How to cope being a mom with ADHD?

I need advice! I have adhd and so when I try to get into routine I can’t or it’s hard for me to do so, I want to be more active with my baby and be able to wake up in the morning and get going and physically and mentally can’t it’s driving me insane, can’t even clean a simple room with out feeling stressed or tired, any other mums with adhd? I just need advice and see that I’m not alone! I always ask my sister in-law to go out with me or plan something but she’s always “busy” and she’s the only mama friend I had and now basically don’t speak anymore because she has something against me for some weird reason since she got with her boyfriend? I just need advice on how to be stronger and more productive


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to cope being a mom with ADHD?

Put your shoes on in the morning and don’t take them off until you’re ready to sit down.


Have you been diagnosed by a doctor for the ADHD and if so, why aren’t you on medication

There’s a lot of pressure we put on ourselves to be the “perfect” mom. Be patient with yourself. Allow there to be room for you and your needs too. It’s totally okay to not be THAT mom that does all the things all the time. Some days you can and that’s great! Some days you can’t and that’s totally okay too. Tasks don’t have to be completed. Sometimes just doing one part of a task is enough…and can be enough to get you started and keep going (sometimes). Putting more pressure on ourselves has the opposite of the desired effect. Giving yourself room to be the authentic version of you without pressure of societal or other peoples expectations will allow you the room to be able to do more of the things you’d like to do.

There is nothing wrong with you. You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve been given. You are a good mom and you are enough. :sparkling_heart:


My oldest is 17… I’m still struggling with this. Just remember this. You’re a good mom regardless if you feel like you have your shit together. It’s hard being a mom and even harder when you have ADHD or other neuro issues like that. My best advice. Don’t try to do it all at once. Baby steps. There’s also groups for this too you can get into. It’ll help you even more not feel alone. You’ve got this :heart:

I don’t know where about you are but why don’t you look into local stay and play groups… or join peanut or bumble friendship meet other mums for play dates

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Sounds more like depression symptoms

Following cuz sammmme

Hun this is more than ADHD. It sounds like you need to talk to your Dr. It sounds like my daughter. She has Hashimotos thyroiditis. Ask your Dr to check your thyroid. If your feeling run down and can’t seem to wake or stay awake it could be low thyroid as well. But definitely get your thyroid checked. You could be depressed as well. This is also a symptom. If he says it’s normal blood work then you need to discuss a vitamin regimen. Vitamin D3 is a natural antidepressant. God bless. Vitamins have been my lifesaver when I felt like this. I take L-Theanine for my thyroid. The thyroid controls the hormones and other organs.

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That sounds more like post partum depression than ADHD.
Most adults with ADHD has had it so long they’re medicated and this ain’t an issue.


I’m older so I’ve had some extra time to work on stuff. It’s so hard. Sometimes my boss will still look at me and say “squirrel” in and endearing refocus reminder🥳

I just got paid $10879 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 14038 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

I have a TBI and it’s caused adhd. Some days it’s hard to get motivated but for my 2 kids (11 years old and 10 months old) I try to do what I can with them and for them. Yeah I feel worthless most days but to see the smile on their faces means I’m doing something right. I try to at least pick up/ clean a little every day so I feel like I’ve done something. Makes me feel a little better if I can at least do that every day.

I just got paid $10879 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 14038 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

Please go to your doctor and get a referral to get counseling. You need to get a medication that will help you and not leave you feeling helpless. Counseling should help you with social skills which might be effecting you. It should also help you identify those times of day when you are able to focus on projects including cleaning. You may need to relearn what your stress triggers are so that your projects and tasks are within your ability to complete and also meet your expectations. Ask your child’s pediatrician if there are any play groups that she’s aware of and join one but remember that too large a group can be disorienting for you. Take your little one to the park or some location away from your home to play from time to time. In other words, get away from all the things that need to be done and unwind.

l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16972 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Should speak to a dr

How to adhd

This is on facebook highly recommend her

l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13113 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.