Does anyone have any tips on how to get a 3 month only on a normal sleep schedule? My little one sleeps all day and then is awake all night
Shorter naps in the day, keep the blinds or curtains open so baby knows it daytime
My 3 month old is on a wonderful sleep schedule but it did take some work. She used to only want to be held at night but we finally got her to fall asleep on her own at night and only wake once. I allow her to nap a good chunk of the day, but the last two hours before bedtime I try to keep her awake as much as I can so that when 8pm hits we do our bedtime routine and she’s out. I feed her first, then bathe her, then dress her, rock her for a few minutes, lay her in her crib with a fan and sound spa on, play her mobile soft lullabies and then shes out til 3am. Wakes to eat a bottle the. Sleeps til 630 when she wakes for about an hour and a half before her morning nap. I try to wake her if her nap goes beyond 2-3 hours and do play time and engage with her at least an hour between naps
Moms on Call was a life saver for me! My 4 year old is still on the schedules they have in their books!
Read the book Babywise I used that type of wake feed play sleep schedule
Moms on Call was a life saver for me! My 4 year old is still on the schedules they have in their books!
I had twins who slept when they wanted. No clue lol.
Days and nights are mixed up.
I used to wake my daughter up throughout the day if she was sleeping long stretches. If she’d start to pass out 30 min or so after I’d have woken her up, I’d take a ziplock bag, put ice in it, and gently tap her foot with it. Just so she’d feel the cold. I’d do this until she was up for at least an hour. Worked really good. Then by 6 that night I’d put her down and she’d sleep all night.
Don’t expect a strict schedule it’s an infant
I’ve kept a strict feeding schedule since birth. And we all go to bed at the same time. I think that has helped a lot. If he was going to sleep through his feeding during the day I woke him to eat.
Lighting, blue or red light at night, then keep things bright during the day.
Solid bedtime routine, swaddle, white noise… When your baby gets up zero stimulation is best (no bright lights, no playtime) diaper change, feed and back to bed. Also wake her up throughout the day and try to keep her up for longer periods of time.
Normal? No. Your baby has night and day mixed up. Just keep them awake during the day to regulate that. But a 3 month old is Not going to sleep long stretches.
Days and nights are mixed up. Don’t let baby sleep all day shorter naps and if baby has slept a little too long wake em up so that when night time comes then the baby will want to sleep. It’ll take some time to get a routine going but the longer baby is up during the day the more they will want to sleep at night
Morning sun and dim light in the evening is crucial to get circadian rhythm back on track.
Days and nights are mixed up, keep awake time as bright as possible with noise then at nap/ bed keep dark( use black out curtains for nap) and keep a simple routine for before sleeps. Check out takingcarababies on Instagram, she’s a nicu nurse, turned infant sleep consultant
Look for baby’s “sleepy cues” my 2 year old has been on the same schedule since about 3 months old after I learned his sleepy cues.
Routine and follow cues
Down by 7, up by 6 ish, with 2-3 naps depending on actual wake up time and the days activities
But usually it’ll be around 4-6 months when it starts to stick. They’re not aware of their circadian rhythm yet.
We have black out curtains too
Do not allow the baby to sleep all day, no more naps after 6 maybe, feed , bath , lights off maybe a little relaxing music and a lot of consistency.
Babies do not normally sleep through the whole night but it’s important to keep a schedule that works for all
Welcome to 3 month olds.
Look up old wives tales on flipping babies you’re welcome
You don’t. 3 months old is way too young to get on a sleep schedule.
My 3 month old still wakes up every 2 hours to eat and it’s my third kid so cleary I’m not doing something right
Days & nights are mixed up. Keep the baby awake after 3 pm until 8-9 pm. Also, mixing rice baby cereal in with the formula before bed helps! The fuller that tummy is before bed, the longer they sleep. Music or a radio playing in the room helps too. But gotta keep them active from late afternoon on…
Infants don’t sleep on our schedule they sleep on their own schedule …
My 4th baby is about to be 3 months old. She wakes once during the night after 10p (ex she sleeps from 8p-4/5a) depends on what time she goes down. I work at night so dad is there 5x a week I only do 2… I dont do routines nor does dad. Never have. My oldest was like that also. She’s almost 13 now she was sleeping all night by 6 weeks old this girl has done it since she was a few weeks old. Baby 2 and 3 not till over a yr old. But you could do bath at x time, warm bottle after and cuddles or whatever and put in bed at x time. Not saying g it’ll work but it might. Qnd also there’s a sleep regression during this leap. (My kid will be on the 11th about to hit leap 3)
Babies are born with their nights and days backwards. Exposure to light during the day and darkness at night is crucial for setting up their circadian rhythm. Also create a solid bedtime routine that you can repeat every single night.
Sometimes (if possible) trying to make sure they get some natural sunlight during the daytime! It’s a natural way to try to tell their little bodies it’s awake time/day time.
Also if you happen to be breastfeeding/bottle feeding breast milk try to be sure to give am milk to the baby in the am and pm milk in the pm. The body naturally produces healthy stuff for the am/pm accordingly.
3 months is definitely not too young to have on a schedule lol, you have to have “wake windows” only nap during certain times and keep awake. For example my 8 month old takes 2-3 naps a day. Wakes up around 7, lays down around 9-10, sometimes again around 12-1, and down again around 3 depending how long he napped for. He is not allowed to sleep after 5p then he goes to bed around 6:30-7 every night and sleeps 12 hours. He’s slept all night for a longggg time
Sorry but it’s the other way around she’ll put you on a sleep schedule
With my daughter I kept her up during the day (with about 3-4 naps during the day) by tummy time, playing, I even sat her in the walker with pillows and blankets underneath so she could sit up and not be laying all the time. After her night bottle and it got to around 6-7 pm I did quiet time and lowered the tv and shut the lights to calm her down and know it’s bedtime. It worked for me and she’d sleep well but maybe I just got lucky. I plan on doing the same for my second coming in a few months.
They’re “normal” is whenever tf they want to sleep
Three months is still the fourth trimester. Look it up if you’re not familiar with it. Way too young to expect that poor lil babe to be on a sleep schedule
Really LMFAO. 3 months old, a baby, newborn. 3 months old. You are unrealistic and have ocd over a baby sleep schedule.
Fast forward until they’re 3 years old.
Sounds like he’s got night and day mixed up my little one was the same now he’s awake all day and sleeps all night he’s 11 weeks old highly recommend sleep training worked wonders for me he goes down now between 9 and 10 till 7 or 8 anyone that says they won’t they will babies understand sleep by the time their 8 weeks old
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Try keeping babe more awake during the day