How to clean stuffed animals?

I need some help with cleaning my son’s Teddy Bear. He’s had it for years and it’s a 2014 brand so they don’t make it anymore for me to buy. It is just dirty as heck. When I washer his first one, it didn’t dry properly and ended up molding. Luckily I was able to ‘take teddy to the doctor’ and replace him with the only one left I could find online. What can I use to clean this sucker up so it doesn’t stink and look so dirty, but doesn’t damage it further?


I wash my kids’ stuffed animals in the washer and then tumble dry low :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t let them take them out of the house (unless we’re going on vacation) to reduce the chance of dirt and getting lost, but my oldest is 5 and so far his favorite had held up ok.
You could try eBay for a replacement of you haven’t had luck anywhere else.

Put it in a pillow case and extra dry the shit out of it i do this with my children’s stuff animals that are old

I washed mine tied in pillow cases. MAybe this helps u


Dry on low heat or air dry (air dry option in the dryer if you have that)

My oldest is 16 and still has the lamb my dad bought for her when she was born. It gets washed and bleached 2-3 times a year now but was getting washed more frequently when she was little. Just need to make sure it dries completely.

Wash and dry it in a pillow case and dry it on low heat (may take more than one cycle)


I just throw my sons stuffed animals in the washer and put them in the dryer on low heat. Haven’t ever had a problem

Wash in a pillow case & tumble dry on low

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My son is 4 and I’ve washed his animals many times but never ruined one. I bought a product from shark tank called teddy needs a bath. It’s a thick canvas bag with a super sturdy zipper. I regularly wash his animals in this depending on where he’s taken them, been sick etc. If it’s truly gross soak in oxiclean and rockin green soap (enzyme laundry detergent it’s on Facebook) for a few hours then wash in the bag. It’s never failed me yet

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I would just run it thru the wash and do an extra spin cycle. Then put it in front of a fan thru the night and blow dry it.

Hang it outside to dry. The fresh air will give it a nice smell

Could you wash it on the gentle cycle and air dry?

I buy stuffies at yard sales, open a seam very carefully, and remove most of the stuffing. Wash and dry bodies separately from stuffing, unless you want them for antique value or collectibles. The best way to clean polyester batt stuffing is in a pillowcase. When dry just restuff and restitch. Mine get loaded into trash bags and hauled to the local fire department. They give them to kids whose toys were lost in fires. Nobody knows or cares that they have new embroidered eyes or sometimes replacement ears or tails.

Wash teddy with white vinegar (instead of fabric softener) and laundry soap…and dry that puppy completely in the dryer - medium heat

Washing machine on delicate load in a bra bag, then hang out on the line by the ears. If not dry in time, back into bra bag and into the dryer

What does it look like? Maybe one of us has one!

Does it smell or just dirty. If smell why not try dry shampoo and febrezze xx

Dishwashing soap on a damp facewasher will work wonders

My son has a bear that used to be mine (it’s 17 years old) and my daughter has a stuffed rabbit from when I was born (31 years old) I just throw them right in the wash with the towels and dry as normal in the dryer. They come out looking good as new.

Has anyone ever tried a dishwasher maybe in a plastic bottle/nipple closed basket?

Use apple cider vinegar for the smell.

Washer and let it dry outside or put it on low heat in the dryer

Dry cleaners it cost 20.00 or more bit it’s worth it.

Find one similar and take it to an embroider shop

Is it build a bear there guaranteed replacement

Pull the stuffing out and get stuffing you can wash. Wash the teddy before putting new stuffing in. Wash in vinegar in hot water. Then air dry.

Mesh lingerie or sweater bag on delicate cycle. Low dryer heat inside the bag. Worked well on many plush buddies here :blush:

I was told to put in a pillowcase, rubber band close, and wash. Then throw it in dryer same way on lower heat. Might have to go through more than one cycle.

I’ve used dry shampoo on the ones I can’t too wet…it takes a while but it works, depending on how dirty it is…good luck!!

Can we see what bear it is?
Maybe someone can find or has a replacement

I second the mesh bag. You can get 2 for couple of bucks and the dollar store. The bag helps keep the fur from burning. I heard the pillow case also, me personally, I just feel like it would wash/rinse all the way.