Is there a book or anything out there that is SUPER specific and breaks down breastfeeding for dummies?!
My oldest is going to be 2 this month and I tried to breastfeed her but she had a lip you and tongue tie that doctors wouldn’t cut because she would take a bottle so it “didn’t effect her eating and gaining weight” … I got zero support so I pumped after the first day and naturally i never got into a rhythm with her latching and everything so I wasn’t responding to the pump. A couple of my cousins were this way and could breast feed just fine but wouldn’t respond well to a pump. I tried different pumps and nothing helped. I tried everything I was suggested to increase my milk supply but the only thing that brought my supply from an oz combined each session to just under 2oz each session was mother’s milk tea. My breasts were constantly engorged because I just wouldn’t respond to the pump. I suffered for 3 weeks pumping every hour so my little girl had something to drink every 3. I was getting 20 min increments of sleep between.
I’m in a different state and so a different hospital this pregnancy and I got a little sneak peak of the birthing center there and they seem to really have a lot of support with breastfeeding … so that is wonderful!
But I’m realizing I forgot a lot about breastfeeding and maybe didn’t know as much as I should or could about it in the first place.
I get confused with the terminology (let down?) And the process in general. What’s normal what’s not. Etc. I plan to take a BF class when I get into my 3rd trimester (only just shy of 11 weeks now)… but want to start brushing up on it.
I REALLY want to be successful this time around. I know it’s gonna take work but I feel like last time I had no support and this time it looks like I will have that support.
Any advice or any fingers pointing me in the direction of a good, easy, understandable break down of a read on breastfeeding would be WONDERFUL!
Thank you !