How to deal with someone who constantly lies?

Advice please.
How would you deal with someone who lies to you. It’s not a super close friend but we do hang out at least once a month mostly with our little ones, birthday party here and there, play dates etc.
But she constantly lies, it’s mostly small lies but it makes me dislikes her more and more each time , and I know I’m being lied to I’m not dumb.
I have called her out on couple of occasions about other crap she does but she is super sensitive and always ends up crying and it puts me in a weird position
How would you deal with this ?!


I personally call people out on stuff like that in like a jokingly way so I don’t sound harsh lol.

I wouldn’t get to involved on a personal level but I would still be nice because of the little ones

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I think it’s best to just stay away from this person. If you can’t because of the kids, then I would try to get to know more this person and see why she has a habit of lying.

Exactly pray for you cut people like that out of your life.

Have as little contact as possible. Ignore it, or maybe do it back a little in a joking way.

Just stop hanging out with her. It’s like you’re best friends