Fan question
Seeking advice on mucous plug and birth.
I’m 32 weeks tomorrow, and I lost part of my mucus plug yesterday night. My little boy measures in the 23 percentile, and I’m just wondering and hoping that he’ll stay till full term. I go to Drs Thursday, but I need some comfort. Guess I’m asking how soon did you lose your plug and when did you go into labor?
It can grow back unless your getting constant contractions don’t worry
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It typically grows back mama.
They can come back, it is not a sure sign labor is coming. Have 4 kids and never lost it and went right into labor. Example: lost one at 29 weeks but my son was born at 36 weeks
I lost mine also at 32 weeks but I went to labor 3 weeks later
I lost mine twice once at about 32 33 weeks it regenerates unless you are having constant contractions I lost it again at about 38w+5 days went into labor 3 days later so I wouldn’t worry
I would call your nurse line today.
Losing your mucus plug doesnt mean anything nor is it a sign of labor. Most women dont even notice they lose it, alot of women lose it multiple times to. As long as you didnt have the bloody show with it or your not having other symptoms then your golden
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It grows back unless it has blood in it x
You’re plug can grow back. The time you need to worry is constant contractions that won’t go away. (Mommy of 2 preterm babies. I had my son at 31 weeks 4 days and my daughter at 35 weeks 5 days. Both are happy and healthy). I personally never noticed losing my plug when I went into labor with my kiddos. If you are concerned you call always request to speak with your doctor’s nurse
Just bc you lost your mucus plug doesn’t mean you’ll have your son early. I lost mine at 34 weeks and had a bloody show had her a month later
I would contact the doctor. I believe developing an infection could be an issue with this.
When I lost mine I went into labor within a couple of days
You can loose your plug multiple times a pregnancy.
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Lost mine at 36 weeks. Had to be induced!
You can loose it weeks before and start dilating for 2-3 weeks before a birth also. Have them check you at your next appointment to see… some ladies dilate 1-3cm over a few weeks so unless you’re leaking fluid and feeling contractions getting stronger and regular then you should be ok. By 36 weeks, they consider you term enough to deliver.
I lost my plug on my due date and stop took 3 days to go into labor. Definitely wasn’t instant!
I lost mine twice so it can come back
U can lose it and still go full term I lost mine and had to be induced everytime
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Call your dr and see if they want you to come in just to be safe but I hope from all the other comments you’ve gathered that it doesn’t “mean” anything. You have enough to worry about mama, so don’t stress yourself over something unneeded. And I have 2 beautiful, perfect girls and they were both very, very small at birth. 4lbs 8oz and 4lbs 5oz. They were both healthy and perfect other than low birth weight. My 2nd did have a NICU stay but it was totally unrelated and in my situation, unpreventable.
I lost my plug early hours on a Monday morning and I started having contractions late Monday night and had my baby girl the Tuesday morning
I’ve had 5 babies, only saw 1 and it was 12 weeks before he was born the day before his due date!
Definitely talk to your dr if you have any concerns, but the plug is nothing to worry about!
I am 36 weeks and I am losing mine like everyday still no labor I am kinda upset because this pregnancy been hard dealing with two kids… just because you lose your plug doesn’t mean you will go into labor soon The only time I went into labor the next day or that day is when the bloody part showed…
I lost mine early with my first pregnancy and the doctor told me I could continue to lose it multiple times. Don’t worry.
I lost my plug 4 times it doesnt mean labor.
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You’ll be fine, I lost my entire plug at 30 weeks w my third baby…it just regenerates…made it to 38 weeks 6 days…I was advised by my Dr no sex til 35 weeks tho
Also remember that ultrasound measurements are notoriously wrong. My son measured in the 85th percentile my whole pregnancy. He came out at the 20th. He just had a big head like his dad threw off estimates.
I lost mine around 30 weeks and it grew back. Still if you’re worried at all I’d say call in just to put your mind at ease. !
I lost my plug around 37 weeks. I still had to be induced 9 days after our due date.
All 3 of my babies were 8-6 weeks early. It could take up to a week before labour starts after losing your plug. Take it easy keep your feet up and get lots of rest
Lost my plug at 22 weeks, freaked out and went to the doctor, doctor said it would probably grow back and it did. Lost my mucus plug again at 35 weeks, was induced at 39 weeks.
I lost might and then an hour later i was in labor
I began losing my plug several weeks before labor. Every few days, more would come out, but I still ended up being induced on the due date.
I lost mine over several weeks in pieces… Once i lost a huge chunk i started dilating… Mace it to 39 and they induced me
I think it was a wk for my daughter.
Even if u come early it will be fine.
Mucus plug regenerates itself if u lose it too early! Dont sweat it! Be fine!!
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I lost mine at 38w 0day, and my boy was born at 38w 1day.
Just get off you feet a sit ,and stay of them .All the best
I lost mine at 30 weeks my son was 8 days late
I lost my plug repeatedly for weeks before being induced at 41 &5 it doesn’t mean anything
It grows back but if you are concerned go to the hospital they won’t get mad they would rather be safe then sorry. My youngest was a wiggler she never stopped, I had a cold and she hadn’t moved for a 2 hours so we went to the hospital and as soon as we got there she started moving again, I apologized for wasting their time and they told me it is never considered a waste of time when it comes to the health of mother and baby and to always come in if you are concerned about anything