My 19-month-old has always been a great sleeper. At 7 pm on the dot, we’d put her to bed, and she’d go right to sleep. Now recently, she fights it, we finally get her in bed around 8, and she cries for about a minute or two before she finally settles. Now for about two or so weeks, she wakes up in the middle of the night around 12 or sometimes 3, or 2 in changes; last night it was 11:30, and she will not go back to sleep unless I go get her and put her in our bed. What’s with the sleep change all of a sudden? I’m tired of getting woken up every night when she used to sleep all night w/o an issue.
Teething tends to occur at this time.
Might be 18 month sleep regression!
If she is still having 2 naps a day try reducing it to one or if she is having one nap try reducing it by 45 mins xx
Ur tired of getting woken up?? Girl my 7 month old sleeps all night and I’m still up every 30-40 min checking on him🤣 how can u say ur tired of getting woken up?? Thats your child and if the baby is waking up fussy then baby wants and needs mommy
Kids tend to get a lot more clingy when they are able to walk. It’s a nature thing so babies didn’t wander off. (Kind of like how we never fully fall asleep again after giving birth😂). Is she walking yet?
Sleep regression is a real thing. After trying other methods, what ended up working best for us was to let him cry it out. It’s not easy, but eventually they stop. He cried because he knew we’d come get him. Once we stopped, so did he.
wait till she’s 4 and still not sleeping in her bed, just “because”
Right on time for sleep regression. It’s normal. You just have to adjust their sleeping schedule. Usually it’s a sign they need fewer or shorter naps. My 2 year old no longer naps at all (despite me desperately trying to hang onto that little bit if me time). I finally conceded when he was fighting bedtime and waking up frequently. Got rid of his nap and right back to his regular bedtime. 9pm to about 8am every day.
It’s getting older it might need a slightly later bedtime 8 /9. My 8 month old goes to bed at 11 pm wakes up at 5 am for a bottle and diaper change then sleeps until 9 am.
Welcome to motherhood
1st time in your bed was a mistake. Put a bed you can lay in in her room,
This is really normal, as others have said try losing a nap in the day. Other than that it’s just one of those things that happens with kids, it’ll pass just hang in there x
When you find out let me know.
My daughter is 4 going on 5 and she still wakes up probably twice a night.
And of I’m lucky she’ll fall back asleep.
If not, we’re up ALLLLLL the way until bedtime the next night
My kids are 11 9 5 and 4 and they still don’t sleep
Around that age we started doing 730/8 for my son. He still had some night wake ups - we’d leave a snack after he went to sleep and he’d eat and go back to bed - seemed like sleep regression and a growth spurt.
Might be having bad dreams
It happens… just keep trying with the process. Whatever works to get her to sleep do it for a little while. Eventually she will go to sleep again on her own and stay asleep. 3 kids later I’ve learned you work with what works for them. But don’t give up on the ultimate goal of them sleeping in their own space on their own
I still get up in the middle of the night check on all three of my kids and their 21 9 and 8 and I even checked on my fur baby and she’s 4 years old how can you say something like that I even checked on him when there were still little I don’t even wear sleeping in my own bed I would still check on it but now I get up and check on him because none of them sleep in my bed anymore I’m just a mom and I worry about my kids try reading to her or letting her sleep with the TV or something on
It could be due to a growth spurt. My son is doing the same thing and time change doesn’t help moms at all
Yikes Most mothers don’t even get the luxury of babies or toddlers sleeping through the night much less be able to complain about it. Sorry but that’s part of motherhood, and it’s not going to change any time soon.
There could be a few reasons for the change. Teething, growth spurts and sleep regression are very common causes. Keep with the process and if they are taking naps during the day, try to lose one. That helped a lot as my 2 boys got older, but of course every child is different.
Best of luck.
Has it been since we which to Day saving time. Also stroms have been around the pressure have been changing it affects the kids that are feel the changes. Try warm bath with a little Lavender bath oil. Read a story before turning lights out. If it is still light maybe no go, give her a small snack peanut cracker, yogurt, cookie, small piece of fruit Or cheese
Something without a lot of sugar, and not allergic to. Since you want her in bed at 7 start all your probed stuff at 7 when it is still light by 8 when it is dark. She should be ready. You can use melatonin 3 to 5 mg. Works on most kids, very few react to it and will make them stay up. My mom had 6 kids she used to say ever Day light save time charge was a nightmare. Autistic kids react to pressure changes, so do some kids that have nothing wrong with them, when they are going to grow, hurt/lower sugar right before bed. I have 7 children 70 foster and 9 grandchildren. Several with Autism, or other disabilities. Make bed time fun but calm a place she wants to go to. Cutting nap time may help but at that age you need the rest to. If she doesn’t want to sleep let her go to her room and stay there for a set time at nap time. Doesn’t have to sleep she just has to stay in her room.
My son will be 19 mths old n he has done this n now he’s up almost all night every night screaming n crying he’s getting 3 more teeth at once n I believe this is his reason
Called been a mum with a toddler there’s no how to make them sleep , my youngest is nearly 4 and sometimes only sleeps 4 hours a night for a 19 month old she possible teething , nightmare , growth sprout so less naps later bed time supper before bed so full belly
well good luck with that “I’m tired of getting woken up every night” part cause with parenthood u actually really don’t get much sleep. Put her to bed at 8 instead of 7 reduce a nap. Give her a filling snack before bed. And the sleep changes happen cause she’s a growing child. It happens
My daughter does when she has bad dreams
Usually if she dreams about the dog attack
Hate to break it to ya but you’re not going to get sleep for probably 14 more years.
I put my niece in a car seat and sat her on the dryer while I washed and folded clothes. Didn’t leave her but it worked every time.
She may be taking to long of a nap or the nap is too late in the day. If she is taking naps?
You hit the seperation anxiety phase. Do some reading on it, it’s a real thing in that age frame. Both of my son’s went through it also. It will be fine, give her time!
Its called sleep regression n its normal!
Put baby out side daily in the fresh air, for a few hours, let him run n play with their toys, before bed time, take him for a walk around the block, it helped my kids, if it’s chilly outside, put a sweater on, cool breeze does wonders
Welcome to momma hood!!! Let me just say u got blessed she slept thro the night before none of my 3 slept a whole night till 2 n believe me sleep deprived is real