How to get baby to self soothe?

My four month old has developed a new habit of needing to be walked to sleep when it comes to naps and bedtime. I didn’t think he would be so dependant on it, and now I need a new method. My back has been killing me since I’ve been doing it for almost 3 weeks. During those 3 weeks I’ve also tried different methods like putting him in his crib with music, rocking chair, vibrating chair, singing to him, and now I don’t know what other options there are. Edit : I’ve when I put him down at any point, he will cry till I pick him up. He’s very much a mama’s boy and wants mama’s attention 24/7 and is fussy if he doesn’t get it. Help!


Pick a method, rocking chair, music, etc., and stick with it. He’s so small, hes not gonna learn right off the bat. If walking him is too much, sit with him in a chair, and do it consistently. He’ll eventually catch on. I had to do that with my baby when he was newborn. He cried for a little bit, but by day 3, he figured out that we were gonna rock to sleep, and it got better.

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Rock him! I rocked my son until he was 4 and now lay in his toddler bed with him until he falls asleep (he’s 5) they grow too fast and I miss the rocking stage so much.:heart:


My munchkin is currently 2 and I still rock her to sleep (then put her in her crib). It’s our time. It won’t last forever she was about a year when she started going into her crib. We coslept because it was so much easier when nursing before that.


read a book - aloud to baby…bore him
\to sleep!

I cuddled with my almost 3 year old on the couch while watching a movie until he turned 2.
Since I’ve had my youngest, my youngest as to be nursed to sleep or put on my chest. Once he’s asleep for a while I put him in his bed.

Rock him I still do with my 2and half year old just remember mama they’re only little once my oldest is now 9 they grow up fast

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If he is fed, clean and dry, rock him because that will be easiest on your back or whatever you choose as long as you are comfortable. The first time, I guarantee he will cry because you changed his routine. Think calming thoughts as he can sense your frustration. Stick with it, eventually, he’ll figure it out. Take care of your back, you’re only issued one!!!

You are his world… Of COURSE he wants your attention 24/7. Cherish it. Being a mom is, a lot of times, about sacrifice. I will gladly sacrifice my comfort for any of my children. My youngest (of 4 children) turned 3 in March and still breastfeeds at bedtime and we cosleep. Always have.
As absolutely draining as parenting can be, I wouldn’t change anything for the world.


My son is 1 will be 2 in September and I have to be present in the room with his lullabies on the TV playing for him to sleep

I wasn’t a great at sleep training like we hardly had a schedule kinda a bedtime routine however I put on classical when he was sleeping as a baby so now he is more likely to fall asleep when I play classical music I’m the mother of a 5 almost 6 year old boy still works to this day and I don’t know exactly when we started doing it like how old he was plus we learned libraries are great for renting music

Sounds like you are proud to say he is a
Mama’s Boy.
Put him in the crib, nice calming music and let him cry himself to sleep. You created this now you have to correct it.
He will go to sleep. You are the one that does not want to hear the crying. It will only take a few days for him to realize that he is no longer in control of the situation.
You are the adult. Learn from this and don’t make the same mistake in the future.
Children learn very quickly how to manipulate Mom and Dad.


The baby I sit has gone through about 5 different ways in which she will fall asleep. Try bouncing while you sit… Ita her ffavorite right now, knock on wood, bc its also my favorite.

I went from walking (got dangerous) switched to singing/rocking poor child :joy:

My daughter would let me put her in a swing (she didn’t like the low setting :joy::rofl::joy:) I always monitored her to make sure she was ok.

If he’s just crying for attention let him cry. He will be okay


Swaddle in something that smells like you.

There is no reason to let a baby cry it out.
A 4mo baby can not manipulate you.
It needs comfort. These phases are so short, take it all in. I remember the days of backaches with our kids. It didn’t last very long.


Welcome to motherhood

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Sorry I usually napped with her on my bed.


Enjoy it. My 4 year old dont even want to snuggle anymore. At least my 2 year old will occasionally.

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Put him in the pram/stroller & walk

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Please, mama do not let a 4 month old cry it out. Do not take that advice. You are all he knows. The sound of your voice, the sound of your beating heart, and warmth of your skin. He knows your smell. You are his mommy. I know it’s so hard, especially when they don’t sleep. Mom of a 17 month old who currently keeps me up all night and has from day one! And I still try to cherish it all, every snuggle. I have back problems so I understand having physical pain from holding him. I would sit on the edge of the couch and just bounce my legs and eventually I think it kinda tricked him and i wouldn’t have to walk him around anymore. Good luck to you :heart:


Have you tried propping him with pillows or you can fill a glove with rice and tie it and put it on him while he sleeps it gives them the illusion that someone is holding or touching them… it could just be separation anxiety in which case these options really help

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My daughter used to be rocked to sleep, the only thing that worked for me, was laying her down with me and having my Arm around her, but I will say she got so used to it that now she sleeps in my bed… but she’s also now a year and a half

You need him to developed some indepence. If he cries when you put him down the first time pick him up see if he has to burn and check his diaper. If everything is ok lay him back down and tell him it’s time for bed and lay him back down.If he cries again just go to him, rub his belly for a couple of seconds and tell him it’s bed time and then is he cries let him cry himself to sleep. You need to break this habit of spoiling him at an early age. He needs lie down and go to sleep.


I cuddle my almost 2 year old to sleep every night :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart: he goes right into his crib once he falls asleep.

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I did the same thing too at first. It was suggested to me to put him in a stroller. So I did and just would sit down and push him back and forth. It worked.

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When my boy did this I began to let him cry it out (too an extent)
If I was certain he was full, had a clean nappy, burped, not in pain or uncomfortable, then I would leave him in his or my bed to cry it out. I’d leave the room and check every 10-15 minutes or so and talk to him so he knew I was still there, if he was in my bed he slept much better (probably because it smelt like me) so if he was in his own I would leave a blanket of his that smelt like me with him, he found it comforting.
It only took a couple of days for him to adjust and he’s been an amazing sleeper since.

I held my son. No matter if my back hurt or not. I am glad i did because my son is now 10 months and doesnt like to cuddle at all

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My daughter is the same way. And I’ll either try rocking her or put her in her swing instead

He’s a baby. It’s what they do

Hey he is only little once enjoy it cuddle time is the best and he fills secure in your arms he will out grow it so just enjoy it right now

Dealing with the same out of my 4 mo old grandson, my poor daughter is exhausted.
First & foremost, have your baby checked for pneumonia. My grandson & God-Grandson both had pneumonia, doctors said can sometimes be side effect of vaccinations, & this awful weather we’ve been having. It will make baby not want to be laid down flat…at all. We now have to prop my grandson up on his moms bed with 2 pillows behind him to get him to sleep without being held, & even then its a struggle for him to stay sleeping, & his case was very mild!

Does he have reflux? Babies who scream when laying down sometimes have reflux and that’s why

We have been rocking our daughter to sleep since birth she is now 15 months? Do our backs get sore yes. But it’s for such a short time of their lives. They won’t need it forever