How to get baby to sleep at night?

Fan Question


My son is 8 weeks old and is confused about his days and nights. He sleeps all day and is up from around 10pm till 2am. I don’t know how to fix this because I’m a new mom. I try keep him awake during the day as long as I can and put him for his naps once he starts getting fussy but he won’t stay awake during the day for longer then 40 mins. His naps during the day are 3 to 4 hours long but at night only 2 hours. Can I wake him during the day so he doesn’t nap for so long in hopes that he naps longer at night instead of the day? Thanks mommas. I appreciate the help. Please no rude comments.


My sister had the same problem with her son. She and our mother decided to “flip” him. Holding him in midair and flipping the infant, carefully (head over heels). It actually worked. His sleeping habits changed.


Keep your baby up during the day time maybe a hour or two then let him nap again keep waking him up

Maybe give hour naps throughout the day or gradually shorten the naps at night don’t turn any lights on unless u have to maybe get a night light so u can see but not wake baby up more. I don’t speak don’t make eye contact or anything with my son at night he’s gradually getting back into routine. Did the same with my eldest when he was a baby

Ive tried to wake a baby and never had any luck.when they want to sleep nothing can wake them

Babies need to learn the difference by keeping open the curtains during the day and then placing baby in a dark room to sleep and once it’s bedtime keep the room dark,no lights,tv just a dark room. They can’t regulate there melatonin levels themselves at that age. But in saying that my daughter went through this stage where her sleeps went out of whack but it got better

You could try to wake him up every 2 hours during the day, feed him less at a time but more often throughout the day so he wakes up more and then feed him more when it’s bedtime. Also, make sure that every morning you start off by taking him into a room with lots of natural light, change his clothes brush his hair, play etc. have a specific morning routine that helps him know it’s morning. Also make sure that during the day when he naps it’s in a brighter room so he starts to understand it’s a nap and not bed time. At night keep him in a dark room and try to develop a specific bedtime routine that’s different from morning.


I have two boys (18 months apart) always wakes them through the day so they’d sleep on a night…and from three months i had them pretty much sleeping through. YES… Wake them up through the day. It’s just getting them into routine. My boys are now 3yrs old and 1 & half… They go to sleep at 7pm and don’t wake up till 7am (give it take the odd bad night)

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If sleeping to long on naps wake him up every so often and before bed let him drink more milk than usual it could be that he’s hungry and not full enough to sleep through the night

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I have 4 boys an my youngest is 6 months. At that age they kinda just do their own thing but 2 months is not to early to start training their body to your sleep scheadule. Keep it dark an quiet for night time. An your baby will start staying awake more on his own within the next few weeks you will start seeing a diffrence, just keep your scheadule routine so he will learn it

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He’s 2 months old are you serious? Thats part of being a parent. Get used to it. Their sleep patterns don’t officially even out until 3 or 4.


Oh he’s not confused lol. They just like to do this sometimes. You can sit down and snuggle with him on your chest in a dark room, that will help

My son was like that at 6 weeks and now at 8 weeks hes more awake during the day and asleep for 4-6 hrs at a time during night. All we did is change how we are putting him to sleep. At night hes in the dark, he gets fed, and he rock him to sleep. During the day we put him to sleep elsewhere (supervised). So he knows when hes getting put to sleep rather than napping. Not sure if that’s why, but that’s the only thing we changed.

Get him in that sunshine mama. When my boy was brand new we spent lots of time outdoors. Also made sure the house was bright during the day, including nap time. When its night time keep it dark of course. Dim night light if any, get a red light bulb for late night diaper changes. Good luck💋 But then again… I swear my baby came with batteries even at 2 1/2 hes just so awesome #humblebrag

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12 to 16 weeks and hopefully your baby will start to self regulate, but no stimulation after going down for the night. He might start with feed at midnight and sleep to morning then gradually pull it back to 8 pm or whatever times work for you. I never heard of the flipping but worth a try. Good luck.:four_leaf_clover::shamrock:

There is a ole wifes tale. That i did with my middle son and it worked like a damn charm. Give him, his night bottle and then give him a bath get his little butt dressed and lay him on the bed you stand at his feet. Flip him head over heals twice until he is looking at you again. My son slept 8 hours for night i did it. I will forever live by that.

Get a feeder and buy some baby ceral and make 2oz with formula or breast milk and he/ she should sleep though the night I did it with my four kids and if you don’t have a feeder get a nipple with a wide hole and give it that way in a regular bottle

Oh and my kids never slept good is it wasn’t pitch black for them. Curtains. Try sound machines fan noise something those all helped my 2 girls