Anyone else have a baby that is hard to burp? Are there tricks to this? She is very stubborn when it comes to burping
Use a bit of firm pressure & rub in circles on her back while lightly bouncing her belly up & down against your chest. Works every time with my grandsons.
I would lay my daughter across my knees, belly down, and gently roll her back and forth. Worked every time for me
Alternate between patting her back and massaging it.
I laid my baby on my legs and slowly sat her up and they’d come out
Lay baby belly across your legs and pat firmly on back worked Everytime with my babies
Hold her up under her arms and gently wiggle her bottom half, someone can help you by holding while you do her legs ,just side to side or light twist left to right
Rub there back in circler motion then pat… work it out
Pat firmlly 2 times at top and 2 times towards bottom and 3 times in the middle. Learned it from Mickey mouse club house, when my daughtwr was little, worked like a charm!
I always held them sitting up on my lap, with my hand on the chest also holding underneath by the chin, lean forward and patt their backs.
Rub her back in between pats
Lay her over your shoulder and her belly will push up against u and while yr patting she should burn and maybe not even have to pat
Adding to everything-focus more on the left side because that’s where the stomach is!
My daughter major of the time only burps with gravity , so we feed her sitting down and then try to burp her if nothing he stand up and it’s usually immediate that she burps, rubbing from bottom to top helps to push it out sometimes, also holding a different way may help. When all my kids were babies I would hold their jar area, it would be easier to explain if you watch a YouTube video but you hold them on their jaw like and then burp it takes the pressure off their chest.
Pat baby’s back starting from the lower part and work your way up the back then when you get to the top start back at the bottom of the back and pat your way back up repeat until burps have come out.
YouTube has a great deal of videos. Several techniques.
Have her sitting on your lap and holding her head with one hand and patting her on the back with the other. Putting her across your lap and pat her back.
Rub her sides up and down it helps get the air up
Maybe she doesn’t need to burp??
Lay baby across your knees. Rub up and down with little pressure and pat. Always worked for my daughter that was extremely hard to get to burp.
Babies can’t be stubborn,she’s not trying to stop herself from burping.
I used to tickle my babies backs just run my finger tips up there back and they would wiggle their bodies and never failed they would burp.
Sometimes I have a hard time getting babies to burp but I just move them (either sit/lay them down or change sides) and the moving usually gets them to burps. Always worked with my child.
Make sure knees are bent and lay baby across your lap( very carefully) and pat back. Or Use your shoulder to hold the baby against but make sure their knees are bent. Helps release gas bubbles in their tummy
Sit her up as straight as you can. And keep her straight and lean her to the left. Almost always worked on mine!
I used to have to burp my siblings on their bellies on my legs. So support their head and then lay them across my lap and it seemed the pressure worked best for them.
Gripe water will help
I switched taps from back to upper back to side it helped a lot. The side like almost near the armpit by the tips some gentle pats right there helped
I always tried on my shoulder but if they wouldn’t I would set them on my lap and pat their backs
I straighten my daughters back and she burps almost straight away.
Okay so it’s weird but it worked we saw it while watching Mickey mouse.
Top top bottom bottom middle middle middle.
Top of back bottom of back just above butt then middle of back
My son is 8 months old and he usually burps on his own.
Look up magic burping
Stubborn or you doing it wrong ?
No matter what advice you get it’s going to take time to learn what works best for your baby. However, here’s what I did with my kids. When my girls were babies and they had gas bubbles that were trapped which made them hard to burp I’d lay them on my lap rub their bellies in a circular motion, then I’d turn them over on their bellies and rub their backs while gently bouncing them on my legs. If that didn’t work I’d rub their bellies again then hold them up to my chest, rub their back and then pat their back.
Sit them up comfortably and let them adjust and relax, usually a burp will always follow. Sometimes patting their back and moving them around a lot tenses up their body. Move their body in a large circle, sit them up let them relax their back, always worked for my babies.
Gripe water woodwards
I feel like I’m the only one who never really burped. Maybe for the first month or two, otherwise, I never worried about it.
Straighten her back while resting your hand under her chin works wonders
Depends on how she’s fed…NOT ALL BABIES NEED TO BE BURPED
Lay baby on back and bring legs up to chest
Rub her back up and down and then pat to burp. Hold her under her arms and swing her back and forth gently, let her tummy and legs hang and that usually helps move the gas
Like someone else said… straighten their back, chin in between thumb and Pointer holding up her face. And just lightly bounce on knee while patting back. Also I would let my baby slouch in this position… as soon as I would straighten his back… a burp would follow. Or if you tickle their lower back by running your finger tips along their back. It’ll make them wiggle around which activates their muscles in their mid section and that always works too.
I rarely had to burp my bf babies… or they just did it on their own without fussiness beforehand so it was unexpected. I wouldn’t worry about it too much if they don’t seem uncomfortable.
Try laying baby face down over Ur knees and gently lift Ur heel one at a time of the ground keeping toes on the floor while tapping on bubs back. Ive had 4 babies an all 4 were next to impossible to burp full know ur struggles could even try sitting bub on one knee and holding them securely under the chin, arms and back with them slightly leaned back while tapping your heel on the floor. Hope all this makes sense lol xx
Lean baby back and forward to get the air up and then pat to get the air out
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A question probably better answered at your local health clinic
Sit up straight cuddled into you. Gently bounce your knee. Works wonders
l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18137 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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