How to Approach My Daughter About Her Unibrow?

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"My daughter is 11 years old, and she’s hitting puberty, and she has a pretty wicked unibrow. It’s quite noticeable, and she’s really self-conscious about it. We started shaving her armpits, but I’m not sure how to tackle her unibrow to help her so that she’s not embarrassed. I feel like waxing is too young, and the tweezers are just going to freak her out. I always tell her to love the body that she has, and she does, but she’s also in middle school and gets made fun of, and I want to be able to help her. I just don’t know the way that is best to approach an 11-year-old any advice would be much appreciated."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Just lay out all options for her. There’s waxing which really isn’t that painful. Tweezers. Eyebrow razors. I think there’s even something called micro blading? Just give her all options. Help her research them. And then have her pick which she thinks is best."

"I don’t understand when people think certain ages are too young for waxing. If she is self-conscious then wax it, it’s not a big deal"

"A little spa day with fun stuff thrown in as well."

"Take her to a threading shop most shopping malls have one but just google eyebrow threading near me- my daughter is nine and has the same issue threading is less painful than waxing"

"I started waxing my eyebrows at 10. I don’t think she’s too young, especially if she’s self-conscious."

"Honestly waxing is not a big deal as many people make it out to be and you know not sure if you do your brows or your nails but go with her to an appointment make it a mom and daughter thing"

"It’s only a big deal if you make it. Treat it like it’s normal cause it is lol"

"Waxing is wayyyyy better than any other removal option. Literally one strip down the middle and done. She doesn’t have to shape the rest of the brow."

"Just pluck a little in the middle - not a complete pluck job just enough to separate so she isn’t ridiculed, when hormones stop raging it’ll thin out"

"Give her all the options and see what she wants to try. You never know"

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