How to deal with toddler tantrums?

Fan Question

I have a 2.5 year old and she is sassy with attitude!! What would be your advice for discipline? I know everyone is different but my goal is to raise a productive little human and not a spoiled, ungrateful one.


Isolate and ignore. Don’t give her center stage with ill behaviour. No audience (you) no show to perform for her.

Same!!! Lol, sometimes I can’t even believe she’s only 2.5…

Im tough on my kids. I’m honest about it. I redirect a lot of even take stuff away and send to their room. I was raised old school without the spankings( my grandma raised me N she was born in 1926)

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My daughter as that age didn’t feel like anything helped. But finally I figured out that if I needed to punish her or reprimand her I would take away her dresses for a few days. That worked better then anything else… She loves her dresses still today so we use it to keep her in line… we had a lot of issues when she was that she with listening. Good luck.

Stop spoiling her , ignore the behavior

Whatever you pick be consistent.
One good option is to spank (if it warrants it),
Send to room for a few min of alone time,
Then go and talk to them about what they did wrong and why they did it.

Ignoring the behavior isn’t a good idea at that age. When you have a 1 yr old or so it works to stop the trend from starting but a 2.5 yr old needs to be addressed when misbehaved.

We had to do time in. Sit her in my lap and talk about it.

Dont make a huge deal, give simple corrections. Spend time reading books and watching shows about good manners. Use social encounters to Example those manners. Ask her questions and really get her thinking about what your saying. Be patient with her answers

But if she’s straight up horrible at times- of time out or go to her room to sit on her bed

We use time out, for the worst moments. She spends a few minutes in dark room, and then we discuss what she did and why it doesnt work. Give her alternatives for next time. Whatever you decide, be committed to it.

Ignore it. Shes a 2yo, theyre all like that.

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Lead by example. If my child talks to me in a way I dont like or is rude I pull her up and correct her and teach the right way to do this. Shes 3 and a bit now and has the most beautiful manners and talks politely although every now and then her sass comes back out

Remember to a certain point its a learned behavior

Good luck. Mine has major attitude since 4. Shes now 6. Discipline works in the moment but i havent found anything long term that works for us.

children mimic behaviors, so find out where she sees this from and eliminate it