How to cope with depression while pregnant?

Hey, so 36 weeks here. I have a question. I am having a hard time emotionally. I know that pregnancy causes so many hormone changes but sweet lord, I get on my own freaking nerves.

Im pessimistic and naggy, annoying, suspicious of my guy (he’s given me no reason), paranoid about potential babysitters, scared im not going to be ready, feeling so lonely (I’m an introvert. Like to be alone but I don’t like to be “lonely”) and sometimes I’m so quick to assume things I hurt my own feelings before I find out the truth.

This is NOT me. Anyone who knows me knows that i’m usually optimistic, super goofy, usually can find the happiness in any situation. Heck, the used to call me the happy hippie in college cause I loved trees and did yoga. I believe in good choices

My question is did you go back to normal after baby? Emotional/ mentally?
I don’t want to be this negative person who brings everyone down. It’s just my luck that i’m on bedrest and I’m not spending this hormonal poison everywhere. I try to practice gratitude every day and talk to the baby but it only temporary keeps the monster at bay lol

Anyway, thanks for reading


Lmao you’ll have your ups and downs and even if you don’t get PPD afterwards your hormones will be so wonky for a few months before going back to normal. Keep an eye out for signs of PPD though and notify your doctor ASAP if something doesn’t feel right. Until then, just breathe, try to relax. Maybe meditate or find something to focus on, like pick up a painting project for the nursery or something easy


As soon as I gave birth, I felt as though the cloud lifted.

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I was a huge cry baby and jealous (my husband and I have been together 6 years this year and was never jealous before). I didn’t cry before I got pregnant like ever. I’m not an emotional person. I think I’m pretty much back to normal now at 4 months pp. I started feeling normal again around like 2 months. But I’m still a little more emotional than I used to be.

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I have a history of depression and was worried about PPD since I was so emotional when I was pregnant. Haven’t even been depressed since she was born and she’s 3 now. Also I know women that never had depression that got PPD. There’s really no way to know until it happens but I’d communicate how you feel with your ob or midwife.

I’m the same way all of a sudden. I’ll be 30 weeks on Thursday, and the past couple of weeks I’ve went from happy & laughing & not really having a care in the world about what people think to scared out of my mind. My husband & I started fighting over something random & I literally blew up & yelled at him “what? Do you have some new little girlfriend at work or something?” And he was like uhhh what :flushed::joy: he asked me if I was psycho :joy::joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t3:

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Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s completely normal to have emotional changes that influence some personality changes in pregnancy. On a side note: this post was beautifully written and I think it would be totally beneficial for you to journal your feelings/thoughts…especially since you’re on bed rest and this will help keep you compliant!


You’ll probably get the baby blues, until your hormone levels even out.

Everyone goes through phases of shitty feelings that really wanna grab hold of you and keep you there but you need to remember to let the feelings go and keep moving forward from a state of pure intent.

Don’t make yourself at home in a shitty frequency or it will make everything around you get worse