How to cope with depression while pregnant?

I’m 21 and 23 weeks with my first. I was wondering if any moms out there have gone through depression in pregnancy. I feel so overwhelmed and anymore I dont feel beautiful especially to my boyfriend. I dont really have a sex drive anymore and I feel like when we do actually have sex that he doesnt see me as I once was. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this and what did you do to help?


i felt that way with my first pregnancy there is pics of me looking it to

I was put on anti depressants and they certainly helped.

You’re not the only person who’s gone through that I’m pregnant really hard emotionally physically mentally by having the baby will change your life depends on how you would like the baby to change it and it’s going to change his life to and he’s going to understand that things will never be the same thing they were because like a river that’s always flowing can never touch the same water twice same as having children they grow up you can’t redo it happens best of luck to you don’t be scared to ask for help

Yes with my first. Please dont be afraid to get help. I was misserable and wished i had. I also had extreme anxiety.


I’m 19 weeks pregnant and I feel the exact same way, I’m going out on a limb here and saying it’s a hormone thing

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I’m 29 weeks with my first (18 here) & I feel the same way… I spend most of my days wondering if I’m still good enough for my husband & if he still views me as beautiful/sexy/attractive at all.


Try a therapist. Ive struggled with anxitey and deppression since i was a young child and therapy helps wonders. Ive been in therapy for a year now and its qmazing the amount of good it does for you. Currently 21w5d and still in counseling/therapy

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That is normal I think everyone has gone threw depression with 1st pregnancy

I worried a lot when pregnant, gained a ton of weight. My daughter is almost 6 now. I have had to seek help for my anxiety but it does get better. Your hormones are all over the place. And be prepared for them to go every which way right after birth. Focus on something positive, a good book, tv series, music. :heart:

I did after my pregnancy with my 1st

I’m in my 4th pregnancy and I have no sex drive this time, it happens the hormone changes are crazy! I’m having a ton of anxiety this time bc this is our rainbow baby so my emotions are endless throughout the day… I often feel as though I’m not good enough as well reach out to me if you need to!

Im in the same boat… Im almost 24 weeks with my second,but Ive gained alot of weight,and just feel awful…

I did with both my pregnancies amd even after my second one…im expecting it with this one as well. I never really coped with it. I kept myself distracted as best as i could but It eventually went away… Not the same for everyone. I have manic depression on top of that. I don’t have any advice that’s just my short story.

I’m 21, 26 weeks with my first. My husband and I both work in law enforcement and rarely see each other because of our crazy shifts now. Anytime I see him I feel the same way and feel partially ashamed just because I feel huge now. I don’t really have any advice except to let you know you’re not alone :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes it’s hormones and after you have your baby don’t get down on yourself you will go back to normal but no one told me that and after my first i lost my weight to quick because I didn’t get big and my stomach was so loose and I cried then my toes swole up like the clumps and I cried. Two weeks I was better almost normal but two months I was smaller than before now after my third I never lost the weight but I never really try because I have hit a don’t care stage that I’m trying to get out of. Do not where jogging pants all the time because you don’t even realize the weight your gaining lol

I have. Honestly talk to your doctor about it and see what they can do. Because in my expierance it got worse after I had my baby.

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I have PTSD, and the mind definitely plays tricks on you in depression. Im debating if I want to take my Zoloft or not. The dr left it up to me to decide. It helps to stay busy and keep yourself around people. My fiance is amazing and assuring he still finds me attractive. Hes also funny and says if a man can’t handle the mother of his kids body changes during pregnancy he’s a fucking pussy. I love him :heart:

I had my first child at the age of 15 I had my second at the age of 21 I’m now 40 years old there is no greater experience than seeing your children succeed in life anything you’re feeling right now it will pass and those children will make you feel worthy of everything

Thank the media for your insecurities. Enjoy being able to bring a new life into this crazy world. Your body will change as you age anyway, so why not put it to a higher use. Of my friends back in the day, I was the only one who enjoyed the journey.