How to get baby to latch?

So I started off as pumping and trying to get my baby to latch on but I have her a bottle for awhile and I still have tons of milk come out. I wanna try and have her breast feed and latch on but she just cries supper hard and won’t do it. Is there a secret I can try with her? She’s 3 months old. But loves the “breast fed” bottles.


You could try nipple shields to try and transition her maybe? I think perseverance and patience will be the way to go, slow and steady wins the race. Good luck :purple_heart:

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Do you have access to a lactation consultant through your hospital, birthing center, or OB office? You might have a strong let down response - or anything else - and the LCs can offer advice.

Good luck

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Is babe being pacefed when giving a bottle?

If not, it sounds like she’s getting frustrated because the milk isn’t coming out fast enough.

You can pump/hand express until you get a letdown, and then latch babe so it’s less work for her.

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My son was having a hard time latching until my aunt told me to kinda pinch the area around my nipple to make it flat (from side to side to fit baby’s mouth better) and we also had better luck in the football hold than across the body . He’s been latching better ever since

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Nipple shields would probably help a lot. If it’s frustration from no getting enough milk quickly though it might just take some time getting through it. She will start to enjoy the cuddles and skin to skin quickly

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It’s going to be really rough to get her to last home but it’s possible. Just keep offering her the breast first and nipple shields might help. Perseverance is key.

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You can have a lactation consultant come to your home. They’ll give you the correct size nipple shield and show you how to use it. My daughter never latched but they used a syringe to put milk in the shield to get her eating. Your little is used to getting milk right away from the bottle but your breast takes a minute before let down. May want to pump for a minute before you try to latch them.

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