My spouse has a very high libido and I have a very low libido. For others out there with the same problem, how do you guys make things work that benefits both parties?
He has hands I assume?? There ya go
Maca root helps with libido.
Following! I have the same issue
I would recommend seeing a functional medicine doctor. Get your hormone levels checked.
Rest, iron( the mineral), exercise. A clear rested, refreshed space and time and it has to be more than on demand. Sweet affection and caring looks very attractive. And Have your thyroid checked.
I have a private group where I share info on this. You can naturally boost yours. If your interested just add me and I can invite you. All kinds of tips
Coconut oil is good for your libido
I actually sell an essential oil roller ball that is designer specifically for your libido along with a massage oil infused with libido
Same situation. He’s learned that no means don’t fucking bug me. Go deal with it on your own in the shower if you must.
Edibles help me. I found a specific one its made with thc, cbd and horney goats weed and that combo just helps a ton. I’ve had three c sections and I was having a low libido. Also lots of foreplay is nice and they make these gels if you like tingling sensations they have some really great ones. Message me if you want to know the names.
I’ve seen vitamins at Walmart and target for libido! I read a review and they said it Takes about two weeks to kick in. I’m thinking of looking into them
Get your hormones checked
He better up his head game
Sometimes you need to start before you get into it… try getting a little more foreplay, a massage, etc… tell him you want to get into it… as he is sexy, etc… and hopefully this extra sensual foreplay will help… shut off the to-do list, write it down instead… it might help… maybe he can help do a few chores to help… maybe with out a shirt or just some boxers… dim the lights, put on a candle and some romantic music… set the mood…and then just do it…
Vitamins. Also check the thyroid as that is where hormones are produced. If you are low it issue to a low functioning thyroid.
You can Google more of which vitamins to take. Before you start on vitamins or a regimen you need a Vitamin Panel done by your Dr to discuss dosage.
75%of Americans have thyroid disease and don’t know. If a Dr says it’s low that’s Hypothyroidism.if he says it high it’s hyperthyroidism.
Get your hormones checked
There are other things you can participate with, not just intercourse
But as others have stated I would go to the doctor
I use to have this issue , especially with SSRI’s I stopped them years ago and my libido came back. Try different ways of getting yourself wanting it. I love when my hubby goes down on me it always works within seconds. Also words! Words are powerful when trying to get things heated. Good luck ladies
Get off of birth control & search information on how they affect libido
I know this sounds odd to some, but schedule times/days for sex or intimate things. Foreplay one night. Sex 2 days later.
That helped a friend of mine immensely! She was telling me she would have sex once & then not feel like she wanted it for over a month. Then she started scheduling sex 2 days a week on the same days & foreplay one night a week to keep it interesting.
It’s worked for her for almost 2 years. Obviously there are some days during the week the foreplay or sex doesn’t work out due to scheduling or being sick or over tired but it helped keep her husband & her on track for healthy intimacy.
Eat healthy foods… Vegetable… Meat… Eggs etc…
I have a high libido and my husband’s is low. He’s always been like this and we’ve learned to work around it. We have toys he uses on me for when he’s not feeling it. On special nights we do go to the sex shop to get some of those pills that ensure his sex drive will be there. Like for our honeymoon we got some but we didn’t need it lol just to be safe. And also his head game has been A1 FROM THE START so no complaints lol. I’ve noticed over the years that my husband doesn’t really get turned on normally. It happens randomly. And mostly if we’re spending quality time together or he likes when I pay extra attention to his projects he’s doing . Maybe find what gives y’all a special spark.
I have high libido and my bf used to have high as well until his grandfather passed in September last year. We haven’t had sex since oct, I’m dying for that connection again sexually so I’m def following this thread. Anyone have input or advice please let me know
Yeah I’m trying to figure this out also I use to be a 2xs a day kinda guy but I can go weeks no issues so has me worried
Well once I did ask my doctor and he said that he could give me hormone pills but I would have to go ahead and sign a paper that said that I would not sue them if I grew a beard and mustache
I’m in the same situation. My low libido is due to my hypothyroidism/hashimotos thyroiditis and medications. It can be very stressful for both as I don’t when he does or vice-versa. I mostly just do it to appease him (as ridiculous ad it sounds) but sometimes or quite often it can and will be mutual.
Are you on birth control? If so that’s why, get off of it. Your sex drive will go up hella fast and you will be wanting it multiple times a day. (At least it was that way for me). Birth control just messes up your body.
See a doc and get your testosterone checked. It can be low even as a young female. You can get help for it if its low.
Masterbation lol
FORIA I swear by this line of products!
Read dirty romance novels.
There are men’s adult toys too, help him use them when you’re not in the mood.
I’m in the opposite situation here and seriously debating starting a Reverse Harem I try not to bug my husband all of the time but it’s sooooo difficult because I’d be good with multiple times a day and he is good with once per week… I’m struggling. Have you thought about reading spicy books? I read a lot of spicy books (which is just making it worse for me
) but could help you get in the mood more often maybe?
hubby said to eat oysters…dunno if that was true hehehe😂
My doctor said to try Zestra. It’s over the counter. I’m waiting for mine in the mail now!
He also checked my testosterone levels, and I’m going to have him check my thyroid levels as my mother has had hypothyroidism.
Hormone replacement therapy does wonders for the entire body!
A low sex deive wouldnt keep me from havi g sex. Im aware that sex is a necessity in most relationships, and that my man would need it eventually. So lube and as much romance to make you feel loved
I’ve had same issue since hysterectomy yet I still have both ovaries … any suggestions?
Get both of your thyroids checked
Quitting birth control made a huge difference for me. But, then that just creates a whole other problem.
They say the more $3x you have the more you will want it. I struggle with it since having my babies but just start trying to initiate a little here and there. Try getting yourself in the mood hours before and see if you can flirt a little and see if that helps
I have a low libido from my medications I’m on. Causing problems in my marriage. There’s nothing I can do about it.