be court appointed. They will represent your child. They are a neutral party and can come in handy.
Being I was the new gf during my husbands divorce it , I tried to get us to co parent and she hated the idea. So, I sat back and watch the 5 year shit show happen.
Ultimately she ( your ex gf) is a non factor. You and your ex need to hash this out and there will be no grey lines.
Finally, get your liscense and get your stuff straight or that will be a constant issue they can use against you.


Distant yourself from them, get a restraint on him, get all the rules and regulations at the library as they have all and any laws regulations pertaining 2 your situation. Get a lawyer if this is 2 much 2 handle. Utilize child advocate services

Cut all ties. His girlfriend has no right near your son. She cannot pick him up or drop him off. Have your dad fire your ex, he is not treating ur family right. Stop staying all night w your boyfriend, stop drinking any kind of liquor to prove u are a good mother. Lay low. Let the court set the visitation to exact hours. Meet in a neutral public location. This is what u will need to do to keep custody. Become a good example to your son. Do active hobbies w your son.


Your x needs to get his head out his ass. So sorry


Distant your family and his daDs family. Have your dad fire him. And worry about your dui in the mean time. Id go back to court and try to have his dad get every other weekends. How are you going to spend ntime with your chikd outside of school?.

Im so sorry you have to go through this. Id get a restraining order on his gf that way she cant be a certain amout of miles near you and your son.