Reach out to family and friend to find something to borrow
You’re the one making a fuss out of something
I’d skip it and do a family outing if I couldn’t come up
With appropriate outfits for all
If my boyfriend said that about my children he would be out the door. He doesn’t treat them any different. He still steps up and helps out regardless of the title. Maybe fix your attitude towards your bonus kids.
Grab some dresses off amazon!
Jeans are pretty normal for quinces if they’re not standing in them. You’re literally freaking out for no reason
Eh. You’d be surprised how many people showed up in jeans and a shirt to my quince. Pick a nice outfit from their wardrobe and call it good.
Check out thrift shops in your area, it’s coming to prom season too and a lot have their formal wear out. Idk why people are up in arms about it being embarrassing, it IS when you, your baby and husband are showing up like you thought it through and then your two girls look like afterthoughts, so obviously you’re upset. I don’t blame you. I’d be telling your hubby that he will be setting up a day to take them shopping wherever so they are appropriately dressed and can enjoy fully being a part of their cousins day.
First off, it seems like you’re worried about KIDS embarrassing YOU. That’s sad if that’s the case. Second of all, I wouldn’t let my step children go in jeans and a sweater, whenever everyone else will be dressed fancy. I’d find a way to be able to purchase dresses/shoes for them. My step children ARE my children. And you said your step daughters aren’t your responsibility? If I were your boyfriend/husband, you’d be out the door. Change your attitude towards your step children, it’s ugly. They are just children, they cannot help the decisions their parents make.
We have a program around our area called the glass slipper event what it is .is a place you can go to and they help you find a beautiful prom dress or formal dances dresses and shoes and jewelery people donate all their old dresses from weddings and proms and they have this available all year long maybe Google search for a program like this around your area im not sure if there’s anything where your at but I would check into my neice and her friend got beautiful dresses with shies and all accessories as a stepmother I feel where you are coming from if you and your daughter show up to the occasion dressed accordingly and the other girls do not then yep your so right the comments will fly and one of the daughters just may over hear such remarks then making them think that hey is this maybe true then the problems begin I know been there did that
Instantly pops up when you type in burgundy dresses for teens. They are decent prices. I get being frustrated that it was a last minute change, but get into the solution… Also, try not to worry so much as how you feel and think about how they feel
In this situation I feel bad for the daughters. You married their father knowing about them. The moment you married him those girls became yours too. What they wear is also your responsibility. Also, if money is an issue goodwill is a good option. I bought my prom dress there many years ago. Ross is a good option too if you have one.
TJ Maxx
Burlington Coat Factory
Lots of places have nice and affordable dresses.
This is pretty typical of most men in our hispanic culture at least from what I’ve seen of family and what not. Go to resell shops or shops like Ross, TJ Maxx, etc. You’d be surprised what formal dress wear you can find. TJ Maxx has some really nice big brand clothing for steals and you could even find some discounted clothing at Macy’s or JCPenny.
Make him and their mother pay for them. You asked weeks ago so everyone could match and you could spend your money accordingly, him and their mom should be the one paying for the dresses either way. Can they get the dresses and shoes and split it 50/50 since she said they weren’t going at first now last minute changed it?
Also, even if you have the financial means, doesn’t mean you should pay for all of it. Their mother should help out as well.
We just had my nieces last night. No jeans were seen. Almost everyone had Amazon dresses on though. My dress was only $25.
Stop calling their mother a “baby mama” for one. If my exs girlfriend/ wife/ anything called me a “baby mama” I’d shut her down so quick, her head would spin!
Maybe ask the girls what they want to wear, I’m sure they have an opinion and a voice . Besides, “adults” are who can’t communicate with each other shouldn’t be making decisions for them.
They actually are your responsibility seeing as how you keep calling him your husband. I feel bad for the daughters and pray you don’t make them feel like this on a normal basis
Ask if you can take them shopping one afternoon to get them dresses…
Go to a second hand store and find something. They sell dresses and shoes
Just buy some dresses. It’s not that serious.
Just find nice inexpensive dresses for them.
Those girls are your responsibility and you should treat them like your own especially if you are married to their father. You can find cute dresses for cheap or decent price at Ross, TJ Maxx or Marshals! At Quinceanera parties, people go all out! People like to criticize especially the chismosas tias that have nothing better to do than criticize other people! As for hair, you can look on YouTube or Pinterest for ideas. Or ask the girls’ friends if they can do their hair.
Umm if they’re at your home it IS your responsibility as an adult! You knew he WAS/IS a package deal when you met him! As too the money I understand so take it out of whatever he does extra like beer, cigarettes, lunch budget
Why isn’t any asking why the girls mother and father aren’t stepping up. The step mom asked weeks ago so she could pay for it!!! That’s more then my evil step mom ever done. She was a witch that ended my on and off relationship with my father. Then moved to another state when we moved closer to our father so yea. I’d say look at second hand stores and Facebook market place send what you find to their parents and tell them to cough up the funds for their kids.
Go on Amazon and order them something
Borrow stuff go to he thrift store don’t make those girls feel left out even though others did
Thrift stores have nice things too…
In-laws are going to talk either way but look around online and stores to find inexpensive dresses
I completely get what you’re saying except for the not your responsibility part- that’s cringe to me BUT they need to get their shit in order! You can definitely get some cute cheap dresses. We have local thrift stores here that have adorable clothes! I would return your husbands stuff and have him Wear a sweater and jeans honestly lol
It’s prom season. Try a second hand store
Girl, go to Ross. At the end of the day, it’s a quince… and not theirs. So it’ll be fine. They don’t have to coordinate with y’all. Sure it’d been nice if the bm would help and if the dad could plan better but things happen.
Uhm… it is your responsibility. You chose to have a life with their father. That means being in their life and being responsible for them! Tf?? Go to Walmart and get a cute dress or Ross. Check marketplace.
If you married their father they are your responsibility and if you feel otherwise you should rethink that marriage for all their sake
Why is everyone giving this lady a hard time? It’s literally not even her responsibility but step mom asked well in advance so she could budget and the birth mom & dad said no. Now she’s getting shit because they changed their mind last minute. 1-she was already trying to include them 2- where is the responsibility of the birth parents? 3-don’t they already have something nice to wear 4-how about their birth mom buy it since she was the one that changed plans?
Order off Amazon ! I ordered a beautiful dress off there for my daughter. People thought I paid 100’s for it and it was only like $40
Your husband’s response sounds like anger not logic. Polly’s idea of a “secondario” (thrift shop) is a good one and a pony tail with a fancy tie is easier than braids. Good luck.
Wow! People on here kill me! She said she asked 3 weeks ago! Someone put blame one someone else besides her! But ma’am on Amazon there are really nice dresses not expensive! I hope it all works out for you
What are their sizes? I have formals here that I’ll be happy to give you.
Wow these comments!!! Dont bash someone that is trying and don’t put the responsibility on her for her step kids. Obviously she doesn’t communicate with the girls mother and the Dad is horrible also… so I see your frustration. For those that said, “just buy a dress, it’s not that serious.” Did you not understand the budgeting aspect? Not everyone has cash they can just throw out there for formal wear, not to mention they are going color coordinated so that takes time to find. Not all places are one stop and your done. Wish it worked like that.
Just like my SO he knows we are a package deal me and my daughter but I’d never expect him to coordinate with my ex, that IS NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY! PERIOD.
Everyone keep saying, just go buy them a dress when she clearly said, she doesn’t have it! They are her responsibility, but it’s not her responsibility to make sure they have everything they need when their dad said, they weren’t coming. I probably wouldn’t go if I couldn’t afford to buy dresses for them or I wouldn’t let them come over that weekend.
Ask other moms around to help with dresses and hair. There are woman who are willing to help.
As a “step mom” (hate that word), it’s super gross that you don’t feel bad for the kids not having outfits, you’re just worried about not paying for it and them embarrassing you. I know being a step parent is hard but everything about this post is disgusting and I feel bad for his girls.
You asked 3 weeks prior and they last minute changed their mind. They either front up and buy outifts for them or the kids just cant come that aint on you
I would ask in your local online moms group see if anyone has any dresses in the sizes you need that they would be willing to part with or loan out (make sure you return them cleaned and in a timely fashion.) and shoes if they don’t have anything to go with. I would be pissed off at my spouse because with our tight budget I also would have been asking weeks in advance and not Able to just come up with money on the spot like he’s expecting you to. But also as a mom, I’d be making sure my girls had what they needed. Heck I even bought my oldest daughter her stuff she needed for wearing at her Dad’s wedding (she also wore to mine) if she would have like to wear a different dress I would have ensured she got one even though her dad should have covered it. Not the point. I wanted my kid to feel good about herself. I would definitely forget about coordinating at all with the girls though. Gotta be more flexible under the circumstances.
Morgan Conger can you even read? Or at all unsterstand her position? She is saying that she feels bad for them, embarrassed FOR them. Teenagers are cruel and She’s absolutely right that those girls would get noticed “and not in a nice way” for wearing sweaters and jeans to a formal event where everyone including their toddler will be in formal wear. Flat out embarrassing for everyone. It’ll look like they didn’t care for these girls all because father and mother couldn’t make a decision about the event the step mother asked about in 3 weeks in advance. Money doesn’t grow on trees but this kinda bullshit sure does. The Mother and father are the Clowns of this situation hands down.
Wow how are yall bashing her when she was trying to do her part and include them. Their mom and dad should feel like shit for trying to send them last min with nothing to wear ,hair not done.
Time to go thrifting… hit your local Goodwill. They have new or once worn dresses that could work
They are HIS children they will reflect him not you hun
It’s ur step children you knew he had other kids when u got with him u treat them like your own no matter what and they should’ve told u in the beginning not to wait last minute but my mom thought me to put money back just in case something came up
You asked in advance, it is totally a formal event and that last minute shit is irresponsible on both of their ends. I would see if anyone can help you so they can be dressed appropriate for the event or say they cannot come and also let them know in the future you will always give advance notice but will not change plans last minute. It’s not so much about them not having an outfit but your whole family will be dressed up it could look like you didn’t care about your stepkids the same as your daughter but also it’s someone else’s big day and again it’s a formal event and pretty big deal for some religious families
It’s hard when your the only one who actually cares
I’m sorry your going thru this
Could you possible put something up on Facebook or Craigslist stating the size and color dresses yall need and see if anyone has anything to donate or borrow? I know $ is tight as it it for most of us especially rn but is their anyway you could sell anything you don’t use anymore to put towards their dresses perhaps they can use them for another event so they don’t just get used once !!
Good luck
It’s nice that the girls have someone who actually cares about their hair and their dresses etc keep your head up mama
Yes, they are hers as well, but as a responsible parent, you plan in advance when you are strapped for money. She was told the children weren’t coming, then the bio parents changed their mind at the last minute. It isn’t her responsibility at that point, it’s the bio parents responsibility. She was going to take care of it in a timely manner, and figure out budgeting in advance. Last minute changes by the bio’s are their responsibility. This women had tried
That’s up to the husband and ex wife to come up with the funds for their kids…not you…
Why don’t their dad give u money to buy dresses for them or ask their mom? Not your obligation …
All of these women angry reacting the comments they don’t agree with is the level of petty that I always expect in the comment section.
He doesn’t care and that’s SAD . Nor does the mother
The mom should be responsible for paying for the girls dresses like seriously thats messed up that there putting it all on you
I’d be aggravated if something like this happened but at the same time it’s not the childrens fault! You did marry their father so now they are just as much your responsibility as their parents! And if u complain like u did in this post around those children then I feel sorry for them because it’s their parents fault plans changed and there’s inexpensive ways u can get dresses for them even if there white and add burgundy ribbon around their waste or even in their hair! Stop stressing and be the step mom they need!!!
Just remember it’s not the girls fault. Do your best with reaching out to others mother’s to borrow items needed or be thirty this is what mom’s do best include them in preparing for the event make it fun. The girls may remember this for the rest of their life’s this could create special bond for you all. It’s all in the way you choose to handle it make it special for them too.
This woman obviously cares for her stepdaughter’s or else she wouldn’t be so stressed about buying them nice dresses and having their hair done. I don’t understand why people are bashing her
I have a step daughter. Her Dad & me aren’t together anymore and haven’t been for a while but she’s still my stepdaughter, my family. If I was in this situation I would find a way to get her a dress, I’d sell something belonging to me to raise the money or I’d do without something in my budget as I’d rather go without than see my stepdaughter turn up at a formal event wearing jeans while everyone else was wearing dresses & suits. That would break her heart & make her feel like she wasn’t as important and I’d do whatever it took to make sure she never felt that way. Try putting yourself in your stepdaughters shoes. Yes you may not be her mum but as a important adult in her life you should still feel responsible for her. When you married her Dad you took on that responsibility as they are a package deal. It doesn’t matter what’s fair, what matters is what’s right. If you care about her then do for her what her mum & Dad didn’t do & find a way to get her an outfit so she doesn’t feel left out. It may not be a popular one but that’s my opinion. Forget about who’s responsible & who’s blood she shares, just do what is right for her
So you have about a week, I know you’re strapped for for funds, but I would check out Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, shit even target and Walmart. I know where you’re coming from when it comes to presentation. Jeans and sweatshirts are not appropriate attire for the party. At this point it seems their parents aren’t too concerned and I wouldn’t expect much out of their mother. You are amazing for trying to make this all work. Someday this will be an important memory for them. I love my stepmom as if she were my mother. She put more time and care into me growing up than either of my parents.
The dress doesn’t have to be new. Try looking at thrift stores.
Go buy the most expensive dresses with yours and your husband’s money. Period. And when he can’t pay the rent, show him this FB post and perhaps in the future, he’ll stop being a dumbass…This is on him and they’re pitting you against each other and scapegoating you- and you can’t win…So, I’d at least make sure you and your kids don’t look bad. But then, I’m probably not the one to ask, as my ex-husband basically did this over a 19-year period and I did as I said here basically over a 19-year period and lots of $ was spent on basically this for 19-years and 0$ were saved and were divorced. And he’s still an asshole- but my kid and I looked good. Sorry! Ugh…good luck!
That’s on him and their mother, if he says their wearing sweats then sweats it is!! You did your part by asking did they need anything in advance he said no, it was over then
Ask family members if they have dresses in the girls’ sizes and colors you are looking for. Otherwise look at thrift stores and in the mean time contact their mom and ask her if she has any white or burgundy dresses for them.
Maybe mom could send something? They might have?
Ross might have some cute options, maybe Amazon has something on Prime?
I’d reach out to friends and family for help
Feel for you and kids
Try the thrift store and secondhand shops
The Mother and Father should take care their kids.
Try thrift stores for white dresses and add burgundy accessories. I understand it isn’t your fault and shouldn’t be your responsibility since you offered to budget and handle it a long time ago. But if you want to salvage it, you can do it fairly inexpensive. Also, ask the bio parents to chip in $20 or $30 each. That should be enough to get dresses/shoes from a second hand store.
I’d be pissed to, but unless you intend to leave them out they need to be dressed appropriately. Do your best to kit them out and remember this for the future. Obviously their parents don’t give a damn putting you all in this position. I’m not sure if your husband and yourself share the same culture? Maybe give him a crash course in what’s expected.
I would take them in their jeans and sweaters and after i got there and the rest were dressed i would go home.
Figure it out like you would if it was your bio daughter. I figured it out for my bfs kids. When their mom doesn’t work at all and my bf was in between jobs.
You do have the right to be frustrated. However, if you want to try and make it work, thrift stores might be a good option for dresses. Good luck!
you have a week, I’m sure you’ll come up with something, don’t stress
Thrift store ! Or I second Ross
That was sweet of you to want to plan. Men are ignorant when it comes to how hard it is for women to get ready for anything and what all goes into it much less a highly formal event. Luckily it is also prom season so take the girls to a mall and make a day of it you can find pretty less fancy dresses for like 30-70 bucks that are still more than fancy enough for the occasion.
If BM is not doing their hair maybe look on Pinterest for something to make their hair look pretty natural? Or how old they are maybe they can do each others? Sorry I guess it matters how old the girls are as well.
Thrift store/ consignment or Amazon! You would be surprised what you can find on Amazon for little $ it just may not last many washes.
Why your budget why isn’t he paying?? And second they are kids , it isn’t that serious I have seen ppl show up in jeans ans crop tops , it’s just an expensive party for a teen honestly …I’m sorry but your over reacting honestly…
How old are his daughters??
Well I would of went ahead and bought the dresses & shoes & had them on hand. You never know when something like this is going to happen. Now you need them & don’t have it. In the future plan ahead & have it in case this happens again. Then if you don’t use return it to the store. Then you won’t have this problem
Thank you Mrs Lisa Jennifer I don`t believe I can be a owner of such amount in this cashless period thank you a lot for saving my life Your work speaks volumes of the kind of woman you are thank you so much for the profit
Lisa Jennifer
This isn’t your planned event. You’re showing up as an invited guest. Your husband’s cousin and her Mom are handling the plans and invite list and I’m sure it’s more important to them that her family can come and are there, even if it’s last minute. You shouldn’t be so concerned with things that aren’t in your control. And stop thinking everything involves you or is about you. Your step daughters have a mother and they have your husband (father) and coparenting can be a struggle on the best of terms. So if they cannot agree or communicate well and then these last minute things happen, you have to step out and let them work it out. So I’m sure the girls have a skirt or a dress they already have or maybe they can borrow, in any event, they will find clothes to wear. It isn’t a coordinated family Christmas photo in your living room. You’ll live.
I would think they would be happy to have you there in whatever you wear. It’s nice that you are so thoughtful about making sure to show up in appropriate attire. I hope you find everything you need. Deep breath mama, you are awesome!
Ask the girls whether they want to match you or not. If they are fine with jean and a top that’s what they wear. If they want the fancy dress then make it happen. Thing is it sounds like you are more worried about “them with me looking any kind of way” then anything. It’s a birthday party not grandma’s funeral.
I saw good comments about Lisa Jennifer on how she helps people,so I decided to contact her and I’m glad I did Your work speaks volumes of the kind of woman you are thank you so much for the profit
Lisa Jennifer
I think a huge part of these comments are boiling down to not realizing the significance culturally of a quinceanera. It’s not “just a birthday party”. It is a formal event, at least semi-formal. It would be the equivalent of taking your children to a nice wedding in jeans and a crop top. It makes sense that she’s upset.
Maybe try op shops?
There not new and might not match but you can find some nice stuff if you look hard enough or possibly even look on the facebook marketplace
I would return all the previously bought clothes and take everyone to thrift stores and find matching outfits/ colors for everyone with the money from then previously bought ones. Skirts dresses. Nice slacks sweaters whatever and match my family as a unit. And yes I mean his daughters too. You married him they become yours too. Refit your whole family to match.
Demand they stay with mom. I wholeheartedly understand you.
Why is their father or mother not buying them their dresses?I get you want them to feel as special as anyone that’s there I would want to do the same.I would also be upset at this as well.The issue to me isn’t how I would look but the fact that you asked ahead of time and now things are happening and your stuck not being able to get them dresses when their father or mother should been doing it.Everyone can say you should have saved or just bought them but ignore them because people make mistakes and your not perfect plus it’s not entirely your fault so dont let any of these comments from people make you feel bad…Focus on what you are able to do right now instead of what you didn’t do.I personally would talk to their father and tell him he needs to get them some kind of nice dresses.I also think people are reading this thinking your saying you don’t want the girls to be seen with you if they are not dresses like you and your baby but I think your just meaning that you want them to be dressed nice like you guys will be so they don’t feel awkward and out of place.Im a mom and a step mom and when we go places I want all my kids dressed for the occasion not because I care about what certain people think but I do care how my kids feel.I wouldn’t want them feeling uncomfortable or that I didn’t care how they looked or felt plus I know my girls would freak out if we were going to something like that and didn’t have proper dresses or attire and had them wear their regular clothes.They would rather not go.You could try looking at thrift store or a Ross or Burlington’s a place like that or maybe you could barrow some money from a friend or family.You could also try looking on free sites and make a post asking for help for dresses or money to buy the dresses.Like another comment said white dresses are easy to find you just get some maroon bows or fabric something to add to the white dresses you get.Good luck
Once upon a child has everything u will need for the lowest of low prices u could get everything for probably 20 or less everything but their hair
Putt them on charge card and you can pay over time.
It’s HIS aunt, HIS daughter’s. I would not stress yourself about it. If He and their mother says jeans and sweats I would stay out of it. You have you and your daughter covered as you should. Don’t stress your self with unnecessary things.
First Don’t help them in this case
Let their father be responsible for that cost
Go to a second hand clothing store
Pick out the ugliest dresses you can find
And say to their father
You are willing to compromise
Instead of wearing daggy jeans
You will buy them a dress that suits their needs
But they have to wait until the do as your having them altered
Then 2 hours before you go
Pressent them with the dresses you brought
Then when their father has a rant and a rave about it
Say to him at least they are wearing a dress
Im sure you and your daughter will look stunning
If they’re your stepchildren then they need to be treated the way your kid together would be treated. Just tell him what’s what and if the step children have to go in jeans and sweaters then your whole family should too
I dont believe in quincineras, so if they want to go in casual clothes, go for it. If they want to look nice, go for it.