How should we handle bathroom issues with our 7 year old?

My seven-year-old always whines and throws a fit every time he poops bc he wants us to wipe his butt after he poops! We have no idea what to do? Do we need ideas?


That kid needs a serious spanking. Make him wipe his own ass.


Everytime you wipe his ass whoop his ass :person_shrugging: bet he wipes his own ass real quick


Do not do it. And when his little bum gets irratated, you can tell him why, that he needs to wipe his own bum. And then put some vaseline to help. Heā€™s gotta learn. It wonā€™t hurt him.


Donā€™t torture your child, thatā€™s just wrong. Spanking because he wonā€™t wipe his butt is not how you handle things. Get some wet flushable wipes. Go into the bathroom with him and show him how. It may take a few times but patience is better than scolding a child over bathroom issues. Those are very sensitive issues. Momma of 5 boys here. Bath issues are real, so please donā€™t whip a child for this. 3 out of 5 of my boys have very sensitive bottoms and the flushable wet wipes have been a blessing in disguise.

He needs to be like the little boy in Big Daddy and be able to say But I can wipe my own ass :joy:

You should not hit a child or ā€œwhoop his assā€ just because he wants his butt wiped. Use it as a lesson to teach him how to do it properly & leave it at that. If he still doesnā€™t get it, just dont do it. I highly doubt heā€™s comfortable running around with a dirty bum for too long. I honestly canā€™t believe people think that violence would be the answer to this.


All you have to do is show him how to wipe his own ass, you donā€™t need to traumatize the kid! SMH


Why does everyones head split open from one comment? my god, Some children are butt heads/ ass***** and act like they need a spanking lol :joy: ā€¦ Heck id say that too if that was my son crying cause he doesnt wanna wipe his ass lol geez :roll_eyes: ā€¦ Heard my mother say sheā€™d spank me and she did lol learned my lesson because I wasnā€™t listening to what she said at all. Geuss some kids are gonna grow up being pissy from the sounds of some parents who let them get away with shit lol

As a parent of 30yrs, My advice is STOP PLAYING his little game, there are NO personal Ass wipers at SCHOOL, there shouldnā€™t be one at home!

Does he do it at school? If so he shound be able to do it at home. I would tell him if he does t want to use toilet paper you can provide wipes and or wash clothes for him to do to himself. If he sj at a friends house what does he do?

He is way too.old be wiping him bottom. Do not wipe it for him, if he soils his under wear he is to scrub it in the toilet. Hes a big boy old go on the toilet so hes potty trained.he will be very tired of feeling dirty. Let.alone smelly over.time hell learn on his own good luck


Let him yell and scream, heā€™ll wipe his own butt. Do not acknowledge him in any way when he throws his fit. If you are not feeding his poor behavior heā€™ll stop.


At 7? How does he get along in school?


Try wipes could be he doesnā€™t think he does a Good Job

Wipes will help. Spanking NO!


Was wiping his own butt part of poty training? If yes, then he is seeking attention due to an underlying issue. Only you can establish what it is he is crying out for and deal appropriately.

Itā€™s possible he canā€™t get it clean enough himself

Maybe he feels like he doesnā€™t get himself as clean as you do. Try getting Kandoo wipes (Thereā€™s a coupon on their website!) They helped us!

My 6 yr old couldnt with tissue. He will use wipes so he does it with them.

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Agree use wipes but even if they say flushable THROW THEM AWAY or else youā€™ll be a plumbers new bff


Buy wipesā€¦or wipe his butt.

My 7 yr old has a hard time wiping good enough so I got him wipes and ( I know it sounds weird) a mirror so he can see. It has helped quite a bit

Wipe his butt thatā€™s what you do !


My 7 year old struggled with wiping and getting clean, so yeah we use wipes in the house. But I agree dont flush any of them even of they say flushable.

Your kid is only seven and asking you to help him! that is your job as a parentā€¦ go wipe his ass and stop complainingā€¦ maybe he does not know how toā€¦ maybe he canā€™t reach itā€¦ thereā€™s definitely an underlying issueā€¦ be a parent

Agree with the wipes & my youngest was worried about getting it on his fingers so we started with a disposable glove too but bottom line you need to take a stand. Let him know heā€™s now to wipe him own butt & then donā€™t you do it again. Heā€™ll whine & throw a fit - so? Let him. Let him sit there & whinge. Let him sit there for however long it takes - took my youngest about an hour to realise I wasnā€™t coming in to do it - thereā€™s no harm in him sitting there for an hour or longer - eventually heā€™ll have to make a choice to do it. Just donā€™t give in! You may need to calmly remind him every 5-10 minutes that heā€™s to do it & even offer to check him when heā€™s finished. Be strong you got this.

I eventually had to have a talk with my daughter(7). My 4th child, never had a problem with the others. Would poop her pants too until I sat her down and explained that if she keeps going in her pants, she had to clean it up. She hasnā€™t pooped or peed her pants since. The wiping on the other handā€¦I stopped doing it and when I stopped, she started going in her pants. I like the wipes idea and the glove. I also tell her to get in the tub and clean herself off if itā€™s too messy, she doesnā€™t like to do it so she tries harder to clean herself

Let him learn to wipe his own butt, heā€™s 7. My kids like flushable wet wipes, there much easier than toilet paper.

Teaching moment when helping. Buy wipes :100:

When mine was 5 and still trying to get us to wipe him, weā€™d had enough. Basically we would just tell him ā€œtry your bestā€ and let him sit on the toilet til he wanted to wipe. We also gave him the option to get in the shower if he felt like tp wouldnā€™t work, but he got sick of that quick. They will wipe themselves, just donā€™t give in.

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Flushable wipes helped with my son when he had the same problem. Using the wipes helped him clean himself easier. Keep one at home and send one to school to use. Good luck

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Nope. Wiping your butt needs to happen sooner rather than later. If they are a typically developing child at 7 they are plenty old enough to wipe their own butt. Maybe checking for a week or 2 but beyond that it is far past time.


Is there any underlying issue as to he doesnā€™t want to wipe himself? Undiagnosed medical issue, or maybe he feels like he doesnā€™t do it was well as mom does? (No body does things like mom doesšŸ’•) Regardless I think he will eventually learn how to wipe himself if you just tell him he needs to do it and explain you canā€™t always be there to wipe him.

My son is 5 and we were having the same problemā€¦we have a system we call behavior bucks and that is something he earns behavior bucks for and he us now wiping his own butt every time timeā€¦you can look up behavior bucks or mom bucks on Pinterestā€¦you basically come up with what the child or children will earn them for and or lose them for and then some kind of rewards system for them to spend the bucks on

My daughter wiped at school but still had me help at home until she was 7ā€¦ and then one day she just didnā€™t want my help anymore. I wasnā€™t upset one bit lol, but also didnā€™t mind helping her out.


I just wipe my sons butt. Heā€™s 8. If I donā€™t its the same he cries for me and if I refuse he makes a mess. Iā€™m picking my battles and I donā€™t see it as wrong to wipe his butt


I literally would leave my 6 six year sitting on the toilet until he wiped his own butt. After an hour he would finally do it because his legs would start to hurt. But he learned he is more than capable of doing it himself. Now working on getting the almost 5 year old to do it too. It didnā€™t take long with the 6 year old, just a few times. The 5 year is learning much faster because he wants to be independent like his big brother. Good luck momma!


My little one did this too, but she was a little younger at the time. We told her if she tried to wipe 1st, then weā€™d follow (to make sure she was clean). Then, after she did it herself a couple times, she was more confident doing it alone. We did use disposable wipes, which helped. Also, we reminded her that the teachers in school would not help her, so she was gonna have to learn to do it herself. Last idea, when he does it himself, maybe try a reward chart for him to earn something (10 stickers = prize).


I had one like this believe me he willoutgrow this and it will be sooner not later. It absolutely will happen that he probably suddenly will feel the lack of appropriateness. I was worried too but turns out she had a deep crack and simply had difficulty feeling clean. He will find his groove on his own. Can I ask? Is he at all a little chubby or have a deeper crack? That can cause then to need help longer but it will click for him.

My son was the same way he is 7 but now he does it himself and he uses wet wipes! The only time I will come help him is when he has a upset tummy. Try wet wipes they work!


My little one did this until 6ā€¦ we finally offered rewards for being a big boy and taking more responsibility (for that and other things he should have been doing but just flat out refusing).

My son hates the feel of toilet paper. He uses baby wipes and we have no issues.


Before they go to school they should know how to handle this as the teacher canā€™t do it for them.


Teach him to wipe and fold it then start giving him 2 wipes to practice with. Then come in and ā€œcheckā€.

My kids at 4 tried this I left them on the toilet til they wiped their own ass they know what clean feels like. Put your goddamn foot down lol

Depends, does he have any form of autism or handicap? Need more info

Keep refusing, and let him throw a fit. Eventually he will get tired of the crusty butt feeling and do it himself.


Weā€™re in the same boat

Some kids struggle and also ā€œNEEDā€ to feel clean. It really is ok. You wonā€™t be wiping his ass when he his 15 I promise

Pick and choose your battles! My son would always ask me to wipe for him and I would, then I just started handing the toilet paper to him, so he would see how much he needed, then I set a date, his 6th birthday. I told him when he turned 6 he was on his own. And on his 6th birthday he called me to the bathroom and I just looked at him and said youā€™re 6 now, he said oh! And did it himself.

My daughter started to do it by herself when she was 3y/o cause we told her at 4y/o when she goes to preschool she needs to do it by herself and it worked.
At first I had to check if sheā€™s doing it properly and explained to her she needs to make sure itā€™s clean or else she will get itchy and red.
At first itā€™s a bit hard cause kids takes time to learn but itā€™s a lot easier when they finally do it by themselves. Also always remind her to wash her hands after.

Maybe try disposable wet toilet paper, its easier

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It must be a boy thing. My son is 18 and still strictly uses baby wipes after bowel movements

Let him do it and then tell him you want to a check
But heā€™s old enough to do it himself.


Use wet wipes he may not like the touching the toilet paper.

Ask what they do when youā€™re not around and tell them theyā€™re too old for that now.

Try wet/baby wipes but remember they will ruin your septic/sewer if flushed.

Try disposable wet wipes

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"Submissiveness, is not respect.

Having a child who is malleable within a dictatorship style parenting, is not respect.

Barking orders to a child who has learned that it is easier to stay quiet, is not respect.

A child who is too afraid to be truthful and honest with their parents when they have made a mistake or messed up, is not respect.

Respect is when you have a child who has been respected.
A child who has someone who is worth modelling.
By respecting others from all walks of life.

Being a parent is not about operating on fear.

Respect is earned. Not forced."


Try using baby wipes it makes them feel cleaner

Does he worry he cant do it right? Talk to him and find out why he is freaking out. Tell him he has to do it first then offer to do a check after. Possibly get him his own wet wipes to use.

There is a YouTube video taught by a teacher how she demonstrated

Grow up. He will not grow up until you do.

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Wow my kids were wiping their on ass at 3 years old . He is a person not a freaking baby teach this child right from wrong !!!

Let him scream. I know that sucks. Have you tried using a treat system? When he does it on his own reward him. Also sit down and have as serious of a talk as you can with him have others there too to help. Ask him why he feels this way

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Tell him the importance of him wiping his bottom.Ypir approach mean everything.Dont forget we are there role models please explain well baby he will do it.


If you have continued to wipe his butt all this time then you caused this issue. If he knows how and just throws a fit just because he doesnā€™t want to, do not reward that behavior. A 7 year old that throws a fit over things like this has been allowed to control their parents and it needs stopped now before you canā€™t get control of them.

He is definitely old enough to di this on his own. Let him cry and scream it out. He will not want to walk around with a dirty ass because it will itch and be uncomfortable. He will start doing it.

My 8yo still expect this from me too, I tell her no. We have wipes in the bathroom which helps. Sheā€™s scared to get poop on her hand. :woman_facepalming:t2: I always tell her itā€™s just poop, get over it! Wash your hands!

Get him flushable wipes and let him do it on his own. You just need to be there guiding him, sometimes they believe they are afraid of clogging up toilet when they use too much TP, that was the case with my daughter, ask him why he doesnā€™t want to do it himself. My other daughter didnā€™t like the flushing sound.

Leave it on him. Heā€™ll learn to wipe that ass when he chafes

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Wipe it until he gets comfortable to do it himself also show him how eventually heā€™ll do it himself, went through this with my grandkids