Any others mamas deal with crippling anxiety regarding thoughts of death? I was never like this, but since having my second child six weeks ago, it’s all I think about. Will my own be painful? Will I be ready? Will my kids be ok? Will they go before their time? Did I make such precious pure souls just to have them taken from me? How can I cope? I’m going crazy inside
Please seek help from your doctor <3
This sounds like Postpartum Anxiety. I had it horribly after my second child. Please reach out to your doctor, you don’t have to suffer with these thoughts, there are treatments available that can be tailored to you specifically
I would find a good therapist and see about antianxiety treatment. I don’t know how you feel about cbd, but it works for my anxiety.
Post partum hormones can wreak havoc on you. Talk to your doctor, they can help- you don’t have to keep feeling this way.
Talk to your doctor, they can help the best
Sounds like ppd u dont have to feel like that talk to ur doc they can make it better
I agree with talking to your doctor and seeking help, however you could also try things to soothe those fears such as creating a will, investing in life insurance, things like that. The doctor can help with the anxiety and depression, and those could help actually take away the fear because you know if the worst were to happen and you were to pass, your children would be taken care of.
Yes!! I was the same way after my second. I couldn’t sleep at night because of panic attacks. I got on some kind of medication and took it for a month and started going to church. I haven’t had to go back on it again since. I just had my 3rd 4 months ago today. And my daughter (my second child) just turned 2 last Sunday
I’d talk to your doctor.
Post partum anxiety/potentially depression. Please seek help from a physician. It can be so serious. You will be okay, I promise.
Postpartum anxiety for sure. I had OCD to begin with and my postpartum anxiety made me absolutely tortured. Please talk to your doctor about it and maybe get some counseling, I promise you, they will not think you’re crazy or take your kids away just for having so much anxiety. Something someone told me when I was going through this was so helpful and I never forgot…
Just the fact that you are so worried about your children’s well-being already means you are a good mother, not a bad one. Remember that!
I dealt with a lot of similar anxiety after my first child was born and it lasted for awhile. My second has not been so severe. But if it’s causing you significant distress you should talk to your doctor and consider seeing a counselor. You don’t have to suffer needlessly.
Yes postpartum anxiety. I have it too. I have no helpful advice but you’re not alone mama x
Many mamas feel this way, what’s important is you’re recognizing your feelings and looking for ways to make it better. I definitely recommend talking to your doctor and getting the help you need for yourself and your babies proud of you for reaching out and being strong.
You’re suffering with postpartum. Talk to your OBGYN immediately
You need to speak to a therapist or at the very least your OB. Post partum anxiety is just as real as post partum depression, just less talked about.
That’s a very common symptom of postpartum anxiety. Your best bet is talking to your OB about your options.
Having a will and estate plans and life insurance helped A LOT with my anxiety.
If it happens we are all prepared.
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I have an appointment for the first. Hopefully I can find a way to cope with all of this!
I deal with this every single day since my daughter was born and she’s 4 now. Some days it’s debilitating. You’re not alone
Sounds like post partum anxiety. I would call your doctor and talk about the best course of action.
If you are religious or spiritual, you can always talk with a spiritual leader to help ease some of these fears. Good luck to you momma!
Yup… same here! All the time. Brings me to tears sometimes. But then I remember today I’m alive so enjoy it. Stop stealing your now happiness for something that could be 50+ years away.
I have been dealing with it for 6 1/2 years . I have talked to my doctor and they just blew it off unfortunately. I just try to deal with it the best I can. I always feel like I’m going to die and I am afraid to go to sleep at night, fearing I’m not going to wake up
. Maybe one day someone will believe me. I even asked to have my hormones checked and was told no because I don’t need that done
Post partum feelings are real. Talk to your obgyn or therapist please. I ignored those feelings and now it’s manifested into something more. I’ll be on pills forever now for depression and anxiety… Good luck to you momma!
This has gotten worse with every kid I have. It’s terrible
I’m having such a rough time! Ugh how does it stop
Oh mamas. Post partum is real. Please get help for it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and it is serious. It’s not talked about enough. It is very common. You’re gonna be alright. It’s ok. You’re doing a good job. Just please get help and talk to a doctor!
Currently 23 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby, and I feel this way all the time
When I was a little girl I used to sit in my room and cry. My mom would come in my room to ask what I was crying for. I used to tell her I don’t want you or my dad to die. She told me honey whose been telling you these things. I would always tell her no one I just never want to lose any of you. To this day I still don’t. Idk how I would live without my parents even my stepdad.