How should I manage my UTI?

Cranberry capsules not juice. Juice contains lots if natural sugars that bacteria feeds off of


That sounds like a shit doctor. I would’ve spoken up and told him that you’ve never had this experience before, it might’ve humbled him.

Take meds you’ll be fine

No do not have sex. Shower with kid should be fine. No baths. Lots and lots and then some more water and cranberry juice.

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Water and pure cranberry juice. One that doesn’t have other juices mixed into it. Cotton undies and no tight pants. No sex until the meds kick in.

Very best for UTI is watermelon!

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And u can have sex if u feel like, not comfi.

#1 Get a new doctor. He’s an ass. 2nd drink cranberry juice along with taking your anti- biotics. Do Not drink alcohol as it will render the antibiotic useless. Also make sure you use a condom if you have sex as it will render your birth control pill useless. But don’t stop taking it or your cycle will mess up. You can still shower with your kids. However you should not take a bath for any reason, for about 2 weeks.

NO SEX. A UTI CAN CAUSE URETHRITIS in a male. Of course it depends on what type of UTI. My friend had sex with a UTI and her husband got urethritis poor guy was in massive pain.

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Drink lots of water make sure you take your meds on time cranberry juice is good too but it has to be 100%:hugs: avoid sex until it’s gone!! Take showers not Bath’s​:upside_down_face: hope you feel better​:pray:

Cranberry juice is great, blueberry is better. Dont have sex. Dont take baths, showers only. Pickle juice helps too. Take ALL of your pills even if your “feeling better” you need to finish all of them.

No sex while on antibiotics. Especially if you are on any form of contraceptive and don’t want to fall pregnant

Take meds, cotton undies, loose fitting pants (not leggings,jeggins) showers, definitely not sex. Tons of water. I agree with others that the Azo will help with symptoms but I don’t know if it happened to others but it messed up my stomach bad! Just a warning on that one. I was lucky to have been at home if you catch my drift.

Your doctor didn’t explain anything? I am sorry but that makes zero sense.

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Pyridium pills are a Godsend. They are prescription but I’m never without them. They turn your pee orange but it helps with the pain. You don’t feel like you’re peeing razor blades. Macrobid for the infection. (Also prescription)


Avoid oral sex after you get well. It can cause them. And all the above mentioned.


Time for a new doctor hun.

1st… Change doctors considering it’s their job to inform you. 2nd… GOOGLE! It’ll help so that next time you don’t have to ask strangers.


Google is a hell of an invention.


Wash well after sex and find another dr. He is a jerk.

  1. Switch doctors because in ALL my years of going to doctors they ALWAYS asked me if I had any questions and if I did they would answer them.
  2. Since your doctor is an ASS talk to a pharmacist about the medication that you received.
  3. Sex is NOT a good idea with any infection. Besides I would guess that it would be painful
    4)Showering with your kid shouldn’t be a problem since there’s no way you can pass it on to him/her. I’m quite sure you guys don’t use the same washcloth.
  4. Take all your medication until it is done, drink plenty of water and cranberry juice. They even have cranberry pills that you can take. Good luck

Drink some cranberry juice. It helps a lot :slightly_smiling_face:


This is a perfect example of why pharmacists ask you if you have any questions when you pick up your medication. They’ve heard it all. Just ask.


Should’ve asked the pharmacist or doc 🤦

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Drink plenty of water they say cranberry juice, blueberry juice and try them azzo cranberry pills u can take daily it helps with urniary tract infections.

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Follow all the advice below and then get another doctor!

You need a different doctor

Asking for medical advice on social media is dangerous. Call the office and speak with a nurse. Pharmacists can answer any questions you may have also.

Talk to a dr not yours but a dr

Take the pills and a probiotic to prevent the yeast infection that antibiotics may cause

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First off:

Either get a new doctor or don’t be afraid to ask questions. If your healthcare provider is good, they would rather you ask all questions you have (no matter how “stupid” you think they are) and know exactly what to do instead of leaving the office having no idea.

That said, UTI’s aren’t contagious however sex may be uncomfortable while you have one. Make sure you drink plenty of water and/or cranberry juice and don’t hold your pee. The longer you hold your pee the more the bacteria can multiply. Make sure you take all of your antibiotics. You can also add Azo into the mix to alleviate symptoms or ask your doctor for some pyridium. Both help a bit with pain but they also both turn your pee an orange Tang color.


A UTI isn’t a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and it isn’t considered a contagious condition. However, you can pass the bacteria that causes a UTI between partners. … In some cases, the UTI may actually be a side effect of an STI, such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis. These infections can be passed between partners.

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Wear cotton underwear, change out of sweaty or wet clothes right away, no bubble baths, use feminine wash in that area rather than soap, drink a glass of water before sex and pee after sex, both wash hands before sex, no oral if anyone has a cold or soar throat, wash after oral and pee, wash and pee after a hot tub or pond swimming, buy azo standard to keep on hand to use to help stop the pain of a UTI and drink enough liquids that when you pee you can not tell it by looking in the toilet - very light yellow to clear.


Google D’Mannose with Hibiscus and Cranberry…AMAZING!!! Works like a charm.

Call your pharmacist! Don’t ask fb

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You could have asked the pharmacist when you picked up the prescription.


Shower with your kid?

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put urinary tract infection into the search bar& read up on it.


All good advice if you start experiencing chills or fever go to an ER . I’ve had one get worse my antibiotics didn’t work ended up with serious Infection and hospitalized.

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That’s a bizarre thing for a doctor to say. But drink Apple Cider Vinegar! Works wonders.

Take the pills and dont have sex until you are finished taking them. No your kids cant get it but if you have sex, it will make your uti worse.

You will know if your symptoms are better/worse after you finish taking the prescription.

I used to get them alot cus i have bladder cystitis and can easily get them. You might have to start using condoms with your partner to keep it from coming back too.

Your pharmacist should have told you what to do and not do when you got the prescription, and your doctor should have told you as well. There is plenty of info online but definitely wear cotton underwear, wipe well, and drink REAL no sugar added, not from concentrate cranberry juice.

Get a new doctor. That was rude. And uncalled for. Just read the instructions on the box. They have different directions for different antibiotics. My doctor told me no sex until all the meds were done. Cranberry juice. Or water. Will help a lot.

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Drink lots
Of water and cranberry juice

Next time, ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Doesn’t matter that he/she thinks “you should already know”. Tell them, “no, I don’t know actually as I’ve never experienced this before.”

Dont have sex with a UTI. It isnt contagious. Drink plenty of fluids. Wipe front to back after using the bathroom and always always pee after sex. The antibiotics should clear it up but if it doesn’t then to back and they can try you on an different antibiotic.

Drink pure cranberry juice. Any take your pills. Its honestly not that serious. Even a simple Google search of it works answer all this :woman_facepalming:t2:

Real cranberry juice and not the cranberry cocktail. If you cant get the juice you can buy the mnin pill form.

Yogurt, meds until GONE, cranberry juice and yes, even a beer.
Stay hydrated and ensure you keep your vaginal area clean.
If your kidneys begin to hurt or you spike a fever, go to the ER immediately.
I’d avoid sex until it’s cleared up bc in some people UTI’s can be made worse bc of the bacteria.

Cranberry juice is a MYTH!!.. coming from a nurse right here!!! they tell you to drink juice because it tastes good and the amount if water in it… truth is you’d have to drink enough juice to equal the amounts of water that’s just right for your kidneys to feel better.

No sex, LOTS of water. Cranberry tabs or D-Mannose for future prevention of UTI. If the stinging is still there while taking the antibiotics, ask for samples of urogesic blue or take azo UTI. All those I listed are found in the vitamin aisle. Hopefully they did a urine culture to determine the correct antibiotic was given. If not, the should call you to give a new Rx.

Drink plenty of water