I just recently found out I am pregnant with my second child… I still have post-partum depression from my first child and just recently getting medication and help for it. I feel like a bad mean mom already to my first child. I’m unsure what to do and I did not tell my partner yet because I already know he wants this baby… My parents always told me not to have another baby because i am 19 year olds turning 20 and they are judgemental about my first child’s speech and how she acts. Is having a second child worth it in my position?
Depends how old your child is and if you think you can cope mentally, its not up to anyone else but you.
The only person who can make that choice is YOU. You have to do what you feel is best for you and both children.
Whatever you decide doesn’t make you a bad person
I experienced post partum with both of my babies too. Ones 4 and ones 2. I say that if you dont think you can do it right now. Emotionally and mentally. If you feel like your having a rough time with your first. Then I say that if theres resources out there for you to not have a baby. At the end of the day it’s your choice. People can have opinions. But it’s based on what they want most of the time. Not what you want and your interest. Their not going to be the one to carry the child or take care of it in anyway. Then it’s not their business. But that is my opinion. It’s your choice.
That’s truly a decision you have to make on your own. If you don’t want another baby that’s OK, and you have every right to look into other options. Just think things through and try to make the best decision for yourself, your child, and your mental health
Baby only you can make that decision, and no matter what you choose just know that we all love you and will be here for you
I’m 30 yrs old, have an 11 year old, had an abortion when i was 25 (i did do counseling before i made my  decision) Im now 17 weeks pregnant I’m feeling more scared then I did when I was 18 having my first. Your feelings show you mean well… just take it Day by day hun:heavy_heart_exclamation: Go see a therapist/psychiatrist (It definitely helps me mentally)
Totally how feel an what you think!! Sorry your parents judge you I know how that feels. Talk with your husband!
All babies are worth it. Once I had my second son (Irish twins) my whole life felt complete.
All babies are blessings
If you want to commit murder, abort your second child. Plain and simple, it’s murder. If you don’t want children, you shouldn’t have got pregnant!
A child is always worth it in my opinion but it looks like if your already pregnant than you dont have much of a choice
It seems your parents are not very understanding people, and are probably adding to your postpartum woes. You are not a bad mother, each child has their own rate of development. Do not let your parents influence your decision. Turn to your husband for support and by all means seek some therapy.
First off tell ur parents to kiss ur ass. Only you know how you feel and what u can handle. Personally I think all babies are a blessing. I had post partum with my first. She is almost 6 yrs old and I’m still on medication bc it turned from post partum to pure 100% depression/anxiety. I am pregnant with my 2nd and I’m having to come off my meds, so I feel like I’m gonna go crazy at any second. But ik for a 100% fact I want this baby and I will do whatever I have to take care of my family. Honestly my life would be WAY easier if I never had a kid at all, but I love my daughter and my unborn baby. I’d rather struggle and have them in my life than to not struggle and not have them. You do you boo, and tell everyone else to kiss your booty.
Umm… I had my first at 17 second at 18… they were 14 months apart and they were both worth the hassle and heartache and judgements and all the other stuff. I didn’t have postpartum depression, I had postpartum anxiety. I wouldn’t let anyone else help with her because I was so scared that my age was going to open doors of doubt and more judgement. That baby growing inside you will be a blessing. You will get through the battles your facing. You should talk to your partner.
I think that maybe you are only thinking this way because of how your family is going to react. If they were completely ok with your first and more kids i think you would be happy.
Talk to your partner, get his feelings on the subject before you make a decision. You’re not a bad mom, I really doubt it anyway. I’m sure you are doing everything you can for your baby and will do everything for this new little one. Seek help, go talk to a counselor.
Post partum depression is no joke, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. However, your question of what to do solely lies in your hands. You know you best, you know what you can and can’t handle. Don’t worry about what your parents think, all parents think they know best.
Will you make your life any better by aborting your baby? Talk to your doctor about what meds you can take. Your parents will adapt or not. Is taking your child’s life worth nothing?
A child is allways worth and if your married it is not just your descison but your husbands also. Talk to a psychiatrist there are medications you can take while pregnant. Get a therapist it helps. I have bipolar 2 with hypomania. My depression and anxitey are the main symtoms and can get pretty severe at times but going to therapy has helped a huge amount and after the baby is born medication will hopefully prevent if not at least treat postpartum depression i will likely get since i had it pretty bad with my last baby. Its okay to be scared and question yourself all moms do, but just know that baby is a gift and meant to be and there are alot of things to help you with how your feeling. And afted this baby i would highly recommend getting on a long term birthcontrol so as to prevent any future pregnancies untill you know if you want more children and if you do till you feel ready to try having more.
Only you can make that decision… I have two wasn’t excited for the second at all but couldn’t imagine my life without her… If I got pregnant right now today I’d probably get an abortion honestly my pregnancy were to hard and having two is hard i don’t want anymore…
A second child is most definitely worth it. Pray about it & talk to your partner.
My husband and I had our first when we were 17 and 19, our second when we were 20 and 22. Things are great for us tbh. We both went to college and have good paying jobs.
Do what YOU feel is right. There is nothing wrong with abortion. There is nothing wrong with adoption. And there is nothing wrong with keeping a child. It sounds like your medication is not working though, so you need to definitely address that with your doctor.
Mama your the only one who can make that choice, you know your body how your feeling etc… don’t do it bc your worried your parents and others will judge you, people will judge you regardless of what you do it’s the sad world we live in. When I was 16 I got pregnant my mom was far from happy and the dad could careless. But my mom was there but I made the choice to have an abortion one. my child wasn’t healthy and they couldn’t figure out why two. I lost 25 lbs but I was never once sick no one knew why three. I’d probably would of killed one or both of us if I kept it don’t get me wrong it still hurts but I made the decision for me and my health and I’m glad I did. When I was 25 I got pregnant again and I miscarried I’m very thankful for this also only bc my life then was a shit show. Here I am at 27 pregnant once again I have no family in my corner but they do check on me but aren’t happy. My friends actually keep me going and I have depression since I got pregnant, My BD wanted to abort bc he doesn’t remember the night smh with this one I thought about abortion till the other choice popped in my head adoption, if love raised a family I’d keep her but it doesn’t. I’m doing open so I can still see her w.o having her be mine. Go with your gut and your heart in the end you will know what’s right! If you feel at peace with your choice then it’s the right one.
I got pregnant with my son at 17 had him at 18 i just turned 19 and im 11 weeks pregnant. Ill be 6 months on my sons first birthday in August. obviously they weren’t planned but my children are the reason i live. I feel like children are given to you when u need one most which definitely is true im my case i was in a very dark place in my life for YEARS once i found out i wss having my son that all faded away. At the end of the day do whay u feel u need to do! Yes it will be hard even for me ad well but children are blessings
Wow ur already pregnant so it is pointless asking if its worth it.
this is about you and your child and not your parents! how long have you been on the medication has it had chance to work yet. do what is best for you, your mental health and your family. no one should judge you. it is YOUR LIFE!! x x
All is I can say is you will get through it just up to you if you want it, you will find a way. One thing… Mother’s are never weak!
Count this one as a blessing! My parents were judgemental towards me when i got pregnant with my 3rd. I put my foot down and told them to either step up and be the grandparents they’re supposed to be to both my girls or fuck off. 9 months later, I had my daughter and they have been involved in her life ever since!
But if you do not want this baby, find a couple who wants a child. I did that with my second baby.
Your baby is a gift. And if family can’t support you. Then you don’t need them. You will get through this. Just like you are with your first.
Continue to get help and do express your concerns with your therapist, nurse or doctor.
Start talking to your partner and let him know how you feel. You both have to work together through this. It’s not something you should be alone in. Reach out to him.
I was 15 when i had my first. 21 with my second. All babies are worth it. All babies are a blessing. My second made me feel complete
I’m sorry you’re going through this I couldn’t and can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling. However I do suggest you talk to your partner about what you’re thinking of doing because he has a right to know. I hope you make the right choice and things get better x
I was 15 with my first, 18 with my second and 20 with my third. They’ve all made my life a lot better, because of them I made smarter choices
If you already feel like you’re a mean mom to your first baby, chances are you won’t be able to deal with having an abortion because you will never forgive yourself. How about just being responsible for the lives you’ve made with your partner and continue to get the help you need for post partum depression ? It will go away eventually. Your parents aren’t living your life so forget what they think. Good luck
Yes! Of course age does not matter.
Only you can make that decision. Choose what is right for you and your family.
Is it worth it to have an abortion n murder your child have you seen the pictures of it I have its horrible! God blessed you with a baby! Grow up should have used birth control if you didn’t want a baby or font have sex n I really can care less of people that don’t like my opinion don’t put on Facebook
Worth it? You are already pregnant. All you can do is your best.
Keep thing your medication (make sure it’s safe to take with pregnant) and get into therapy. Talk to your partner about how you are feeling and see if there is time during the week where he can have quality time with your first child and you can go relax (at home or out with friends). Stop contact with your family for a bit if all they are doing is causing great stress. As for keeping the child, of course you should. As you get closer to birth if you are still feeling like you can’t emotionally or mentally handle another child, you can talk to your partner about adoption. Killing the child to did nothing wrong is not the answer. Not to mention, it would be a huge secret you would be hiding from your partner. Would you be ok with him hiding something huge from you? You also might feel differently about the baby once your meds kick in and you open up to someone about your ppd.
Years ago, even though I had no choice at the time because of my age, my parents made the decision for me, without a choice or asking what I wanted. Not adopting out or keeping it could be a life long regret. Trust me. Go by the decision you can live with knowing the rest of your life you chose. That’s all I can say since you do have options unlike I did.
Don’t let what your parents say sway your decision, that’s just wrong of them to say
1st: people can go shove it
2nd: there are medications that you can take while pregnant. I was on zoloft for my pregnancy
Ok first of all having a baby is ALWAYS WORTH IT. I’ve been on both sides of that fence though so I can’t judge. You should do what you and the dad feel is best. Don’t worry about what anyone else says unless they are paying your bills or taking care of your family. It’s your life. There are meds you can take whole pregnant too. It might be rough for awhile, years even but it’s better than living a lifetime of regret if you decide not to keep the baby. Not saying you will regret it because many many women do not regret abortion but on the other hand there’s millions of women that do regret it. and that’s a sinking feeling that never ever goes away or gets better. At the end of the day only you can really decide what you can live with. Best of luck.
I also had ppd after all my children and honestly the second time around it was way worse than the first time. But it literally all about what you want and what you can handle. It’s not about your parents, friends,spouse,strangers, just you.
I was 15 when I had my first and now I’m 23 with my second . Best thing you can do is move out or ignore your parents if you already are moved out. Best thing I’ve done. That’s facts
If you’re doubting your ability to parent, it means you care and you’re a good mama. Every child is worth it.
Girl yes! Every baby is such a blessing!
My first had speech problems they get over it, who cares what your mom thinks. Personally I would choose the baby… But that’s me.
Every child is worth it you can do it mama!!
I was 16 when I had my first and he also speech delay and received speech therapy , this does not say anything about your parenting skills. Some kids just need more help than others. I would suggest u go to therapy and process this. Do not listen to your parents if they say stuff like that it means they are not very supportive.
I’m going to be the one to go against the grain here and probably be shot for it.
Only YOU know what’s best for you, talk to your partner though he also has a right to know what’s going on. You are your number one person, you will be the person to take care of these babies at the end of the day and if you can’t handle another child because your in a rocky place with your mental health that is OK there are great amounts of support out there if you decide not to have the baby and work hard on your mental health. I just hope that your family support you with whatever decision you decide to make. Maybe look at going to a counsellor with your partner so you can work on everything together no matter what your choice is sending you all the love in the world hun, you’ll be okay xx
It is YOUR body therefore YOUR decision. Being 19 is very young to have 2 kids. It sounds like you’ve already come to a decision
No one can answer that but you.
Seek help through this. There’s other ways besides just meds that could help you.
Tai Chi, light exercise, meditation, keep a journal, etc… See a therapist and work out a plan.
As for your parents, they’re concerned for you. As a mom, who had a kid young, I get both sides. Still, this choice is yours.
Whatever desicion you make, you have to live with.
I’m not saying it’s impossible, but being so young, with 2 kids, will make things harder.
You’ll need to have support and a plan. Work p/t & go to school? Just work. Just go to school. *By school I mean any school… Community College, beauty school, trade school, anything that can benefit YOU and your kids.
The final choice is yours.
No matter what, trust yourself. Follow your heart.
YOU have to take care of YOU! You’re the only one who knows what’s best.
I was 18 when i had my second, still in high school. A baby is always worth it. My doc put me on prozac to help with my ppd and anxiety during my 2nd pregnancy. Dont listen to your family. You can do this.
Abortion is’n’t going to make your depression go away. It will likely make it worse. Talk with your partner, discuss everything. Their shouldn’t be secrets this big in relationships. Let him help carry the burden. Some children are harder than others. This new baby your carrying actually might be a blessing you need in your life. Anyway, I’m sorry your going through post-partum. Your ob will work with you throughout the pregnancy to make sure your depression stays under control. They are taking pregnancy depression very seriously lately. Good luck
Yes. Your baby is worth it. Work on yourself. I had ppd horribly as well. Take breaks. Even if it’s 10 minutes put the baby in the crib and breath. Cry, scream do what you need to to release but don’t kill your baby. That’s not going to make your ppd better. I had 3 by the time I was 25. I’m 29 and have 4. You can do this. Get the help you need.
I was 18 years old. I went through ppd…meanwhile her father went to prison. I NEVER thought I’d overcome it. But WE (her and I) made it through! Everyone judged me. That’s okay. Our flaws make us who we are. She’s 10 now and I couldn’t ask for a better daughter! If your partner wants a baby, tell him, secrets are not okay. This may be your body but it’s also his baby. Seek therapy! You’re not alone. I promise it will help! Commitment and consistency is key. You can also do family therapy for you and your 1st child. You’d be amazed at how much can turn around. Sending good vibes your way
You should tell your partner. If you both made a decision to have sex and you ended up pregnant, he should have a decision in this as well. However, you likely have already made your decision and it doesn’t matter what people on Facebook say.
The fact that you care so much shows alot. PPD is a bitch but if your child is fed, loved, and well taken care of you’re an AMAZING mother. As for the second baby, you know what’s best for you.
Ive seen younger women had kids before even know someone who had a child at 15 but they all look fine and happy about the baby.
I have two and they are three years apart. They are my whole world and my son was thrilled to have a sibling. It has been worth every second! My mother was your age and had my brother and I in the same year, 11 months apart. I’m sure we were a handful at times, but I know she wouldn’t change a thing. My brother and I grew up best friends and did everything together. We have a younger brother too. I wouldn’t worry about what your parents think. This is your baby. I would talk to your partner and discuss all of your feelings. He deserves to be involved as you both conceived this child. PPD is a struggle, but you can do this. Take time for yourself even if just for a few minutes. You got this little Mama. Wishing you and your family the very best.
From someone who suffered ppd, yes it is worth it.