How to get baby to sleep in their own bed?

Needing advice about getting 14 month old to sleep in their own bed.

Ok mamas this is me desperately asking for help, I know I created the problem. My son has slept in bed with me from day #1. He’s 14 months old now, and some nights he will be up until 11 p.m and still wake up at 7, and like last night he fought sleep so hard. He was up until midnight. Is it too late for me to get him in his crib? What should I do :sob: I hate getting so frustrated at night.


I co slept with my oldest daughter for 3 years… it took me 2 months for her to be comfortable to sleep in her own room. Itll be hard but the only advice I can give is, stay consistent. If he wakes up, do not bring him to your bed no matter how tired you are… have to stay firm.


Start with naps during the day, and work him into his crib for night. Its a process but its not too late to transition.


At 14 months you may want to try a toddler bed. My kids climbed out of the crib by the time they were 9/10 months old and my son actually got hurt doing it. They were all i toddler beds by the time they were 1 and after a week or 2 stayed there

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Repetition will be key. It might be a long road but reinforcing sleeping in his own will be your best key. Do not give in even for a night or he will never grasp it. You can stay with him while he falls asleep and pat his back or something but do not lay with him


Repetition. Stay with it. Even though it seems impossible. Make sure they’re good and tired around bed time. And lay them down. Shut the door and walk away. They will fight it but they’ll be okay. And eventually he’ll fall asleep.


I’ve never co slept with my kids but I did have this problem when I switched them from cribs to toddler beds. Someone else said it best. You have to be consistent, never give in. I would fall asleep in their room floor if that’s what it took but I never let them come to mine. Create a night time routine in their room and stay with them until their comfortable on their own. It’s going to be challenging but you will eventually get your room and bed back and be thankful you did it. Best of luck!!

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Maybe let him pick out a bed of his own that he can get excited about. You might have to pull out all the bells and whistle‘s but it may just work. Good luck, Mama!!! Don’t be too hard on yourself.

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Put him in and leave him alone

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Try the sidecar method by attaching the crib next to your bed, and that way you both have your own space. The lack of nighttime sleep might be due to other factors during the day, like needing to drop a nap, not enough solids, etc.

Biologically Normal Infant Sleep is a pro co-sleeping group for anyone who is having sleep issues with their baby.

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With my first born, she never used her crib a single day because as soon as I put her in it she woke up, so we just co slept. At 15 months she was potty trained and I got her a toddler bed, that is how we transitioned. It was not too terrible.

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It’s not too late! It will take three days of crying but it’s not too late! Just put him in it the first night will be the worst by far, but the second will be better and by the third you’ll miss him in your bed! But once he’s out don’t confuse him by giving in sometimes repetition is key! Good luck!


My son will be a year old on Saturday and hes coslept with us since day 1 and HATED his crib if we ever tried to get him to sleep in it so I got him a big boy bed and put it right next to mine, he sleeps on it every night!

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Routine and tire them out during the day. Make sure they get enough exercise to get tired at night.

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