I would b like sorry but they can’t go.
Clothes are clothes don’t get so hung up about it
Uh they’re you’re step daughters so it is also your responsibility in my opinion. You’re only worried about yourself it seems like
Why didn’t you include the “step children”
Get the girls some dresses and shoes. There are plenty of second hand stores to look for them. They don’t have to have a $400 dress. But they are your kids too. You took on the role of “mom” when you became involved with a man that had kids. They deserve to feel like a part of the family and feel as beautiful as you and your daughter will be. Their dresses don’t have to be extravagant for them to feel beautiful. This is your responsibility too even if it was last minute. It would be no different than if you and your husband said you weren’t going to something and changed plans last min.
Look on Facebook market place or see if anyone is renting dresses. Lots of people are selling their dresses
The father should pay for the dresses. It is a man’s responsibility to provide for his family!
In my neighborhood we have a fb community that gives and shares things that they don’t want or need to others that might. Try reaching out to your community to see if you could borrow a couple dresses for the girls. Or you could even try a consignment or thrift store.
I’d tell him since he waited til the last minute, then he’s got to step up because if they’re going they need to be dressed appropriately for the event and so the girls won’t get picked on or judged nor ruin the other child’s quinceanera, because guaranteed there’s going to be pics and videos and nobody deserves to be stuck looking out of place nor treated differently because he didn’t plan accordingly. That said, I would probably also take the initiative and contact the girls mom and ask for her help taking them shopping. Thrift stores, Ross, and even rent them a nice dress if you have to. I would be pissed if he waited last minute too, because dress shopping isn’t easy and especially if alterations need doing too. But you’re for sure going to have to thrift shop. Check marketplace and ask others with girls the same age if they have anything they’d like to rent or sell too. Sorry, but honestly, some m*n just don’t get it when it comes to formal events, and especially what it takes for girls and women. They think you can just put anything on anywhere and be ready in 10 minutes. Try to take a deep breath, and be ready to shop til you drop. Make a plan of places near you to check out, and then go from there. Good luck!
Depending on the children’s age, my girls 9 n 12 threw a fit and don’t like dressing up they literally switch clothes 15mins after we arrived in sweatpants and a tee:woman_facepalming:
As a step mom u gotta do what ud do for ur own baby… better get on finding them girls some dresses. Clocks ticking. U can’t just have them standing out when ur all suited and booted. Situation sucks and I’d be mad too but those became ur babies when u said I do and it’s up to u to save the day and have them ready. When they’re in ur care they’re yours too. Jmo
If you’re in the states, look for your local but nothing group on Facebook. Type your town name in then “buy nothing” after it and join your local mom groups and see if anyone has any gowns they’ll let you borrow. It has worked for plenty of families by me!
Get some money off your husband and go buy them something nice to wear…
Explain the importance I feel it maybe the cultural difference, you mentioned she’s doing their hair in braids is that also not appropriate??
Probably they’ve never attended one and was unaware, I would express this mum/dad as I’m sure they wouldn’t want their children being underdressed or the odd ones out.
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Sometimes things happen. Don’t waste your energy being mad. Go find something… doesn’t have to break the bank.
Tell the bm to buy their stuff. If not Burlington. Or nice simple dress. But some girls don’t like wearing dresses so maybe a nice jumpsuit or dress up shirt.
I keep reading bm as bad move
I suggest you just leave town and not tell anyone of your destination !!!
I would’ve saved the money anyway. I would’ve gotten with the bm to get sizes and all that to make sure you were prepared anyways
Go to thrift store also ask about dress and shoes on pay forward facebook pages in your are
Burlington, Ross, Tjmaxx!! Cheap and stylist stuff that shouldn’t break the bank.
Go to Ross they should have something cheaper buy nice quality
As far as shoes ummm Walmart at this point
Join your local buy nothing group. People r super helpful. Search buy nothing then ur town. Best of luck