How to be a housewife?

"So I got laid off for the first time in my life today. Teach me the ways of the housewife. I feel I am going to have to pull my daughter out of her daycare / preschool. I hope I find something within our 2-3 week window of finances put up.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to be a housewife?

Love it personally :heart_eyes::woman_shrugging:t2: you’ll find your groove soon. I wake up and while she’s eating breakfast and watching cartoons I vacuum and do dishes. Then we play and do some school work/crafts. Then maybe outside. Then lunch and I’ll mop while she eats and watches cartoons. Then nap and I sit and watch Netflix lol. Then up and we run errands or play. Then I start prepping dinner and husband comes home to entertain and play with her while I finish dinner. Then family time all together and relax


Projects:) try some new recipes, take time with your kids

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It took me a while to get used to it. If I didn’t have my routine I’d lose my mind, just make yourself a routine of what you wanna get done and what time type of thing

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I honestly hate the word housewife am i a maid or am i your wife. This stuff is basic life skills anyway, you have to do them regardless.


So pretty much the question is, how are you going to care for your own child full time. Verses you just doing house wife stuff after work.

The only difference is your gonna have your kid all day.
I’d imagine your already doing the other stuff moms do daily.


Do you mean how to be a stay at home mom? Keep your house clean, spend time with your daughter, cook meals (plenty of pre-made meals out there to pop in the oven), and enjoy family time. Apply for jobs when you have time


I love it & I also have a hard time with it. I love being there for my kids. Especially since my youngest is 3. We have a great bond :heart: Work will always be somewhere
 kids grow up so fast. Try to enjoy it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If you can only take off 2/3wks I wouldn’t worry about “learning” housewife stuff lol bc you’ll be back to work & searching for a job before you could even get a routine


Sounds like The Life to me. Enjoy the Housewife life. If I could, I would

You’ll have all day to get stuff done instead of rushing after work. I work full time and have a part time night job so I’m always rushing to get dishes or laundry done

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Wait so some lady’s don’t do housewife stuff because they work? Lucky :pleading_face:


Rule #1: Don’t forget that you are you. You have needs. You have importance and worth. You are not just a housewife. You are not just a mom. You are your own person outside of that. Stay at home moms/house wives can get into a bit of a depression after some time at home because some have a hard time identifying with who they are beyond what needs they fulfill. So, remember your own mental health and self care is as important as everyone else’s in the household. From there, things fall into place. :heartbeat:


Well, you sort of work housework in between your daughter’s breakfast and lunch. Then in the afternoon, if you have errands, you do those. Might want to drop off a few resumes while you’re at it. Then go home, let your daughter take a nap. You take a break and watch TV, Tubi, Netflix, Hulu, whatever you have. Then start supper. While supper is cooking, do some stuff with your daughter. Read a story, play a game, do each other’s hair. Then finish up supper and have daughter set the table. When Daddy gets home, have supper. Have Daddy entertain the young’un while you clean up after supper. Watch TV with the family. Then bath for daughter and off to bed for the night.


Write out a schedule in a notebook. What to clean and activities for you and baby. Put a time on them if you can so you know how much to put in the schedule. Some chores are daily while others are week or monthly. Decide which ones are which. You could do it like Mondays are Mopping
Tuesdays are tossing unneeded objects that clutter up the room.
Wednesday is for washing laundry and windows
Thursday your choice
Friday your choice.
Saturday and Sunday family time.
Not only is it good to help build a routine but it also helps you move faster and gives a feeling of accomplishment.
Being a housewife can be depressing so take your vitamins and it will help more than you know. Vitamin D3 is a natural antidepressant. God bless and enjoy your time with your family.

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l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18541 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Wish I could be!!! Kids grow fast if you can enjoy it, then do it !

I became stay at home home at the end of 2017, I just went back to work a month ago luckily my job allows me to bring my daughter with me. I say couponing that help me a lot! It help me saving money but also as a hobby :slightly_smiling_face: also meal preps like have your list of meal per week don’t do a whole course meal every day! Is okay to have a sandwich a chips sometimes lol good luck momma!


All these women with the backhanded comments need to take a step back and realize we’re all on the same team trying to accomplish the same thing: be a good mom and raise good humans. No reason anyone should be knocking anyone for losing their job and having what some view as an opportunity and others may view as a punishment, to stay home.


We arent house wife we are domestic engineers. Make a schedule and pulling you child from day. Find plays group couponing and bugeting helps .

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Self discipline
dont get “lazy” it’s hard to get out of that once u start a routine of sitting around and it leads to other not great things
so my advise do what u know needs to be done when it needs to be done and dont slack as exhausting as that can be dont slack I find a timed schedule helps me a lot but I’m ADD asf so I do it that way out of necessity

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Being a stay at home mom is tough most days where you just want to yank your hair out. Other days give me the reason why I’m a stay at home mom.Also, when you’re a stay at home mom, time seems to slip by. Even when you spend every second with your kid(s), it seems as though you haven’t spent enough time with them

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So- it’s what you likely did after and before work just during the day

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I’m sorry about your lay off! Please listen to me
 I’ve never been laid off but left a job abruptly that was toxic beyond toxic! My family of 4 was accustomed to the extra income, benefits, etc.

I had to decide
 my health or this paycheck. Fortunately my husband worked fulltime. I quit cold turkey with a bundle of debt.

YOU CAN MAKE IT WITHOUT working. Budget! Live within your means. Let me explain.

The bills you have now will get paid. Make payment arrangements, call them, you will be amazed how they will work with you if you have a good payment history. Good credit helps too!

There is always enough money. Seriously! You don’t solve money problems by throwing more money at it. Your family has to SACRIFICE and prioritize to dig out of the debt but it’s doable! Meal plan based on meat sales, etc. Don’t eat out
 cook more = more money in your pocket. You’ll save on childcare. Make hubby’s lunch daily. Don’t spend $ unnecessarily
 coffee stands, energy drinks, pedicures, hair, etc. You are buying financial freedom. Remember that!!

Keep going
 money that doesn’t leave your bank account goes towards last months phone bill (because you made a payment). Hey, it’s paid off!

Now, extra money is left over and Bill’s are paid. Time to start paying yourself first. Set up auto save so it becomes “a bill”. Start with $25, $100, whatever a month.

You are digging out. Light is at the end of the tunnel. You are home with your child, running the household, saving money because you have the time to shop sales, make lunches, save on fuel, childcare, etc. Everyone is eating healthier. You are less stressed because we all KNOW a household is like running a business. It takes time and has demands. You CAN do this even with food and gas prices as they are.

Money management is key and you and your husband hold that key! It’s amazing what ppl blow money on. Like “throw it away!”

My household is in less debt now then we have ever been when I worked! People tend to spend more money when they make more money. If I can do it, you CAN TOO! You’ve got this. Your family and especially your child will love having you home! :))


If you’re planning to go back to work, hand out resumes all day this coming week everyday. Doesn’t matter where, just do it. Work is work. Keep your kid in daycare while you do it. Pull her if you don’t get a job by the end of the week.
Housewife stuff is the normal shit you do after work. You find things that need to be done and do them. Have dinner ready by the time your partner comes home and then make sure they have at least one chore to do after work. Like garbage, or the lawn etc.

enjoy it, i struggle at times because being a house wife is the most challenging job, most rewarding job and lovely job


Just keep the house clean, cook and take care of your daughter. It sounds like you only have 1 kid so it’s pretty easyđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž There’s some days my daughter really tests me or one of the dogs lol but for the most part it’s not bad.

l get paid over $ 188 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21099 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.


This group tickles the hell out of me.

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l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18265 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Start a business! Work for yourself and care for your kiddos at home. :raised_hands:

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I think it’s more or less do you plan on going back to work if so when ? Do you plan on collecting unemployment or looking at side work or additional joB training? Do you plan on looking for work daily and stuff ?

We are in a similar situation where we both got laid off in the last few weeks. We have a side business that my husband does and I do the books for. So I am focusing on helping him bring in more business for us to keep him moving. Doing all the media marketing books etc and once it starts turning profits I can pay myself a small amount as that’s his money.

I also enrolled in realestate school so I can pursue some other career ideas that my last job opened up. I know our schools are full and the ones that aren’t are several hundred dollars more. So it would be weeks if not months to get our kids back in their preschool/ day camp programs. As much as I want to pull them it’s not conducive n if I get a job next week I don’t want to be scrambling. So many resumes sent out

I can make up to x doing side with my unemployment so I’m looking for a part time job now that will hold my kids spot in the daycare / preschool and set a goal to either be part time employed by the end of June and Full time by mid July. I will be working on my shirts and things to sell and doing anything else I can to make this work.

Full time job, many skills, no knocking off time, often thankless. I know who has the easiest job, (not you) :joy:

l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18295 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

For me staying home is the only thing that feels right. I don’t want daycares raising my kids tye schools do enough to try and parent them. I have a strict way of cleaning and a solid routine with my kids it makes it easy daily and my kids know what’s expected of them.

Apply for unemployment while you’re looking for something new. If you are going back to work, make sure they can hold your kiddos place at daycare so you don’t lose it and have to find somewhere new for her when you do get back to work. Good luck momma

Try working from home it’s awesome and you can either keep your kids home or you can send them to daycare